start an archangel

Chapter 1301 Investigation

Chapter 1301 Investigation
The failure of an attack made the commander of the orc army no longer dare to underestimate the city they had looked down upon.

The defender has the 16th-rank supreme angel, has strong combat morale, has a brilliant commander, has affluent troops and sufficient war weapons.A single frontal attack will only add unnecessary losses to one's own side and fail to achieve the desired results.

Therefore, the orc army prepared very carefully for the second attack. They not only invited senior shamans to divination the direction of attack and participating tribes, but also assigned some troops to perform other combat tasks.

From Da Liang's position, one could see that an army of orcs was marching towards Zijin Volcano.If the orcs can control Zijin Volcano and look down on it, the entire city of NJ will be exposed to the sight of the orcs.The orc army can clearly know the movement of the defenders of NJ City, and can also open up a battlefield from the east to bring out the advantages of the quantity and quality of the orc army.

Another orc army marched further east. Their intention should be to bypass Zijin Volcano and attack NJ City from the north. The north city wall of NJ City is still some distance away from the Yangtze River, and there is a tidal flat area.However, Da Liang was not too worried about this partial team, because the tidal flat area in the north of NJ city was really too narrow.If the orc army really dared to enter this area, not to mention whether they could threaten NJ city, just the warships moored on the Yangtze River would be enough to fight back the orc army.

The third orc army was heading west. In this orc army, there were many cyclops who could throw boulders, and flying rocs and thunderbirds.The orc commander should have seen the importance of the Yangtze River waterway to the defenders of NJ City. Even if this army cannot control the Yangtze River route, it can still prevent supplies from entering NJ City.

More orc armies spread out in all directions.These armies are dominated by the orc cavalry unit Wolf Knights, and their task should be to search for supplies for the army to consume.

From this, it can be seen that Howard's proposal to fortify the wall and clear the field really hit the weakness of the orc army.

Da Liang has participated in so many large-scale wars, even if his command level is not very good, he still has some common sense of war.Through high-altitude reconnaissance, it can be seen that the orc army sent from the Stone Field to invade the main plane this time only brought food, and the weapons and equipment used for war were basically invisible.

It can be said that if the orcs did not have a Cyclops that could be used as a catapult, it would be difficult for them to break through the walls of NJ City.Of course, it was precisely because of the existence of Cyclops that when the orc army attacked ordinary cities, they did not rely much on siege equipment. After all, building siege equipment not only cost money, but also the maintenance cost was very high.

But whether it was because they were afraid of spending money, or felt that there was no need to use troublesome war equipment to fight in the main world, the orcs who attacked NJ City found that their siege equipment was not enough.

Then, in order to fill this part of the vacancy, as well as other consumption caused by the battlefield, the orc army must find a way to supplement this demand.

Those orc troops who dispersed were sent out to search for war supplies.

However, due to Howard's prior destruction, it is estimated that these orcs could not find much usable things.

As long as NJ City can hold for a few days, the orc army will find that they don't even have enough food.


Da Liang's reconnaissance team was spotted by the orc commander just after they left the city. Of course, he didn't allow his own army's deployment to be seen by the defenders unscrupulously.However, the presence of five purple dragons in this investigation team also prevented the orc commander from acting rashly.

The 15th-level purple dragon is the strongest spell-casting race in the entire plane. They are proficient in almost all existing magic, and they also have their own exclusive dragon magic.Each purple dragon is an all-round platform for casting spells. If they are allowed to release magic unrestrainedly, the destructive power they will bring is hard to describe and imagine.

Some powerful purple dragons can even unleash forbidden spells on their own.

What's even more frightening is...they can fly.

However, air power is the shortcoming of the orc race. Their ultimate creature, Beamon, has the strongest combat power on the ground among the eight major races.But like the Crystal Dragons, which specialize in ground combat, Beamon is not capable of flight.

However, as natural heroes, some powerful Behemoths can gain certain air combat capabilities through spells and skills.

The commander of the orc army is the giant stone of the cyclops family.

As a giant family, Jushi is ten meters tall, and his strong body is covered with a layer of brown short down.He has a human-like head, with a single, glaring eye on his forehead.

Jushi looked up at the enemy reconnaissance team flying overhead, and ordered the Thunderbirds who were trying to stop them to stop approaching.

If you can't interfere with Zilong's spell release, no matter how many Thunderbirds rush up, it won't help. Under the magic of large-scale and high attack, non-advanced hero units will die if they go up.

"Boulder, let me go up and tear up all those winged creatures above our heads."

Standing beside the boulder is a Behemoth holy beast, he is the second commander in the orc army, the 16th-level hero Fury.

Rampage has the same height as The Rock, but his lateral body is wider.Fury's body has long golden hairs, and a big head occupies about one-fifth of the body's volume.The wide mouth and protruding fangs show how terrifying the bite force of Fury is.

There is also the unique slap and sharp claws of the Beamon tribe (the Beamon ignores 40% of the defense power, the ancient Beamon ignores 80% of the target's defense power, and the Beamon holy beast ignores 100% of the defense power.)
Beamon's melee ability is really terrifying, especially Beamon's holy beast, which can fight one-on-one with Beamon's holy beast. The only ones in the whole plane are Crystal Dragon and Lie Yan who have defensive skills and enough blood. Commander has this power.

Other creatures will deliberately avoid the sharp claws they shoot when facing Beamon.

Faced with the will to fight furiously, Jushi glanced at the Arbitration Angel floating above the city of NJ.

Said: "Another new supreme angel has appeared, and I can feel that she has a top-level artifact in her hand. Although I don't know why Yunzhong City looks down on its own supreme angel, causing them to leave one by one, but I have to Do not admit that angels have talents that are envied by all plane races.

There are seven supreme angels in Cloud City, three in Hell, and now there are two more in the Five Color Banner Alliance...

So don't overlook any of the Supreme Angels, especially one with a top-tier artifact.We don't know what other strengths the Five-Color Banner Alliance hides, but at least Zishan from the Purple Dragon Clan and Red Beck from the Crystal Dragon Clan still haven't appeared on the battlefield.

This shows that our enemies have not lost their positions, and the deployment of troops in the stone field has not brought too much pressure to the Five-Color Banner Alliance.

Looking at the layout of NJ City, this war may not be as easy as we imagined.

We don't know how many troops the Five-color Banner Alliance has placed in the city, whether there are other 16th-level heroes, and how many purple dragons, crystal dragons, and poisonous dragons are hiding in the city.

For a small reconnaissance team, we will send a 16th-level hero, how will we fight in the future?
Leave this battle to us, the Giant Stone Golden Tent! "

(End of this chapter)

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