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Chapter 1092 Take one step back

Chapter 1092

Da Liang's seemingly calm tone was tinged with threats. He stated with a very firm attitude that the Five-Color Banner Alliance and Shangjiang City would never make any concessions to the Bauhinia City during the celebration.

And since the troops of Bauhinia City have already entered Rio de Janeiro, for the sake of the prestige of the number one main city in the Magical Realm, they will not withdraw from here if they are threatened casually.

Bavaria also said very clearly: "We are too indulgent for you to go to Jiangcheng. In are challenging our bottom line step by step.

This time you don't think that we will continue to make concessions.

Whatever you want to do in Rio de Janeiro, let us see it. "

Bavaria and Da Liang confront each other in talks, and it seems that the two armies are about to fight here.

King Duolun hurriedly eased the atmosphere and said, "You two... what we are preparing is a celebration. The Five-Color Flag Alliance, the Bauhinia City, and the City of Rio de Janeiro are far from conflicts that require war to resolve.

I think that if there is any misunderstanding, it is entirely possible to negotiate a result that satisfies everyone.

Lord Bavaria... Lord Bella is going to descend on the city of Rio de Janeiro. It must be inappropriate for you to let the troops of Shangjiang City leave the city.

Duke Daliang...the army sent by your Five-Color Banner Alliance to participate in the celebration this time is a bit too much.Although you have no other intentions, it also makes Bauhinia Flower City tense.

I withdraw your respective armies from Rio de Janeiro City, and Shangjiang City can keep a part of the guard of honor to welcome Lord Sacred Bella.And the work of the entire escort ceremony will be handed over to our army in Rio de Janeiro,

This is what we were supposed to do…”

"I agree with the method proposed by His Majesty." Da Liang immediately expressed his attitude, giving King Duolun enough face, and then said to Bavaria: "The city of Rio de Janeiro is the organizer of this celebration and the owner of this place. We will make such a
Putting many troops in other people's cities is really disrespectful to His Majesty.

I am willing to withdraw all our troops from Rio... only the necessary guard of honor.

This is our biggest concession.

Lord you also send your troops out of the city? "

Looking at Da Liang and King Duolun, Bavaria just wanted to slap the table and scold them for their shamelessness.

Now anyone can tell that Rio de Janeiro City and Shangjiang City are wearing a pair of trousers, conspiring to assassinate Bauhinia City.Your troops from Shangjiang City leave the city, let the troops from Rio de Janeiro City be responsible for the guards of the celebration...

This is no different from the army of Shangjiang City in the city. The purpose of the Bauhinia Flower City is to see what tricks the two cities are going to play inside the city, and what can they see when they go out of the city?
But on the surface, Shangjiang has indeed made a lot of concessions. If he continues to be tough... then he really can only fight against the Five-color Banner Alliance.

But Bavaria was extremely unwilling to withdraw from Rio. He said: "If Shangjiang's army withdraws from Rio, then we can also withdraw most of our troops here. But in order to protect the Bauhinia City here Heavy

I need personnel and facilities, and I want to keep a small amount of military force to stay in the city as a guard force.

I guarantee that the number of this army will never exceed 100.And I asked Shangjiang to stay in the guard of honor in Rio City, there should be no more than 13 creatures above the 10th level, including the 13th level. "

Based on the current situation, Bavaria made a decision that is most beneficial to itself.

No matter what troubles Shangjiang City and Rio de Janeiro City plan to cause during the celebration tomorrow, 95 golden dragons and 5 elf envoys are enough to deal with various complicated situations.Even if the Holy Bella personally takes action at that time, such a military force will not be enough.
Can persist until the arrival of reinforcements in Bauhinia City.

King Duolun knew that the one hundred troops that Bavaria spoke of must be an army composed of golden dragons and elf envoys, and these forces could still threaten tomorrow's gold coin exchange.

But when King Duolun wanted to reduce the military strength of Bauhinia Flower City, Da Liang said first: "Let's do it this way, anyway, we do things in an upright manner, and we are not afraid of your surveillance.

However, I still hope that the Bauhinia Flower City will do something to avoid the arrival of the holy Lord Bella, so as not to let your dragons run wild in front of the Lord. "

Bavaria didn't expect that Da Liang had guessed that the troops he left in the city were all giant dragons, and he still looked so relaxed.

Could it be... did I guess wrong?
Are Shangjiang and Rio de Janeiro really just business ties?

The simultaneous concessions made by Shangjiang City and Bauhinia City have effectively eased the tense situation in Rio de Janeiro. The armies of both sides quickly withdrew from the city and set up military camps at close range under mutual supervision.

, closely guard against possible hostile actions by the other side.

Da Liang placed Zilong and Crystal Dragon in the barracks outside the city.Facing more than 20 15th-rank dragons, Bavaria did not dare to take it lightly. He cut down the five elf envoys who were going to be placed in the city of Rio again.
The number of elves in the barracks outside the city increased to 18.And he took two other elf envoys and 98 golden dragons to station in the city, preparing to guard against possible emergencies in tomorrow's celebration.

When Bavaria dispatched its own army, it also closely monitored every move of the Five Colored Banner Alliance army.

The Five-Color Flag Alliance did not leave excessive troops in the city of Rio.

A guard of honor consisting of about 3000 basic human units, eight archangels, and two... tier 15 dragons with special shapes.

In terms of overall strength, the army in Shangjiang City is weaker than the army in Bauhinia City.

It stands to reason that Bavaria, which has an absolute advantage in Rio City, should feel at ease, but he always feels that something will happen at tomorrow's celebration.

Because Duke Daliang of Shangjiang City always gave himself a very dangerous feeling.Moreover, based on past contact, the Duke of Shangjiang is a very sharp-edged human race, so how could he compromise so easily... Looking at himself in Rio

There are so many golden dragons placed in the city?

Bavaria couldn't figure out what Da Liang was going to do, and what Shangjiang City and Rio de Janeiro City were planning.

Night comes.

The confronting armies withdrew from the city, and the lively atmosphere in Rio City resumed, and the brilliance emitted from the magic towers all over the city illuminated the sky.

Music is flowing on every street, the elves have already started the carnival before the celebration, and even the players have stopped their tasks to mix with the crowd to enjoy the alternative fun in the game besides upgrading.

On the other hand, Da Liang stayed in his Lord's Mansion, while making the final arrangements for tomorrow's celebration process, while paying attention to the war that was breaking out in Songjiang City.

(End of this chapter)

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