Chapter 1293 Worth a Fight

As an old opponent, the Duke of Mars is familiar with Howard.He knew how conceited Howard was. It could be said that the only person in the whole world who could make him bow his head willingly was the dead East Sea King.

Now Howard bluntly said that his status is lower than that of Da Liang, this is definitely not an ordinary compliment.

The Duke of Mars began to re-examine Da Liang, guessing what kind of abilities he had, which convinced Howard to say such words.

"Duke Feichen, please turn out that the offense I just said just now seems that you have some identities that are different from your public ones. I think... as an ally or a comrade-in-arms. If you want me to willingly work for you, if you want I am willing to destroy my city into ruins...

So tell me why you fight, tell me... where does your confidence in this war come from. "

Howard didn't say anything more this time, he knew...whether he could convince the Duke of Mars this time would depend on Da Liang's last speech.

Da Liang sat upright again, and then said: "If I continue to talk about noble honors, it will probably be of no use. Then tell the truth.

Duke of Mars.

The first point: regarding my identity and His Majesty Howard's identity, disclosing it here will only lead to a larger war.You just need to know that even if the orc chieftain of the stone field joins the battle, our position in the whole plane is not weaker than the enemy's.Of won't help our morale if we don't make it public.

The second point: If the 16th-level hero chief in the stone field appears on the battlefield, we can send a 16th-level supreme angel to intercept it.This supreme angel is not Holy Bella...

Holy Bella and the King of the Hill are not too far away on the southern battlefield, and our three tier 16 heroes can support each other.

If necessary, Duke Howard and I can cooperate with the city defense of NJ City, and we can also resist a level 16 hero.

Therefore, on the top battlefield, the Duke does not need to worry too much.

The third point: Since His Majesty Howard said to defend the city of NJ with all our strength, then we will defend this city with all our strength.It is no longer the strategic goal of this defensive battle to fight and retreat. His Majesty Howard, I, and the Arbitration Council of the Supreme Angels have been helping the Duke defend NJ City, forcing the orc army to bypass NJ City and march to Shangjiang City until the end of the war. .

The fourth point: I can reveal some of Shangjiang's strategic intentions to the Duke.We want to use this war against the dreamland and the stone wilderness to establish the first empire in the main world..."

Da Liang showed his sincerity in order to win over the Duke of Mars.

The Duke of Mars was also shocked by the four news revealed by Da Liang.

No matter how weak the Stone Field is, it still belongs to the high-level plane, and the Great Chief is the supreme ruler of the Stone Field.Da Liang said that he and Howard have the same identity as the Great Chief, which means that they are both the top rulers in the world.Although the two of them could not disclose their identities to improve the morale of their own army, Duke Mars already felt very empowered by the status of the boss of the plane.

There is a 16th-level supreme angel who is willing to help defend NJ City, which is the most practical support.Why is the Duke of Mars afraid of the stone field attack?It's because he doesn't have the power to compete with tier 16 heroes.To fight... is to die in vain, and you will still fail in the end.

But there is a big difference if one's own side has a level 16 hero defending the city. Even if there is only one supreme angel, it can play a great role in a complete city defense system.

Da Liang said that he would stick to NJ City, which was a reassurance for Duke Mars.

The Duke of Mars was very impressed by Howard's commanding ability, and the Supreme Angel assisted in defending the city. As long as he defended it, he might not be broken by the orc army.The goal of Stone Field is Shangjiang City. As long as the defense of NJ City makes the orc army feel that the loss outweighs the gain, it is very likely that they will first surround NJ City and then attack Shangjiang City by detour.

NJ City still has the possibility of keeping it down.

As for the news that Shang Jiang wanted to build an empire, it was a real blockbuster to the Duke of Mars.

There has never been a country on the main plane, because the main plane does not allow too powerful forces to appear on the main plane.Any excessive expansion of a city-state will be immediately suppressed by the headquarters plane.

In the past, Shangjiang was also very strong and could easily defeat NJ City, but in the end Shangjiang did not embark on the road of expansion and kept its own eight cities.Because of too many lessons learned in history, the base camp plane can easily destroy a city in the main world.

When suppressing the main plane, the good camp and the evil camp have a rare tacit understanding.

Now Shangjiang not only wants to build a country, but also wants to build the highest-level empire. This is really something that has never happened in the history of the main plane.

To be honored to participate in it made Duke Mars a little excited.

Although the Duke of Mars called himself a demon and despised the so-called noble honor, the demons in the main world and the demons in hell are two different species.

Like black american and very black in general.

The Duke of Mars agrees with the noble sense of honor, which is also the basis for his rule of NJ City. He also wants to record the history he created on his family emblem.

build an empire...

There is nothing more deserving of the honor of record than this.

Moreover, since Da Liang and Howard have the status of rulers of the plane, they will definitely not continue to hide their power at the most critical moment in Shangjiang.The two of them are actually the two insurance companies for Shangjiang to launch this war. Apart from the five-color flag alliance, Shangjiang still has many undisclosed cards.

The High Angel joins the battle, and Howard leads the army.

After careful calculation, the outcome of this battle is really unpredictable...

Based on what Da Liang revealed, the Duke of Mars quickly thought about his own gains and losses in this situation.

Surrender to the orcs... NJ City will inevitably be ransacked, and it is still unknown whether they will be able to escape the clutches in the end.

And follow the orcs here to die...

Although the risks are great, the rewards are also great.But if you want to give the military power to Da Liang and Howard, you won't have a chance to play it by ear before the end of the war. If you want to fight, you have to keep fighting...

Is it worth the effort?
In the end, after thinking twice, Duke Mars asked, "Are you really going to stick to NJ City?"

Da Liang smiled and said: "My lord duke doesn't believe me, don't you believe His Majesty Howard? Besides, it doesn't hurt us to defend NJ city. If we can defend here, the orc army in the stone field will see their way out. , will definitely leave a large number of troops to surround the city of NJ.

The better we do here, the stronger and larger the orc army will be left behind.

The pressure on the defense of Shangjiang City will be greatly relieved.

I think... NJ City is of course the best if it can hold on.Did you say... His Majesty Howard. "

Howard nodded: "Yes, defending NJ City is equivalent to inserting a nail in the rear of the orc army, which can create the possibility of completely annihilating the orc army.

If you can hold the city of NJ, you must hold it no matter what. "

(End of this chapter)

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