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Chapter 1093 Songjiang War

Chapter 1093 Songjiang War
Monica's mood fluctuated too much in her attitude towards Abigail.She thinks that she is better than Abigail in all aspects. Apart from the vicious means of fighting for power, her mother is rotten and useless in other aspects.

If Da Liang hadn't given her a city, she would still be wandering deep underground with a defeated and dilapidated tribe, worrying about survival.

Now Monica is here to compete for the position of mistress, and she holds the most elite army of the Black Fire Territory in her hands.One victory after another has made the soldiers in this army all advanced arms, and the proportion of grassroots command heroes is also very high.

In terms of the number and fighting power of the ultimate creatures, it has an overwhelming victory.

And what does Abigail have?
A decaying city, a bubble-like army, seems huge, but after being punctured, it is just a little bit.

Monica is very confident in this attack on Songjiang City.

In fact, the beginning went very well.

After the expansion of the passageway was completed, and after the logistics supplies were sufficient, Monica led the army of Black Fire to rush out from the hidden cave, and then swept across the underground world around Songjiang.

The Red Copper Cavalry, who attacked first, raided the resource mines and strongholds of the black elves, and announced to the entire underground world that this war was a battle for the mistress of Songjiang City.It shows that Monica has a legal identity recognized by the Dark Dragon, and is eligible to challenge Abigail and obtain ownership of Songjiang City.

In a short period of time, all the black elves in the Songjiang area knew of Monica's arrival, her identity, and her purpose for coming.

Then before they made a choice, a powerful army seemed to appear underground in an instant, attacking everywhere, and seizing important cave connection passages.

The roar of the dragon echoed in the dark underground world, the crowing of the griffin, and the war drum of the human race shook the hearts of every defender of Songjiang City.Songjiang's army was defeated again and again, and the black elves fled to Songjiang City in a panic.

Knowing the terrain well, the cooperation of the flying army and cavalry under the Black Fire Leader achieved the effect of a blitzkrieg.

Monica commanded the army to complete the occupation of strategic locations as quickly as possible, wave after wave of offensives did not give the Songjiang Black Elves time to organize defenses on the spot, and drove them towards Songjiang City like a flock of sheep .

Then Monica planted her handsome flag on the rocky beach outside Songjiang City.

And released Pegasus knights and griffins to fly close to the top of Songjiang City, provoking and demonstrating against Abigail in the city, and at the same time sprinkled leaflets into the city.

On the leaflet, Monica accused Abigail of treachery as a contender for the mistress, tore up the "Agreement on Peaceful Coexistence of the Black Elf Tribe" made by the Duke of Daliang, and annexed the Black Elf tribe who came to seek refuge.Contrary to the rights granted to the black elves by the Dragon of Darkness, what they have done is "a complete snake faction", and they are not qualified to lead the black elves group of the Faceless Men faction.

Monica promised that if she could become the mistress of the Songjiang Black Elves, she would invite the Supreme Angel Holy Bella, King Joyce, and Duke Daliang to officially sign the "Agreement on Peaceful Coexistence of the Songjiang Black Elves Tribes."In the future... the rights of all the black elf tribes living on the land of Songjiang will be protected by the laws of Shangjiang.


If the army of the black fire collar is like a heavy hammer, it can knock out the Songjiang black elves with one blow.Then this flyer is a heart-piercing arrow, directly inserted into the heart of Songjiang Black Elf.

The black elves who originally wanted to stick to Songjiang City became torn apart in an instant.

Those black elves who had been annexed began to hesitate, unable to find their own position in this war, not knowing who would win in their favor.

It seems that the gate of Songjiang City has been opened for Monica.

But Monica was really in a hurry this time...

According to the battle plan formulated at the beginning.Monica led the infantry army, siege equipment and supplies, and directly attacked Songjiang City from the middle; Kuka led an army with strong mobility, first started to clean up the surrounding caves to drive away the black elves, and then fought with Monica under Songjiang City. Join forces.

However, the smooth journey made Monica reach Songjiang one day earlier.

At this time, Monica has all the skeleton soldiers, swordsmen, archers, arson demons, magic mages, most of the blood-sucking sword guards, a small number of griffins, and Pegasus knights.

Cavalry units, ghosts and other arms are in the hands of Kuka and are moving towards Songjiang.

The ultimate creatures are Astro and his frost dragons. The 15th-level crystal dragon Qianli who was originally in the sequence was temporarily transferred to Rio by Da Liang.

This is not the best time to approach Songjiang City, but Monica arrived outside Songjiang City one day earlier in order to let Abigail experience despair one day earlier.

From her point of view... the battle plan didn't include the item of siege, and her military strength was enough to fight against the Songjiang Black Elf in the wild.What she is good at is defense, and the army she brings is a complete defense system.

It's fine for Abigail not to leave the city for a decisive battle. If she dares to lead the army out of the city, Monica will definitely make her bruise her head in front of the army she leads.

When Kuka's army happened to outflank Songjiang's army and wiped out Abigail among the chaos.

The progress of the matter was as expected by Monica. After the psychological warfare disrupted all the black elves in Songjiang City, if the Songjiang defenders did not want to collapse themselves, they had to use the fastest speed to eliminate the invading enemy.

Only by killing Monica, the dark priestess who has the right to compete for the position of mistress, will the black elves in Songjiang regroup under Abigail's authority.

Therefore... the defenders of Songjiang City left the city.

Under the leadership of Abigail, the whole army attacked the black fire leader army brought by Monica.

At this time, in the Lord's Mansion in Rio de Janeiro, Da Liang understood the situation of the entire battle through the live broadcast of the battlefield given by the Runaway Bull Head Guild.

Da Liang did not make too many comments on Monica's arrival in Songjiang City a day earlier.

After all, if Monica is in charge of this war, he can't interfere too much with the commander's decision-making.In addition, Monica first attracted the defenders of Songjiang City to attack, and then waited for Kuka to lead the army to arrive to encircle and annihilate, which is also a very good tactic.

There is no way to comment on right or wrong in any decision before the end of any war.

Sometimes an impromptu response by the general in battle can lead to a beautiful victory.

What Da Liang can do is... to watch this very important battle for him, and then wait for the start of the celebration tomorrow.

Holy Bella arrives, gold coins are exchanged.He will become a chess player and participate in this game of planes.

However, Da Liang wanted to watch the war from the audience's point of view, and he didn't hold on for too long...

Because Monica is dead, killed by Abigail!

(End of this chapter)

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