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Chapter 1176 Cavalry Legion

Chapter 1176 Cavalry Legion
The plot mission of the kingdom of death was divided into two times and the 4000 dark knights were given to Daliang. In addition to the incorporation and daily recruitment of the church knights in the misty area, after the transformation of the evil prison, nearly 2000 people were added to the military sequence of the black fire collar War trampler.

Da Liang already had the conditions to form a cavalry army consisting of only war trampers.A super ground mobile force with super attack power, integrating attack, siege, and pursuit.

These killer cavalry in full body armor will become an invincible fist in the field.

A new main force of cavalry is being reorganized in the Boneyard, to be named the Legion of the Stompers.Da Liang selected the best cavalry heroes from the entire Black Fire Territory military sequence, and ordered them to gather at the Boneyard; at the same time, he assigned a blood-sucking sword guard to join the trampler army; and gave five frost dragons and A squadron of magical mages (heroes).

The new cavalry has the ability to cooperate in air and ground combat, and has the ability to strike strategic magic.

There are also a high proportion of supplies and auxiliary soldiers, which are being transferred from various places to the Boneyard, so that this new cavalry can form combat effectiveness as soon as possible.

The original Red Copper Cavalry Army temporarily stayed in Songjiang City under the control of Monica. Since this cavalry army was mainly composed of the dark cavalry of the black elves, it was reorganized into the Tracker Legion by Da Liang.

In Da Liang's plan, the Tracker Legion would join bear cavalry, war tramplers, human knights, griffins, wolf knights, hell dogs, hell horses, form a large-scale mixed cavalry group.Then, according to the different environments, the proportion of each cavalry unit is allocated, and they are stationed in each territory of the Black Fire Territory respectively, becoming a mobile force that can quickly reach the battlefield once a sudden battle breaks out.

Some small-scale wars can also be solved by using the Tracker Legion nearby when there is no need to use the Stomper Legion.

Because the size of the Tracker Legion is too large, and the difficulty of formation is far more than that of the Stomper Legion, so now Da Liang only relies on the original Red Copper Cavalry to reorganize a sub-legion stationed in Songjiang.

Red Copper was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the Stomper Legion and the Tracker Legion, directly under the Stomper Legion.The Tracker Legion does not have a regiment leader, but is temporarily ruled by the heroes of the territory guards, and then allocated and combined according to the needs of wartime.

In this war against Obsidian City, the Songjiang Branch of the Tracker Legion was sent into the Endless Labyrinth, and the commander was Red Copper who had not yet taken over the Trampler Legion.

When Da Liang first entered the cave, Red Copper, who had already received the news, was already waiting here.Seeing Da Liang's carriage, the tall and burly red copper walked to the window of the carriage, bowed his front knee to salute Da Liang, and the armor covering his whole body made the sound of metal clashing with his movements.

"My lord, the Songjiang Branch of the Tracker Legion has completed its combat preparations and is ready to fight at any time."

Chi Tong straightened up. His horse was two meters tall at the withers and over three meters tall. Two epees were inserted into the scabbards around his waist, and a lance was placed flat on the hook of the horse armor on the right.

Behind Red Copper followed a squad of War Stompers. Like Red Copper, they all wore full-body armor that covered the horseshoes, with folded swords and lances, standing in a row like an insurmountable city wall.These units transformed from dark cavalry have a stronger visual impact than the 12th-level terrifying knights of the same level. Facing their group charge, an army with low morale may directly become defeated.

Da Liang glanced at his War Stompers very appreciatively, and then asked Red Copper, "Is Monica here?"

Red Copper replied in a low voice: "Master Monica has already waited for her in the command tent."

"Take me there, I want to issue a combat order."

"Yes, my lord."

Red Copper turned around and ran to the front of the convoy. The other War Stompers lined up behind him. The heavy cavalry units made a roar of running together, leading the bright convoy towards the command camp.

Along the way, the soldiers of the Tracker Legion are ready to go.The first line of cavalry is still heavy cavalry with breakthrough capabilities such as war tramplers and human knights, followed by a large group of dark cavalry, and behind them are the baggage carts pulled by wolf knights and underground lizards.

The griffins were distributed on the two wings of the army, and there were four red dragons following the cavalry, two of which were obtained when they captured Songjiang City, and the other two were recruited after the Dragon's Nest was built in the Boneyard.The red dragon is a level 13 creature in the dungeon. It has very good magic resistance and hand-to-hand combat ability, and it has an excellent performance in the underground environment.

The magician accompanying the army released several magic light spheres over the army formation. Under the dim light, the soldiers restrained their mounts and waited quietly for the order to be issued.

Under the guidance of Red Copper, Da Liang arrived at the command tent, where he saw Monica who was already waiting here.

Red copper followed behind Da Liang, bent down and approached the big tent. In this heightened tent set up according to the size of the war trampler, red copper's figure did not appear clumsy and bloated inside.

In the camp, apart from Monica, there were several other high-ranking Black Elf heroes. Some of them belonged to Monica's Songjiang army, and some were generals of various cavalry troops.

In the center is also a sand table model of Obsidian City, and there is also a topographic map of the surrounding city of Thorns.

"The Lord is here!"

All senior commanders immediately stood upright. This army was influenced by the undead and human military thinking, and had very strict military discipline and superior-subordinate relations.

Da Liang walked to the commander's position, looked at the attack route of the Tracker Army, and said, "I just came from Ingram. Two days later, the army of black elves from Thorn River City will launch a general attack on Obsidian City.

According to my arrangement, the Black Elves of the Thorn River will fail to attack the city and start a frontal siege.

How Ingram fights... The Tracker Legion doesn't need to worry about it.

Red Copper, what I ask of you is... to rush to the torch tower of Obsidian City as quickly as possible, surround and attack the dwarven army camp.Throw alchemy bombs, magic... all attacks in front of the dwarven barracks and in the open space of the barracks.Be careful not to hurt your friendly troops, and don't be caught by the black elf of Sting River.

Build a blockade and release the smoke.The army transported by the dwarves through the teleportation array will be mixed into your army, and you should send them to the nearest position to Obsidian City as much as possible.

When the dwarves entered the city and fought against the Black Elves of the Thorn River, the Tracker Legion turned to blockade operations from Obsidian City to the lower caverns, chasing and killing the escaped black elves, blocking the passage, and buying time for Monica to occupy the lower caverns.

If you encounter heroes who are too powerful, let them go to Monica to deal with, and focus on blocking ordinary fighters. "

Chi Tong patted the armor on his chest and said loudly: "Yes, my lord!"

(End of this chapter)

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