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Chapter 1174 The Army in the Darkness

Chapter 1174 The Army in the Darkness
The connecting passages of the lower caves of Obsidian City are already filled with marching Black Elf troops.

The joint battle of more than a dozen large black elf tribes was a very big test for the black elves who had never experienced a war of this scale.Moreover, in the army of the black elves, there are also a large number of heavy war equipment and alchemy devices. These weapons are divided into pieces and installed in large vehicles. The weight makes these vehicles extremely heavy on the upward road, which greatly delays The marching speed of the black elves.

The black elf, who was accustomed to running at high speed, suddenly had to fight a tough battle, and he was very uncomfortable from the beginning.

The slow march and various emergencies on the road made Ingram very busy, and at the same time he was extremely envious of the well-trained friendly forces.

According to the agreement between Ingram and Da Liang, Songjiang City sent [-] black elf troops to participate in the battle against Obsidian City. Their mission was to attack the dwarven barracks outside the city and occupy the dwarf weapon manufacturing factory.

The main force of the Songjiang black elf army is the red copper cavalry of the black fire collar, which is a mixed army mainly composed of dark cavalry.

Since the Black Fire Territory has paid great attention to the use of war equipment from the very beginning, and the ratio of war equipment and alchemy equipment in the army is very high, the army under the Black Fire Territory has very rich experience in transporting war equipment.

During the battle against Abigail, the army of the Blackfyre Territory also accumulated experience in how to transport and use war equipment in an underground environment.

As a result, although the speed of the black fire led army was not too fast, it was very smooth.Unlike Ingram's black elf army, there are often situations where vehicles squeeze together, blocking the passage and making it impossible to pass.

Originally, the journey could be completed in less than two days, but the Black Elf insisted on walking for more than ten days before advancing the army to the vicinity of Obsidian City.

Fortunately, Obsidian City's attention was focused on the riots caused by the assassins, and the black elves blocked the lower cave passages for a long time, so that Obsidian City did not realize that the war was close at hand.

Under such circumstances, Daliang's carriage was driving through the congested underground passage.

The passageway was full of black elf warriors who were on standby. They stayed in place quietly, eating barely enough food, and drinking the groundwater flowing from the cracks in the cave wall.The moss that was ubiquitous in the past has long been picked clean and has become the belly of the black elf.

In order to buy the heavy siege equipment of Songjiang City, Ingram really sold everything, broke his fortune, and emptied all his property, just for this time.

All logistics materials are only reserved for the needs during the attack on Obsidian City.

As a result, due to a misjudgment of the marching time, there was a major gap in the reserved food, but the daily food supply could only be reduced to ensure the cost of the entire war.

Living in a difficult environment for a long time, he has developed a resolute character of the black elf.All the black elf fighters didn't have any complaints. They endured hunger and sat quietly in their positions, waiting for the order to attack.

Brutal led the bear cavalry to drive the black elf fighters blocking the road to both sides of the road, so that the carriage that Da Liang was riding in could pass smoothly.

Vehicles loaded with war equipment can be seen from time to time along the way, and the black elves attach great importance to these weapons bought with a lot of money.There must be a hero unit standing next to each vehicle, and the soldiers protecting the vehicle are also advanced elite units equipped with the most sophisticated dwarf weapons.

The subterranean lizards used to pull the vehicles were given the best care, and the Black Elves would rather starve themselves than feed them.

This is a fearsome army!

A race with unlimited potential!

The carriage moved slowly through the passage, and then arrived at a small underground cave.

In this cave with a diameter of three kilometers and a height of 500 meters, the black elf filled the small space to the brim.The army here is obviously much more elite than what Da Liang just encountered, and the brand-new weapons and equipment are obviously the dwarven equipment that Da Liang has been supplying to Thorn River City during this period.

These are the most elite troops of the Ingram tribe, and they are the basis for her to rule the tribe.

When Da Liang arrived, he was summoned by Ingram immediately.

In Ingram's big tent, in the middle is a sand table model of Obsidian City and its surrounding terrain, which indicates the positions and attack directions of the various Black Elf armies.

There are also military subordinates in Obsidian City.

The black elves were very well prepared for this siege. They not only assassinated the generals of the defenders, but also spied on the specific situation of the entire Obsidian City defense system.

From this large sand table, the entire Obsidian defenders can be seen clearly, and the troops in some important locations can even be accurate to the squad.

For Obsidian City... Ingram is determined to win.

However, since the black elves had no siege experience, the entire siege strategy basically followed the siege demonstration diagram that Da Liang had drawn when he was drunk in the City of Thorns.

Ingram saw that Da Liang was paying attention to the sand table model, without any shame on her face after plagiarism, she said: "I have sent people to the creed slave exchange many times, but they were told that the Duke is not in the endless labyrinth.

We heard that the five-color flag alliance and the elves of the magic realm had friction because of the dwarf weapon problem...

Sir, if you need help from our black elves, tell me as soon as possible.I'd be happy to send an army to assist the Five-Color Banner Alliance in attacking those hypocritical elves. "

There is an irresolvable conflict between the black elves and the elves. Ingram proposed to send troops to participate in the war against the elves. It seems to be for revenge, but in fact he wants to take the opportunity to provoke an all-out war between the five-color flag alliance and the elves.In this way, she can take the opportunity to abolish the various unfair treaties signed with Da Liang, take back the benefits that were distributed, and monopolize Obsidian City.

Of course, Da Liang could see what Ingram was thinking, and he replied: "The conflict between us and the Magic Realm is nothing to worry about. In fact, the elves have sent envoys for peace talks, and I am still considering whether to cease war with the elves. ...

Presumably the mistress should have a deep understanding. It is very easy to start a war, but it is not so easy to stop the war...

I think you should put all your energy on attacking Obsidian City now, and don't worry about things beyond your ability. "

The smile on Ingram's face froze in an instant, and the alliance under the city of Thorn River once again appeared in her mind, and the signing of one treaty after another... couldn't stop at all.

At the same time, Ingram also felt the strength of the five-color flag alliance, and heard the beating in Da Liang's words, and warned himself not to have too much delusional thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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