start an archangel

Chapter 1299 The second attack

Chapter 1299 First Attack

Howard's most severe order to the NJ city defenders.It is not allowed to leave the protection range of the city wall. No matter how the enemy provokes or moves, everyone sticks to their positions and completes their tasks.

Therefore, no matter how the orcs clamored, the multi-ethnic defenders who went out of the city to defend, resolutely did not take a step.

Only the ballista on the wall occasionally shot an arrow, or after a roar, a shell crossed the lava river of the moat and the defenders outside the city, and fell on the open space between the two armies.

The crossbowmen and gunners performed the calibration before the battle according to the usual practice.Crossbow bolts and cannonballs are different from magic, which can point to where to hit. These parabolic weapons are easily affected by some objective conditions, causing the aiming point and landing point to deviate.Live ammunition shooting must be carried out before the battle, and then according to the influence of the wind direction and environmental factors on the landing point, a reference angle can be provided for other artillery positions.

The catapult on the back of the city wall also has huge boulders thrown out one by one, and there are aerial observers to record the fall of each boulder.

The abyssal devils of the Hell clan flew along the city wall with multi-racial flying units.Some hero units rushed out from time to time to show off their flying skills.

The orcs, who are short-tempered and advocating offense, couldn't stand it when they saw that the defenders did not leave the city wall.

Amid Beamon's roar, the line of orc soldiers pressed forward.

Then, they stopped temporarily at the limit of the range of the defensive war equipment. The shells and boulders fired by the defenders rolled here and had no potential energy. The Beamons kicked these obtrusive things away with contempt.

The Cyclops came to the front, and a group of big-eared monsters, the first-tier orc unit, opened the transport truck carrying the rocks, and the irregularly shaped rocks rolled down.

Of course, the orcs were not willing to spend resources to transport the throwing stones for the Cyclops from the stone field. These stones were all stones they pulled from the warehouses of the orc cities in the main world, and some of them were stone bricks removed from the city walls.

The shape of these stones is very irregular, and the weight is not uniform. If they are thrown like this, the flight trajectory is not easy to grasp, and they will not hit the target, and the stones will roll up after landing and cause secondary damage.

Therefore these stones need to be trimmed and polished.

The big-eared monsters surrounded the pile of stones and took out chisels and hammers, knocking on the stones, knocking off the edges and corners on the stones to make them smooth and tend to be spherical.

The finished stone ball was rolled to the Cyclops' feet.

The Cyclops lifted the stone ball and moved forward again. They wanted to bring the defenders standing outside the city into their range, and then used intensive attacks to smash a road leading to the city wall of NJ for the attack of the follow-up army.

At this time, above the city gate of NJ, Howard ordered the war equipment on the city defense to start attacking.

The two abyssal devil heroes who were in charge of passing orders took off from the city gate tower. They waved green flags and shouted the order to attack, and flew along the crenelation line of the city wall at high speed, left and right.

Where the Abyss Devil flew over, thick smoke rose, and amidst a series of roars, black projectiles shot towards the enemy army in the distance.

Ballistas fired short spears, and rows of catapults threw boulders high into the air.

The defenders of NJ City opened fire first, and the war equipment used various firing methods to pour shells, short spears and stone balls at the front line of the orc army.

The orc army was overwhelmed by the sudden attack of the defenders.After the spherical solid shell bounced off the ground, it rushed into the orc formation at a low level; the boulder rolled and crushed all the way; the short spear handle could penetrate the bodies of several orcs.

Even Beamon couldn't last long in such an attack, let alone the Cyclops who were under intensive care, and fell down in a row in an instant.

issued an unwilling whine.

Aren't we out of range of the enemy's ranged weapons?How did they hit our...

Their tall stature gives Cyclops great strength and makes them easier to hit with ranged weapons.As the only long-range unit that can attack the city, Cyclops are the top priority targets of the defenders.

Howard designed a trap in order to be able to attack these Cyclops in the first place.

Long-range warfare equipment has a longer attack distance than ordinary magic and long-range arms, and this attack distance is affected by many factors and is not a fixed value.

Under Howard's order, the school firing of the war equipment of the NJ city defenders deliberately shortened the distance a little, making the orc army make a wrong judgment on the attack range of the defender's war equipment.

Therefore, when the orc army advanced and stopped, thinking that they were still outside the furthest attack range of the defenders' long-range war equipment, the orc warriors on their vanguard had already entered the range of the NJ city defenders.

The Cyclops, preparing to throw stones, came closer.

Misjudgment caused the orc army to suffer a head-on blow before it was ready, and the unprotected Cyclops on the front line suffered heavy losses.Without a large-scale long-range suppression force, rashly attacking a fortified city with internal and external defenses is futile.The goal of the orcs is Shangjiang City, they can't lose too many troops in NJ City.Therefore, after the attack was frustrated, the orc army immediately retreated, retreating to the farthest distance of the defenders' war equipment.

This time, the orc's attack had not started yet, so they were beaten back.

The city of NJ stopped attacking, and the battlefield returned to silence, followed by cheers from inside and outside the city.They never thought that they could repel the attack of an army of high-level planes. Although there are more brutal battles waiting for them, this battle showed the defenders that... the high-level planes are not invincible of.

The momentum of the defenders is like a rainbow.

Attacking orcs have no morale impact from losing an attack.There are constant civil wars in the stone wilderness. Orc warriors have experienced battles in any situation. For warlike orcs, death is not terrible, and powerful enemies are not terrible. The bloodier the battlefield, the more potential combat power they can stimulate.

The retreating orc army reorganized a new attack, and the reserve one-eyed soldiers moved from the rear to the front, reorganizing into a long-range suppression team.The shamans and the Beamons stand together, and they will help the Cyclops create physical and magic resistance lines for this attack.

After the senior shamans realized that NJ City was not a soft persimmon, they began to perform divination by dancing to the gods.

According to the results of divination, the orc army adjusted the position of the army formation and the main attack direction after the war started.

Howard saw that the orc army had taken too long to prepare for the second attack, and said to Da Liang beside him, "I guess the orcs are using divination to interfere with the battle. Those are high-level shamans who have mastered divination. Find out if the oracle you invite can hold a spell against the enemy.

We can't rely too much on mysticism, these are just auxiliary.

I order you to conduct an aerial reconnaissance of the enemy's disposition, take your team... be careful. "

(End of this chapter)

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