start an archangel

Chapter 1175 Starting Gun

Chapter 1175 Starting Gun

"Your Excellency Duke is very right..." Ingram quickly adjusted his mentality, let a smile appear on his face again, and said: "The wrestling between the Magic Realm and the Five-Color Flag Alliance is indeed not something that I can participate in now. .It is my responsibility to capture Obsidian City and establish the Kingdom of the Black Elves."

Da Liang ignored the ambition revealed in Ingram's words, and said instead: "The mistress must have a detailed plan to attack Obsidian City. What I am most worried about, and the most important part of the whole battle is... how to prevent the dwarves from attacking Obsidian City. Support from Obsidian City.

How does the mistress plan to destroy the teleportation arrays of Obsidian City and Black Iron City? "

Speaking of the war in front of him, Ingram pointed to the position of the plane teleportation array in the Obsidian City model, and said: "I have arranged a death squad here, all composed of high-level black elf mages. When attacking Obsidian City, all The dark elf assassins lurking in Obsidian City will storm the gates.

When the attention of the defenders was drawn to the direction of the city gate, the death squad released a large-scale destructive magic on the plane teleportation array, destroying the magic array in one fell swoop.

According to our early investigation of the plane teleportation array, the Death Squad avoided the detection range of the plane teleportation array's detection magic.

The chances of success are still very high. "

Da Liang listened to Ingram's plan, and then said: "The probability of success is high, but it also means that there is a possibility of failure. If there is a change in the defenders temporarily stationed in the plane teleportation array; It is difficult to effectively destroy the plane teleportation array if it is discovered by the detection magic.

Once the dwarves intervene in the war in Obsidian City, there is no need for us to continue fighting, and I will suffer a lot.

Just leave it to me to destroy the plane teleportation array... Let your death squad be the second echelon. If I fail, they will go up again. "

Ingram was very curious about how Da Liang destroyed the plane teleportation array in Obsidian City. You must know that she sent the Death Squad because she had no choice but to find a loophole in the plane teleportation array's defense.If Da Liang had a way to destroy the teleportation array in Obsidian City, then the high-level black elf mages in the Death Squad could be preserved. These are precious heroes.

"Do you have a way to destroy the obsidian city plane teleportation array?"

Da Liang said: "Mistress should know... many materials in Black Iron City are purchased from the free market in Obsidian City, and my creed slave exchange is currently the largest caveman slave supplier in Black Iron City.

These slaves need to be sent to Black Iron City through the plane transmission array, and because the number of slaves is too large, the defenders of the plane transmission array will not search these lowest-level creatures carefully. "

Then Da Liang put Golden Bomb No. 1 in front of Ingram, and continued: "This is an alchemy bomb produced by my alchemy factory, stuffed into the clothes of the slaves of cavemen, it is very inconspicuous.

As long as dozens of caveman slaves carrying Golden Bomb No. 1 stand on the plane transmission array, and then detonate...


Only a part of the caveman slaves need to be killed, and all the high-ranking mage heroes of the mistress survived. "

Exchange the life of the cave man for the life of the black elf mage, of course Ingram knows how to choose: "Just follow the master's plan to blow up the plane teleportation array, and our death squad will be used as a backup."

[Task five... Investigate the plane teleportation array in Obsidian City, find a way to control and seal it. 】

【Finish! 】

[Your method of closing the teleportation array of the plane of Obsidian City has been approved by Mistress Ingram. The horn of war has already sounded from the depths of the ground, and a group of black elves is about to set off a battle of fate.

The black elf groups in other places also quickly took the final step. This is a race that has been neglected by the world and is destined to become strong.

But it's also a bumpy and long process.

Mission six... This is an important test, climb to the top of the torch tower, and let it explode with all your magic power.The strong light will weaken the strength of the underground natives and increase the morale of the black elves.

Note: Inside the torch tower is another space, only one person is allowed to enter.There are powerful monsters living inside, and only by defeating them can you go up. 】

The fifth mainline task was completed as expected by Da Liang, but the newly generated task was somewhat unexpected.

Torch Tower...

It seems that this 50-level main task has begun to draw to a close.

Da Liang looked at his level... already 62, close to 63.

The centralized settlement of several large-scale plots and epic tasks made his level grow like a rocket.And with the intensification of plane war conflicts, the progress of various plot tasks is likely to allow him to drive a fast track to gain experience.

The plot task flow that Da Liang has been insisting on has entered the feedback period. When the top players have just touched the threshold of level 50, he has already thrown off a large part of the players and started to look at level 70.

No wonder all the players are sharpening their heads to study, discover, and enter the plot. As expected, "Growing monsters is heresy, and plot is king!"

The main task showed signs of coming to an end, and the master-level skills that might be rewarded made Da Liang feel infinitely emotional.But now is not the time to analyze the main quests. He still has a lot to do in order to fight the Obsidian War completely according to his own script.

Receiving the task of destroying the obsidian city's teleportation array is equivalent to getting the starting gun for the start of the obsidian city war.Da Liang promised Ingram that the Creed Slave Exchange would send a batch of caveman slaves to Black Iron City in two days.

"The loud noise from Obsidian City is the signal to attack!"

The order to prepare for battle came from Ingram's big tent, and quickly spread within the Black Elf army.

Food and drinking water began to be distributed in sufficient quantities, and the entire army accelerated their march to Obsidian City. They must rush to the city as fast as possible while Obsidian City made a loud noise, and strive to enter Obsidian City through the captured city gate. In the city.

Ingram's army moved, and Da Liang's carriage came to another small underground cave.

This army is very different from Ingram's army.

The dark cavalry is the main force of this army, but there are also some undead troops, a royal griffin brigade, and an equal number of orc wolf knights as auxiliary soldiers, responsible for carrying and transporting the troops needed by the entire army. supplies.

This is the army from Songjiang, the main force is the red copper cavalry led by the black fire.

The trade of heavy war equipment allowed Da Liang to obtain a lot of things from Sting River City, and the logistics supplies of the Red Copper Cavalry Army were far better than Ingram's army.

It's just that the fluorescent moss along the road has been eaten up by the black elves. Although there is magic lighting provided by the army mage, the morale of the surface creatures is still somewhat low.

However, after Da Liang's arrival, various morale-boosting props and skills immediately boosted the morale of the entire army.

(End of this chapter)

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