Chapter 1201
Da Liang didn't intend to stop. He continued to violently attack Ingram, displaying the destructive power of the flames into artistic beauty.He still didn’t forget to reply: “No, no, if I stop, you will definitely bring many subordinates to besiege me next time, just like you besieged the shadow dragon Moore, it would be very boring.

Now... your subordinates are all defending against the dwarves' attack, no one will disturb us at this time, this is a fair contest.

If you really want to command your army to resist the dwarves' attack, then please use all your skills and defeat me first. "

After finishing speaking, Da Liang released an explosion flame.

The expanding airflow formed a powerful shock wave inside the castle, and the battered and riddled castle collapsed, and the raised dust turned into a rolling cloud of fire amidst the raging fire, continuously shooting out Mars.

Da Liang and Ingram rushed into the air from the fire cloud, and the flame field followed Da Liang to form a fireball.A few senior black elf heroes wanted to come to support them, but they were blocked from the fireball by a group of flying dwarf rune mage heroes.

At this time, in Ingram's heart, there are 1 grass mud horses galloping.

She didn't believe Da Liang's nonsense. This 16th-level Raging Flame Commander was obviously a helper invited by the dwarves, but he was still so difficult to deal with.

He even restrained himself steadily.

The effect of poison and spider silk in the burning of the flame field is greatly reduced; the combination of heavy armor and fire aegis not only prevents the stabbing of the spider legs from exerting its due effect, but the fire attribute damage rebounded by the fire aegis makes the hero Graham suffered a lot.

To deal with this kind of hero with high defense, high attack, and high blood volume, the best way is to use flexibility to widen the distance and swim, slowly consume the opponent's physical strength, and then sneak attack and strong attack to win.

But the current war in Obsidian City leaves Ingram no time to fight slowly. She must end this battle as soon as possible so that she can return to the place where she really needs herself.

Regardless of the burning of his body by the fire, Ingram used the spider legs to support the Dark Blazing Sword, and said to Da Liang: "You are the guard of the Torch Tower, and you are an underground creature like us black elves, and the dwarves come from magic. realm.

They are intruders!
What does King of the Hill do for you?Let you fight for him... Tell me, I am willing to double your reward.

I can give you an important position in the kingdom of the black elves, and you will be worshiped by all the black elves. "

Da Liangjiali pressed the Dark Blazing Sky Sword on Ingram's head little by little, and replied: "Ingram, strictly speaking, you black elves are also surface creatures, and I... belong to elemental creatures, and we are not here." In a camp, I can fight whoever I want.

As for the benefits that the king of the hill offers me?
I'm not going to tell you that you are so poor that you can't even eat, and you can't give me anything decent.

Anyway, Obsidian City...I want it! "

At this time, a ball of dragon's breath was summoned from Da Liang's right shoulder, and then a ball of dragon's breath spewed out, enveloping Ingram completely.Da Liang released "Insanity" and "Blindness" on Ingram at the same time, and then kicked her backwards.

Then with a wave of the Dark Chitian Sword, Lianzhu fireballs shot towards Ingram like bullets pouring from a machine gun.

After removing the flames from his body, Ingram's eight spider legs danced rapidly, and beams of magic were launched, causing a series of explosions after blocking the fireball.After another angry scream, she cast a curse spell and swooped at Da Liang.

Bright helps the dwarves fend off their toughest enemy... Ingram.

The dwarf's attack turned into a flat push all the way, and the black elf, who lost his unified command, was beaten back and forth, and then squeezed tighter and tighter.The dark cavalry can't charge, and the mage hero doesn't know where to throw the magic.The war equipment originally following the rear had all fallen into the hands of the dwarves. These weapons, which had just belonged to the black elves, turned their attack targets on the black elves.

In a series of roaring sounds, the artillery shells made a bloody path among the black elves; boulders rolled, and the explosion threw pieces of black elf fighters into the air.

Magic washed down.

The lava dragon's roar overwhelmed the black dragon, and the spider queen had no ability to resist in front of these giant dragons whose melee combat abilities were beyond the limit.

The army of dwarves, equipped with the best weapons and armor in Black Iron City, moved forward along the streets, like a metal frenzy flowing in a big river.This kind of battlefield brings out all the specialties of the dwarves. They don't need to chase the flexible black elves, they only need to maintain a dense formation, and they can reap the lives of the enemies at will.

It was a massacre, as long as Ingram couldn't get out of the fight, knock out the dwarf's arrogance, and regain command of the army.

The black elves in Obsidian City can only be wiped out.

The heavy loss began to shake the determination of the black elf to fight on, and the dwarves attacked from three sides so that the black elf could clearly see the direction in which he could escape.

The army of dwarves moving like a city wall made it impossible for the black elves to see victory.At this time, those black elf tribes that were not from the Thorn River City began to hesitate and shrink back.

Morale was low, and the union of many black elf tribes gathered by Ingram quickly disintegrated and split.

When a black elf mistress led her tribe and escaped from Obsidian City from a direction where there were no dwarves, the chain reaction of dominoes caused the black elf army that was united to conquer Obsidian City to collapse.

Losing their fighting spirit and belief in victory, the black elf warriors who fled in a hurry were completely different from the way they cheered for victory not long ago.

In Obsidian City, the black elves retreated like a crash. They ran towards a place where there were no dwarves, and even stepped on the comrades who had just fought side by side in order to be able to run out.

There is no order, no command... All the black elves have only one thought in their hearts, "get out", escape from the city, and return to the lower cave.

Run home...and hide.

After seeing the black elves retreating, the dwarves did not pursue them excessively. They kept a certain distance and drove the black elves away to prevent them from regrouping.

The dwarves' flags gradually filled the entire city, and when the flags were erected on the ruins of the City Lord's Mansion, they finally got the Obsidian City they had dreamed of.

However, the dwarves did not celebrate after the victory. They sent troops to occupy important passages, and sent troops to clean up the ruins of the city.

Then... the dwarves waiting in Black Iron City immediately stopped sending troops to the Endless Labyrinth after receiving the news that the attacking troops had occupied Obsidian City, and instead sent the accumulated wealth together with excellent craftsmen to Obsidian City at full power.

(End of this chapter)

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