start an archangel

Chapter 1302 Ambush

Chapter 1302 Ambush
Da Liang led the reconnaissance team to continue the high-altitude reconnaissance of the orc army.Down below, on the more than [-] hectares of land in the southern suburbs of NJ City, orc soldiers were scattered everywhere, and groups of hungry wolf cavalry galloped across the wilderness, hunting and killing all living creatures in sight.

The big-eared monster lit a bonfire and grilled food. Beside the fire were piled up the prey that the wargs hunted, and some of them had only skeletons left.

The monsters refreshed at the leveling point on the outskirts of NJ City became a place to provide food for the orc army, and some small villages that did not have time to move into NJ City were all slaughtered by the orcs.

The long-term lack of food made the orcs not have too high requirements for the taste of food.They are so hungry that they can even eat grass roots and bark, basically there is nothing they can't eat.

However, for the huge base of orc warriors, hunting for food can only be regarded as a limited supplement to the rations of the orc army.Orcs have really big appetites. Although wargs are omnivorous animals, they consume more food than human war horses every day; ogres need more food than human warriors every day; The food intake is equally astonishing; there are also Cyclops and Behemoths who are basically about ten meters in size, and an adult bull every day is the most basic food supply.

It can be said that the orc army can fight without war equipment and alchemy equipment, but its dependence on food is far more than that of other races.This has also caused the orc army to always advocate offense, and they must use the strongest force to continuously launch attacks.Shorten the war time, save war consumption, and use a steady stream of spoils to supplement the food reserves that have always been on the red line.

Therefore, when encountering the orc army, do not fight against the orc army unless you have to, because for the orc warriors, if they do not die on the battlefield, they will probably starve to death, and only by attacking can they survive.

Facing the hungry orc army, defense is the best choice.

Da Liang, passing high above the sky, can feel how bad the logistics support of the orc army is. Dispersing troops to hunt around has never happened in his Blackfire army. This is a great waste of troops, and it will also eat away at the enemy. chance of attack.

Looking at the orc warriors running in the wilderness, looking for food.Da Liang felt that it was necessary to organize an air attack team to attack these orc warriors who had left the main force.

Air confrontation is the disadvantage of the orcs. The ultimate creature without the ability to fly makes the orc army lose the ability to compete for high altitudes.The air combat power of the entire orc race is only the Roc and the advanced Thunderbird. This kind of air power can only guarantee the safety of the orc army at low altitudes.

But Hell has a very strong air force. The advanced units are 11th-level abyssal devils and 12th-level abyssal demons, and the ultimate creatures are 13th-level demons and 14th-level great demons.Guys who can fly also perform very well in the comparison of arms of the same level.In particular, demons have the ability to move in subspace, and are recognized as the ultimate creatures that are difficult to deal with.

In addition to the air power of other vice cities, and the support of Zilong from Shangjiang City, the air defense power of NJ City is more than enough when defending the city.It might be a very good tactic if an air raid team could be sent out to attack the scattered orc hunting teams.

Da Liang felt that after this investigation was over, he could mention this idea to Howard.

The absence of an orc army for a long time made Da Liang a little paralyzed.After all, they fly very high, and the Cyclops' range cannot reach them at all.Dapeng came to block it, and it was useless to come too few, just to deliver food to the five-headed purple dragons; it was useless to come too many, the absolute speed of ordinary flying creatures was no match for ultimate creatures at all, as long as Da Liang and them were a little faster, they would be able to You can easily throw Dapeng away, and the higher-level Thunderbirds will not be able to catch up.

Unless it is a hero unit.

"Be careful, the ground coordinates are 458:58:236, there are a large number of unknown objects approaching rapidly... Pay attention to avoid! Pay attention to avoid!"

The orcs attacked the defender's reconnaissance team.The timing they chose was very good. When Da Liang led the team to fly over, a group of black things jumped out of the bunkers that had been arranged on the ground, and chased Da Liang and them along the blind spot behind the scouting team.

Da Liang's reconnaissance team did not discover these attackers immediately, but the reconnaissance team did not act alone.

The reconnaissance video for the NPC needs to be recorded with props approved by the system. No matter how much Da Liang knows the entire battlefield, he must use the magic crystal to take a photo on the battlefield and then hand it over to Howard.Directly submit the player's own video or screenshot, and the NPC cannot see it.

Therefore, even though the deployment of troops between the enemy and us in the entire battlefield has long been clearly detected by the college alliance, Da Liang must follow the investigation route in a regular manner to take pictures.

In fact, the entire NJ city battlefield is within the home range of the college league.The University Alliance is organizing the players of the Northern Lords Alliance to actively do war missions on the side of NJ City, and it is also organizing the Beastmen players to do the missions of attacking the Beast Army.

In other words, when Da Liang carried out high-altitude reconnaissance on the orc army, their flight paths were all under the supervision of the University Alliance, and the data support personnel of a whole team of [-] people, through the intelligence personnel scattered in various positions on the battlefield, worked in the background. Escort Da Liang for this mission.

When the orcs launched a surprise attack on Daliang, the logistics team of the University Alliance immediately captured the scene of the attack through the video signal given by the frontline investigators.

More than a dozen unidentified black spherical objects chased after Da Liang and the others like missiles launched into the air...

The warning first reached Da Liang, who was still in the cruising state.

Then the logistics personnel immediately notified the intelligence personnel in the vicinity of the attack to focus on the airspace where fighting may break out, and conduct all-round data analysis through multiple perspectives.

At the same time, an elite team of players also moved to the pre-combat location as quickly as possible, so as to support Da Liang when necessary.

After Da Liang received the attack warning and the location of the attacker, he immediately gave an order to the reconnaissance team: "The whole team speeds up the flight, and Broken Moon takes two people to the rear of the team. Before confirming the number and strength of the enemy, the tactics are based on defense." Mainly.

Zilong lowered his altitude and entered the protective circle of the guard... Release all the beneficial magic again.

Everyone is ready to fight at any time. "

Facing the attack, Da Liang did not rush to counterattack, he gave the order to speed up immediately without even turning his head.

The orc army did not intercept them for a long time, indicating that the attack must have been carefully planned.In this case, any hesitation may cause the team to fall into the trap that has been set up.

Only by speeding up can it be possible to get rid of the ambush circle arranged by the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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