start an archangel

Chapter 1300 Attacking and defending the battlefield

Chapter 1300 Attacking and defending the battlefield
The prophet invited by Da Liang was arranged in the underground altar of the city lord's mansion. He will use the divination in the mystic arts to counter the bloodline divination used by the senior orc shaman.

However, the Prophet is only a 15th-level hero. Although his strength surpasses the ordinary 15th-level hero, he is a hero who can already see the law.But his mysticism is only at the master level, not at the law level.

Therefore, when confronted with a number of 15th-order orc-like advanced shamans in divination, the prophet can only interfere, but cannot change or predict anything.

If Howard wanted to know the tactical changes of the orc army, he could only use conventional investigation methods.

At this time, the degree of danger outside the city of NJ can be imagined. To accurately investigate the orc army, it is necessary to send a powerful investigation team.

Among the defenders of the entire NJ city, the Arbitration Angel cannot attack easily, and Howard needs to sit in command of the war.Da Liang was the most suitable person who could be dispatched.

Da Liang looked at the endless orc army outside, and said to Howard: "Yes, my lord! I will use the magic crystal to record all the actions of the orcs."

Da Liang took out the Dark Chitian Sword, and then jumped down the city gate across the crenel.At this time... Gale, the doomed unicorn, leaped out with four flaming hooves, took Da Liang on its back while swooping, and then galloped high and stepped on the void towards the orc formation.

Mercedes-Benz all the way, leaving burning horseshoe marks all the way.

Behind Da Liang, Shu Xiao, who spread out his angel wings, led five "mythical" priests, and followed closely along the burning road left by the blast.Then came the five purple dragons. They flapped their wings and skipped over the gate of NJ City. While speeding up to meet Da Liang and the priests, they released various beneficial magic spells, adding positive status to this tactical investigation team.

Shu Xiao quickly caught up with Da Liang, and she and the other five priests spread out from Da Liang's wings to form a guard formation.Except for Shu Xiao who flies with angel wings, the other priests are all riding golden dragons or black dragons, and their strength is no problem against the same number of level 14 heroes.

Five Tier 15 purple dragons lined up and dragged behind and above. They were the magic firepower platform of this scouting team, responsible for magic field control and heavy firepower strikes.

Da Liang rode Gale to deliberately run higher in the air. He led the team out this time to investigate the movement and arrangement of the orc army. He should try to avoid being involved in unnecessary battles and delaying the investigation.

Ascending into the sky, Da Liang had a clear view of the entire battlefield. He kept his duty in mind, took out the magic crystal used to record images, and aimed the camera at the orc army below.

The reconnaissance team flew south, and the city of NJ gradually went away behind them.On the east side of the city is Zijin Volcano. Several craters continuously spew red volcanic ash into the air. Bright magma gushes out from the craters, forming red-red waterfalls with thick smoke.

If the orcs want to attack the Zijin Volcano, they must first face the lava flow in a network, and then they can attack the hell guards led by Duke Mars.

The west and north sides of NJ City are the Yangtze River, of which the west side of the river is directly adjacent to NJ City, and many piers for mooring river boats have also been built here.

At this time, all the boats on the Yangtze River Wharf in NJ City are ships under the banner of Shangjiang and Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.Although Shangjiang did not send too many troops here, the support was not harsh.

In this war, Shangjiang will pay for all the military expenses of NJ City. The artillery, catapults, and ballistas used to defend the city are all transported here by whole ships.There are also stone, wood, and rare resources that NJ City cannot obtain now.

The soldier's ordnance consumed in the battle, arrows, food, cloth... etc. All the things that NJ City needs during the war.

Some of these things are produced by Shangjiang himself, but Shangjiang's productivity is limited after all, and he has to prepare for the consumption of the final battle.If you purchase by sea, it will take a lot of time on the way.Therefore, the gold coins that Shangjiang waved this time entered the commercial self-government of the kingdom of death, and placed orders with the first batch of free merchants who entered the self-government.

Commodities used for trading in the trading autonomous territory of the country of death, regardless of the source or destination, are all traded in gold coins, and no arrears or collaterals are accepted.Only need to pay a certain percentage of transaction tax to the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, where the seller and the buyer can carry out secret transactions that hide their respective identities.

The buyer does not know the origin of the goods in his hand, and the seller does not know where his goods ended up.

Therefore, when the Dominion of Commerce and Trade of the Kingdom of Death was opened to the whole plane, it was immediately sought after by smugglers from all walks of life, and they brought their own specialties to the Dominion of Commerce and Trade.Especially when the battlefield of the plane is intensifying, the merchants here often receive large orders beyond imagination, and the daily transaction volume is rising steadily, attracting more merchants to come with goods.

Buyers are also willing to purchase the goods they urgently need in the Dominion of Commerce and Trade. Even if the goods here are much more expensive than their own production or purchase through normal channels, there are still a large number of buyers entering the Dominion every day, and then bring the purchased items leave.

During the war, every second counts. As long as they can obtain supplies as soon as possible to help them win, the forces participating in the war will not mind the extra money spent.

Shangjiang, who is rich and powerful, doesn't mind the additional cost of purchasing goods in the Commercial Dominion. After all, the transaction tax is paid to his own people, and the plane transfer array only needs to use rare resources and does not need to pay additional usage fees.

All in all, it has saved a lot.

Therefore, these materials purchased from the Shuntong Commercial Dominion were shipped to NJ City immediately after arriving at Shangjiang, and they were continuously transported to ensure the war needs of NJ City.

Before the orc army controlled the upper river route, the logistics of NJ City did not have any problems.

After seeing the east and west wings of NJ City, Da Liang observed the battlefield in the south of the city with peace of mind.

At this time, the reconnaissance team led by Da Liang had crossed the former army of the orc army and entered the hinterland of the orc-controlled area.

Since the orc army can only attack NJ City from the south line for the time being, the number of orcs has a limited advantage on the battlefield, and there is no way to deploy it well. The number of troops participating in the attack on NJ City is less than one-tenth.

Most of the orc army is scattered on the open ground in the southern suburbs of NJ City.

Some of the orcs drove the big-eared monster artisans to build camps for the orc army.Each orc's camp is a circle with a diameter of 400 to 500 meters. The outer circle of the camp is a wooden fence that is less than one person high. Inside are simple animal skin tents, and two vertical and horizontal roads are connected to the outside. .

One after another such camps were scattered irregularly in the wilderness, forming the camp of the orc army.

Some movements of the orc army can be seen from the sky.This is a race that is good at fighting. After the first trial, they realized that the defenders on the south side of NJ City are very strong, and the battlefield environment is not conducive to their own attack.

(End of this chapter)

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