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Chapter 1287 The idea of ​​integrating the main world

Chapter 1287 Conception of Main World Integration
After the King of the Hill's speech, Da Liang said: "Ignorance is always frightening, and the current situation of the orcs proves that divination doesn't have much effect on them.

I believe... Even if there are orcs from the stone field to join the battle, His Majesty the King of the Hill will not let them break through our defense line easily! "

The King of the Hill said quite conceitedly: "I am organizing the five-color flag alliance to use the fastest speed to switch from the offensive state to the defensive state. I can guarantee that even with the help of shaman divination, the orcs will not be able to rush away easily." My line of defense threatens the hinterland of Shangjiang.


Our occupation of the territory on the outskirts of Shangjiang was too short.The battle line is too long and the troops are not enough, and it cannot be defended for too long against two high-level planes.

If the stone field and the dreamland are too aggressive, I will give up most of the occupied areas and organize a big battle against the orcs and elves around the upper river.

Such a war would do great damage to Shangjiang.And without strong enough foreign aid, our chances of failure in the Shangjiang War are also very high. "

Foreign aid, foreign aid...

Where can I find foreign aid who can fight against the stone wilderness and dreamland?

But at this time, Da Liang said: "I agree with the tactics laid out by His Majesty the King of the Hill. We will give up our newly occupied lands one by one, and concentrate our elite troops in this narrow area around Shangjiang, where there are stone fields and dreamlands. Have a decisive battle.

When the decisive battle began, we supported King Joyce as emperor... build an empire! "

There was no sound in the meeting room for an instant, and everyone here was dodged by Da Liang's sharp turn.

Joyce even whispered to Da Liang privately: "Why are you still thinking about building an empire at this moment! We will soon only have Shangjiang left, far from reaching the territory where the empire can be established. What you should do now is... find A trusted ally to help us win this war."

Da Liang nodded and signaled Joyce to wait a moment before explaining: "I think that an empire...its territory size is not important. The important thing have a strong heart, a strong army, a strong Heroes and powerful leaders.

These factors...we all have them in Shangjiang City.

In the entire main world, which city dares to take the initiative to launch a war against a high-level plane?We did it in Shangjiang City.In the future, we will not only fight against the Dreamland, but also add a stone field.

Have you ever imagined... We are discussing the difficult battle situation here, but in the eyes of other city-states in the main world, our greatness makes them jump up and can't touch it.

If Stone Wilderness dares to participate in the war, then the nature of this war is no longer a personal grievance between the Five-Color Banner Alliance and Dreamland. This is the first anti-plundering war in the main world, and it is a confrontation between masters and robbers.

At this time, Shangjiang must stand up and assume the role of the leader of the main world, and unite all the cities that are willing to resist and fight against the high-level plane.

Only Shang Jiang can do this role well... The premise is that Shang Jiang builds an empire, and King Joyce gathers the power of the entire main world as an emperor.

The best time to build an empire is when the Armageddon begins..."

Da Liang is always talking nonstop, and his thinking circuit will always spark sparks in places that others can't think of.

Establishing an empire, Da Liang once proposed at the five-color flag alliance meeting.But that is based on the premise that Shangjiang owns a large area of ​​territory and has won the war against Dreamland.

Then Joyce became emperor.

The whole process is logical and a matter of course.

But now, the participation of the stone field has brought about a huge change in the entire battle situation. The king of the hill even made the idea of ​​giving up occupying the land, and the trapped beasts fought to the death on the upper river.

Building an empire under such circumstances is really a bit of a pre-death feeling.

But... the situation in Shangjiang is very special, and the situation in the main world is also very special.

The entire main world is just a group of slaves lying down, enslaved by high-level planes, oppressed and exploited over and over again, and dare not have any resistance.Shangjiang was the only one standing among the group of lying down. Not only did he stand, but he also beat up a high-level plane.

How much impact did this have on the values ​​of the main world?

The war between Shangjiang and Dreamland has always affected the hearts of the city-states of the entire main world.Every victory of Shangjiang is a release of passion for the city owners of the main world city-state.

A tsunami-like army, the ultimate creature to use like a regular army.Regardless of the scale of each battle, there must be 15th-order creatures participating in the battle, and the elf envoys, purple dragons, crystal dragons, and poisonous dragons all lead the way.

Even a hero of level 16 is not a rare thing on the battlefield between Shangjiang and Dreamland.

These things have become accustomed to Shangjiang.But as one of the top cities in the world, Shangjiang has found it difficult to understand the mentality of ordinary city-states in the main world.

Shangjiang not only dared to fight in the dreamland, but also won the battle immediately!

The only strong one is admiration.

Now... Shangjiang not only wants to hit the dreamland, but will soon add another stone wilderness.When the three parties launched a decisive battle around Shangjiang, it was hard to imagine what a grand event it would be.

At that time, even if Shangjiang only guarded an inch of land, who would dare to underestimate it.

At that time, Joyce proclaimed himself emperor in Shangjiang and established an empire. How high could he push the passion of the entire main world?
At that time, what will the city-states of the main world do?
It is to watch the only empire in the main world that can confront the higher planes collapse, continue to live a life of enslavement, and be robbed of all wealth and resources.

Or stand up and follow the empire, and protect the dignity of Shangjiang for the world together?
No matter how the city-states in the main world choose, even if only a quarter of the city-states are willing to join the war to defend Shangjiang, the Dreamland and the Stone Fields, no matter how awesome they are, can only be beaten and go back to their hometown in despair.

The main world is really too big, and the degree of development far exceeds that of the major base camps. The cities of the eight base camps combined are not as many as the main world.

If the cities of the main world can really unite, it is impossible to imagine what kind of terrifying power they can exert.

The main world has a basic army that exceeds the good camp and the evil camp, and has countless 14th-level heroes. Every city above 12th level uses at least one 15th-level hero.

The aristocratic system of the main world allows multiple races to coexist peacefully. It has the most complete industrial system, a complete trade chain, and convenient roads and routes.

Also use common enemies.

The only thing missing is that there is no emperor who can bring these forces together.

(End of this chapter)

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