Chapter 1292

As Da Liang said, Duke of Mars and Howard are old acquaintances.

In the stage of the confrontation between NJ City and Shangjiang City, it was Duke Howard who led Shangjiang's army and defeated the Duke of Mars.Under the command of Howard, Shangjiang's army was invincible, and the Duke of Mars still remembers the devastating offensive.

It's just that Howard disappeared shortly after inheriting the throne of Shangjiang City, and there is no news of him so far.

How could he suddenly appear here?

After seeing Howard, the Duke of Mars quickly stabilized his surprise.After looking at Da Liang, he sat back on his seat again, touched the demon horns on his head and asked, "What an unexpected guest... But, who can explain to me... what happened?" ?”

Da Liang leaned back on the back of the chair and handed over the next matter to Howard.

Howard was canonized by Lucifer as the demon king of power and desire in hell, and his aura was even better than when he ascended the throne and became king in Shangjiang.Especially after staying with the devil for a long time, there is a violent atmosphere everywhere.

He looked at the Duke of Mars and said: "Mars... what happened to me, I don't need to explain it to you, and you don't have the right to know.

You just need to hand over your army to me, and I will do my best to help you defend NJ City.

Then I'll leave. "

Originally waiting to see Howard's bright performance, he looked at the hero in surprise, but he did not expect his tone of persuasion to Duke Mars to be so blunt. Isn't he afraid of arousing Duke Mars' stubborn temper and slapping the table to turn his face?

But Duke Mars's expression didn't change at all.Demons only respect those who are stronger than themselves. On the battlefield, Duke of Mars was subdued by Howard.

Facing Howard's direct request for military power in NJ City, Duke Mars really thought about it, and then said: "Howard, I don't know what you have experienced since you disappeared, but I can see that you are stronger... It seems that you have On the edge of the law of touch.

Maybe that's why you suddenly disappeared from Shangjiang.

I am at a loss and unable to adapt to the changes in the neighborhood of Shangjiang. I feel that its prosperity is like a palace floating on the water, and a big wave can knock it back to its original form.

I know your city.King Joyce's ability is far behind you...and your brother, she is still young...the direction of the city has been swayed by some radical nobles. "

Speaking of this, the Duke of Mars glanced at Da Liang, and then continued to say to Howard: "What Shangjiang is doing now is really too risky, it is like holding a good deck of cards, but is self-destructing." .

But after I saw you, seeing Shangjiang still guarding you, made me feel a lot more at ease.

But please understand my feelings. In order to defend Shangjiang and destroy my city, I feel very uncomfortable. are a great commander, but this is not enough to convince me to work hard for Shangjiang. "

After Da Liang took over the defense of the Western Front from the King of the Hill, he began to think about how to fight the war here.

NJ City is different from Hangzhou Z City.Hang Z City is an elf city, which was controlled by the Dream Realm when the war started.Therefore, Hang Z City did not surrender to Shangjiang City, but was defeated by the Five Color Banner Alliance Army after a great battle.

The original aristocratic system in Hangz City was abolished by King Joyce, and the city was directly incorporated into the ruling area of ​​Shangjiang.This caused the king of the hill to be on the defense line of Hangzhou Z city, without having to consider the local nobles, and could do whatever he wanted.Of course, the disadvantages are... the city defense of Hang Z city has been severely damaged after the war, and there are not many local troops for the king of the hill to call.

However, NJ City surrendered to Shangjiang, which caused the aristocratic system of NJ City to be relatively intact. NJ City and its vice city were not destroyed, the army was excellent and the supplies were sufficient.Shangjiang does not need to do too much support for NJ City, and can save a lot of troops and materials for rear defense and support for the defense line of Hangzhou Z City.

It is also because of the complete system of NJ City that it is difficult for Shangjiang to parachute a commander here to be accepted by the aristocratic system of NJ City, let alone ask for military power to command the army of NJ City.

Da Liang didn't think that this small temple in NJ city could recognize his great god.It must be difficult to ask the Duke of Mars for command, and facing the invasion of the Stone Field at any time, time is running out.

Therefore, before coming to NJ City, Da Liang first went to the city of despair in hell and invited Howard over.

Howard is obliged to defend Shangjiang, but the pressure of Yunzhongcheng on the whole hell makes him dare not transfer too many guards to the battlefield of Shangjiang.So Howard handed over the job of guarding Despair City to his deputy, Bartlett, and followed Da Liang to NJ City alone to meet the Duke of Mars.

Sure enough, in the eyes of the Duke of Mars, Da Liang was a somewhat capable but too aggressive nobleman, but Howard's deterrent power was very effective against the Duke of Mars.

The surrender tendency of the Duke of Mars is not as firm as it was at the beginning.

Howard couldn't help laughing after hearing Duke Mars' doubts about Da Liang: "Mars... Grand Duke is already the limit of your ability. So don't use your short and narrow vision to evaluate what Shangjiang is doing. matter.

You have no idea who's sitting in front of you...or what's going on in this world?
If I were you... I would show cautious respect to Duke Feichen, because from the performance of entering the city here, it is easy to see that there is a gap in status between me and Duke Feichen.

If you are afraid of me, you should be even more afraid of Duke Feichen.

In this tide sweeping across the whole plane, you and I are just two chess pieces, one small and one big, and Duke Feichen is already a chess player participating in the game. "

After Howard revealed his identity, the Duke of Mars always had a very weird feeling.Now after Howard's reminder, he finally understood what the incongruity in his eyes was.

It is the status difference vaguely shown between Da Liang and Howard.

When two people with different identities stand together, even if they don't say anything, outsiders can perceive from some details and perceptions which of the two people is more powerful.

Howard was first the Duke of Shangjiang, and later he inherited the throne and reached a peak.

Daliang is a grassroots nobleman in Shangjiang City, who was quickly promoted from a baron directly under the king of the East China Sea to a duke.

According to the relationship between Da Liang and Howard.Howard was the former king of Shangjiang City, and Da Liang had been a vassal of the royal family for a while. Even if both of them were dukes, Da Liang's status should be lower than Howard's.

But now... Through the tacit understanding shown by Da Liang and Howard, the status of the Duke of Feichen seems to be slightly higher than Howard.

(End of this chapter)

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