Chapter 1202

In the Black Iron City, the King of the Hill led his soldiers to resist the attack of the elves with all their strength. He set off a battle ax storm over the crater with a powerful attack in the posture of a god descending from the earth, and stopped the two elves with his own power. a king of elves, and kept their magic out of the city.

Arranged at the bottom of the volcano, the full power output of the rune magic circle around the lava lake forms an upward light track above the lava.Lava is sucked up, accelerated up its orbit, and projected out of the crater.

The lava that flew out spread into a rain of fire in the air, and poured towards the periphery of the mountain, forming a continuous isolation zone in front of the dwarven defense system on the top of the mountain.These are the magma extracted directly from the volcano, not the rain of fire summoned by magic. The flame does not belong to magic damage, but to physical damage. Therefore, the fire magic resistance and the corresponding injury-free skills are all under the fire rain. Useless.

The elves used large-scale water magic to form large-scale rainfall in the Black Iron City area. Water and fire fell together, and the evaporated water mist shrouded the entire volcano in the middle.

The burning zone on the outer circle of the Black Iron City's defenses was brought under control, and the assembled elf army stepped on the slippery and muddy road and launched a charge towards the top of the volcano.

The dwarves strangled the mountain with all means and elves.

Inside the Black Iron City, wealth, resources and important craftsmen are being transported to Obsidian City at full speed.These materials and personnel determine whether the dwarves can have a good start in the endless maze, and whether they can gain a firm foothold in this tide of plane war in time.Therefore, all the teleportation capabilities of the plane teleportation array were used to transport Black Iron City to Obsidian City, and the dwarf army used to attack Obsidian City did not return a single soldier.

The dwarf barracks under the torch tower in Obsidian City has now turned into a large storage area.

Supplies were continuously delivered from the Black Iron City, and the dwarves drove the war bears to pull away the goods as quickly as possible to ensure the smooth delivery area.

Hills of goods piled up one after another, and the gold coins crushed the wooden box that carried it and rolled down, making a pleasant clattering sound.

The dwarf craftsmen entered Obsidian City under strict protection. With the gold coins clearing the way, the dwarves purchased wood and stone from the free market in Obsidian City. These materials entered the city with the craftsmen, and the reconstruction of the city started in time.

Outside the city, in the wilderness of the entire cave, there were defeated black elves everywhere.They lost all their fighting spirit, and fled in a panic under the chase of the dwarf bear cavalry, without any belief in stopping to fight. Even if they faced a small group of dwarves, the far outnumbered black elves would just turn around and run away.

The dwarves took over all the important passes around Obsidian City at the fastest speed, while the black elves lost all their supplies, and ran like bereaved dogs to the underground passages connecting the lower caves.

But they encountered a cavalry army waiting in battle.

The fleeing black elves recognized the belonging of this cavalry army that still retained the formation, and they were allies of the black elves from Songjiang.Seeing the dark cavalry lined up neatly, the fleeing black elves seemed to see a savior.

In the Battle of Obsidian City, they lost so quickly. At that time, they only wanted to escape and lost all their supplies.There is still a long way to go from here to the lower cave. If there is no food, if they are chased by the dwarves again, most of the black elves may not be able to survive this road.

Since the Songjiang Black Elves still maintain their organizational system, they must also bring supplies. If they are willing to support their allies, then everyone can return to the lower cave safely.

Moreover, this complete army can also stop the dwarves' pursuit, and give the black elves time to rest and reorganize after being chased. Now they are so chased that they can't even breathe.

Under the pursuit of the dwarves, the black elves who fled in a hurry were defeated and ran towards the army of the black elves in Songjiang.But they soon discovered that what greeted them was not the evacuation passage, but the lances laid flat by the war tramplers, human knights, and dark cavalry.

The war horses and underground lizards began to accelerate; the griffins took off from the rear of the army formation; The black elf circled in the middle.

The hopeful black elves did not expect that the allies they thought could save their lives became enemies at this time.Before they could react too much, the burly, steel-covered War Stomper had already rushed in front of them.

Red Copper led the war trampers and human cavalry to form the spearhead of the charge formation, and rammed into the place where the black elves were densest.The crushing of strength and armor, the bullying of fighting spirit and morale, caused all the black elf soldiers standing in front of the heavy cavalry to be knocked out.Immediately afterwards, the cavalry group galloped past, trampling all the way, and the wolf knight made up the knife afterwards... After the cavalry swept across, no black elf soldiers who could stand up could be seen anymore.

The dwarf bear cavalry who originally drove away the black elves also sped up their speed and participated in the encirclement and suppression of the black elves' rout.

The betrayal of the allies caused the morale of the black elves to drop to the lowest point, and the army without command didn't know how to face the strangulation before and after.The order of the retreat became even more chaotic, and the black elves ran around like headless chickens.

Red Copper led his own cavalry army, galloping back and forth against the defeated army on the battlefield. I don't know how many black elves died on the open ground not far from the underground passage.

However, there were too many fleeing black elves, and the Tracker Legion was unable to block all the underground passages, and Da Liang's order was not to fight recklessly with the black elves.Therefore... Although many black elves were killed in Obsidian City and under the blocking of Red Copper, more black elves eventually fled into the underground passage and headed for the lower caves.

At this time, Da Liang was floating above Obsidian City in the form of Lie Yan (raging flames), and together with the torch tower, they became the two light sources that illuminate this huge cave.

Ingram had already fled.After the black elves fled from Obsidian City on a large scale, Ingram, who knew that his situation was over, also quickly left the battle with Da Liang, and gathered a group of his subordinates to enter the underground passage first.As for more troops, she has no way to manage them anymore. Without extra food, no amount of troops is a burden.Only by returning to Cihe as soon as possible can we rely on the remaining stocks inside to meet those fighters who escaped by chance.

The victorious Da Liang did not go after Ingram, he needed to guard Obsidian City, especially the plane teleportation array connected to Black Iron City.This is the life channel of the dwarves, and the most important thing is to ensure that the dwarves can migrate to Obsidian City smoothly.

As for Ingram... someone will deal with it.

(End of this chapter)

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