Chapter 1286
In terms of the experience of fighting plane wars, among all the heroes who participated in the imperial meeting, none of them was stronger than the king of the hill.This is also the reason why the King of the Hill, as a second-level ally of the Five-Color Banner Alliance, can command the Five-Color Banner Alliance army.

Moreover, the Dreamland and the Stone Field are allies. The King of the Hill was once one of the seven elf kings, and he is very familiar with the tactics of the orc army.

Now no one is questioning the judgment of the king of the hill.

Da Liang, Joyce, Zishan, Red Baker, and Amber are thinking together how to face the escalating war.

The Stone Field will support the Dreamland, and at least two orc armies from the Golden Tent will attack the territory controlled by Shangjiang.Counting the counterattack that Dreamland will definitely launch, the situation is somewhat unfavorable for the Five Colors Banner Alliance.

The Zishan patriarch thought for a while and said: "The Zilong clan was also an ally of the Stone Field. Although we rarely cooperate with the orcs in wars, I know that the orcs will not participate in plane-level wars without the most direct benefits.

This time, the stone field supported the dreamland, probably because of the temptation of the elves.The wealth stored in Shangjiang City made the orcs want to share the gold coins here with the elves...

I think that it is difficult to deal with the Dreamland and the Stone Field at the same time by simply relying on the strength of the five-color flag alliance. We must invite powerful allies to support us.

I think we can consider the swamps of the evil camp. Those swamp tribes, like orcs, are barbaric races who are willing to sacrifice their lives for money.

According to the financial resources owned by Shangjiang City, it is not difficult to hire swamps to support us..."

The orcs in the stone wilderness and the swamp tribe in the swamp are unique existences in the good camp and the evil camp.Strictly speaking, they cannot use good and evil to rely on their racial behavior, they just stand in two camps.

Orcs fight for money, and if they have money, they can also hire swamp people.

The patriarch Zishan proposed to win over the swamp and wetlands, which aroused the support of many heroes.

The surrounding area of ​​Shangjiang is rich in water sources, with criss-cross rivers and connected lakes. In addition, due to the influence of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, the transportation network in this area is very developed, and the Swamp Clan's operations here will not be greatly affected.

The swampy wetlands and the stone wilderness are originally hostile planes. They don't attack each other because they don't adapt to each other's terrain. After encountering the orcs and the swamp tribes, they will still fight to the death.

Therefore, facing the war in the stone wilderness, it is a very good way for the five-color flag alliance to win over the swamp and wetland.

However, there were also objections.

Da Liang thought carefully about the consequences of enlisting the swamp to join the war, and then slowly said: "The orcs in the stone field and the swamp people in the swamp are both races that work for money. Shangjiang's wealth is attractive to the orcs." Power is also attractive to the swamp race.

It is easy for us to invite the army from the swamp... But after the war, will these swamp tribes leave easily?
And one more important point...

The Swamp is evil, and we've always claimed neutrality.The Swamp Race helps us fight on a large scale, what will the good camp think about this matter?
The fact that the good camp has not publicly supported the Dreamland until now is because they are afraid that we will fall to the evil camp.If we invite the Marshes to fight, it will make Cloudsdale think we have allied ourselves with evil.

At that time, the good camp will target us.The evil camp is also willing to fight the good camp around Shangjiang to relieve the pressure on their plane.

The most intense battle since the Plane War will break out in Shangjiang, and this place will be razed to the ground. "

Da Liang pointed out two possible outcomes of inviting the marsh to join the war.

It would have been better if the swamp tribe stayed in Shangjiang after the war, but if the participation of the swamp and wetlands in the war triggered an overreaction from the good camp, Shangjiang would really experience a catastrophe.

However, if you don't ask the swamp for help, who else in this plane has the strength to help the Five-Color Banner Alliance?
After excluding the good camp, the evil camp, and the absolutely neutral elemental plane, there is really no force that is qualified to support the Shangjiang battlefield.

Joyce wore a crown and a luxurious gown. Her eyes swept over all the heroes who participated in the meeting, and finally stopped on Da Liang. She said appreciatively: "When Duke Feichen was facing difficulties in Shangjiang, He can always come up with amazing solutions for us. I think this time, he won't let me down."

All the heroes who were thinking about solving the difficult problems of war all looked at Da Liang at this moment.

Purple Dragon Clan, Crystal Dragon Clan, Poison Dragon Clan, Dwarf Clan...

Which race here is not like Shangjiang, who was pulled out from the brink of destruction by Da Liang's efforts to turn the tide at a time of threat and difficulty.It can be said...without Da Liang's advice, the heroes here would not have had the opportunity to discuss the war with the Dreamland here.

Everyone believes at this moment...Da Liang has a solution.

Da Liang was a little embarrassed to be stared at by so many eyes. He pinched the tip of his nose in embarrassment, smiled, and asked the King of the Hill: "I know that the divination of orc shamans really has the ability to help orcs. The commander in charge found the best attack route. But... the divination of the orc shaman is really so strong, why is the strength of the stone field so weak among the eight mainstream races?

How did the evil faction deal with the orc shaman's divination in the previous wars between the planes? "

The King of the Hill said: "The main factors that determine the outcome of a war are: the commander's commanding ability, the morale of the soldiers, and the logistics support system. As for's amazing, but I don't believe in my own commander. It is impossible to always win battles without the favor of the gods.

In addition, there are also very powerful divination spells in the mystic arts of the endless labyrinth of the evil camp.

The confrontation between the orc totem divination and the mysterious divination of the dungeon resulted in... The war still depends on: the commander, soldiers and logistics.

However, the stone field and the endless labyrinth's attitude towards divination caused a relatively large strength gap between the orcs and the dungeon. The army in the dungeon never relied on divination to fight. "

It seems that when both parties know how to divination, it is their own comprehensive strength that will ultimately solve the problem.

And when the King of the Hill mentioned that the divination skill of the mystical technique of the dungeon could restrain the orc totem after divination, the first thing that Da Liang thought of was the prophet.

Da Liang has personally witnessed the divination and prophecy abilities of a prophet.If the Prophet is willing to come to Shangjiang to help, then the Five Color Banner Alliance Army will not be so passive in the confrontation of divination and prediction.

Therefore... no matter whether it is an orc or an elf, Shangjiang City will still fight in the war system that he knows, and will not be defeated by inexplicable forces, making the battle impossible to deal with.

(End of this chapter)

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