start an archangel

Chapter 1303 The Encirclement

Chapter 1303 The Encirclement

Under Da Liang's order, the entire patrol team quickly increased its flight speed and changed its formation.

Shu Xiao dragged two "mythical" priests to the tail of the formation, and together with Da Liang and the priests formed a circular protective circle.The purple dragons who were originally in the higher airspace lowered their altitude, entered the middle of the protective circle, and were protected.

Zilong, who entered the position, once again released the buff state on the entire flying team, resetting the time of beneficial magic on the team members.

Master Bodyguard Stoneskin

Master Attack Speed

Master Class Comeback

Master Bodyguard Aegis

Master level magic spell

master prayer


After being blessed by various buff states, Da Liang rode Gale to lower the height to a position ten meters below the team, and then commanded Gale to release the skill "Road of Burning".

When the Unicorn of Doom runs, it leaves burning trails in its path.This time, after the skill was released, the flames on these footprints turned into clusters of fire pillars several meters high, forming a wall of fire behind it as the gust of wind galloped.

He hoped that this burning road would cause some disturbance to the enemy.

At this time, the background data personnel sent the latest data information to Da Liang.

"Captain Daliang, the enemy attackers are 900 meters behind you. Their speed is faster than yours. They are expected to catch up with you within 30 seconds. Please prepare for battle."

After receiving the information from the background, Da Liang looked down and looked behind.

As the data personnel said, a group of large unknown objects are quickly catching up from the side and rear.Although the reconnaissance team has been constantly improving their flight speed, the enemy's speed is faster, and the distance between the two sides is really shrinking rapidly.

Da Liang asked the background information staff: "What are these black things? Why are they flying faster than us?"

The backstage replied: "Commander Daliang, because the airspace where the air battle is about to take place is too high, we are unable to provide accurate data support. According to the analysis of the video data we have just done, the unknown object chasing you is in the shape of a sphere with a diameter of about Seven meters to eight meters, the number is 13. We guess...they should be Beamon and Cyclops who were launched up in some way and have flying spells.

The combination of the two forces gave them a speed advantage for a certain period of time.

We are sending personnel to these enemy launch sites...

Legion Commander, please pay attention!The second batch of unidentified flying objects has been lifted into the sky. The volume of these unidentified objects is much smaller than the first batch, and the number reaches 36.Possibly ogres and orcs...

Please note!In the direction of your flight at 11:50, a group of Thunderbirds appeared and intercepted your flight path obliquely.In the Thunderbird group, use two mutant hero units with a wingspan of [-] meters, and a thundercloud is forming in front of you.

Please keep your speed and direction. After 14 seconds, you can cross the thundercloud before it forms.

Please note!A flock of thunderbirds appeared at 1 o'clock in the direction of flight...

Please note!There seems to be a short-distance teleportation array forming in the side sky...

The first contact with the enemy starts after 10 seconds...

10, 9, 8..."

In a short period of time, waves of enemies appeared in the originally empty sky, encircling Da Liang's reconnaissance team three-dimensionally from front, back, left, right, up and down.

The bimons catching up from behind have stretched out their curled bodies, and five of them have long golden hairs on their bodies, which means that they are all 15th-level bimon holy beasts.

The others are 14th-order ancient Bimon.

These Behemoths with high hero levels cast skills and spells that can fly in the air, and the sky becomes real under their feet.They ran like gorillas on all fours, and chased up the scouting team.

Right in front of the reconnaissance team, two groups of thunderbirds formed a circle, one left and one right. The hero-level thunderbirds in the group of thunderbirds were still working together to cast large-scale lightning spells, forming a thundercloud on the flight path of the reconnaissance team. .

Master air thaumaturgy

Seeing the thunder cloud approaching, a purple dragon mastering master-level air magic released a state that could effectively defend against air magic to the entire team.

Then Zai Daliang rode Gale and led the scouting team into the black thundercloud.

The road ahead could not be seen clearly in the dim clouds, and the electric current "stinging and pulling" sounded around, and from time to time, an electric arc flickered, bringing light that suddenly appeared and disappeared.

The rumbling thunder was swept by the strong wind, and the thunderbolts suddenly exploded, making Da Liang feel as if he had been drilled into a space-time tunnel...

Fortunately, the early warning from the University Alliance was timely, and at the same time, when Da Liang received the attack warning, he was the first to issue an order to speed up the flight, which caused a deviation in the connection of the encirclement arranged by the ambushers.

Da Liang and his reconnaissance team got into the thundercloud earlier than expected by the ambushers.

At this time, the thundercloud has not yet fully formed, and the lightning energy is still being accumulated.So much so that after Da Liang and the others rushed past the thunder cloud, the power in the thunder cloud began to explode.

The thunder became louder, and the lightning intersected. The destructive power of the thunder attribute magic was completely detonated the moment the investigation team passed through, as if to tear the sky apart.

"Captain Daliang, the battle has begun, please defend against attacks from the rear."

Da Liang immediately ordered: "The broken moon organizes the rear team to defend. We cannot be slowed down by them and trapped in their expected battle airspace. All personnel follow closely, maintain formation, maintain altitude, and increase maximum speed..."

The thunderclouds arranged by the orc ambush team were at a higher position. They originally wanted to force the reconnaissance team to lower their altitude, so that the Beamon attack team chasing up from behind could knock Da Liang's team apart from the side.Once Zilong is separated from the protection members and is approached by Bimon, there will be no more threats.

But Da Liang's intuition and command gave the reconnaissance team a slight time lag advantage, and the team took the risk to pass through the thundercloud that was still gathering energy, avoiding the crisis of being hit by Beamon from the belly of the team.

However, after the reconnaissance team passed through the thundercloud, the Beamons also caught up to the position, and the battle was inevitable.And the Thunderbirds in front were also closing the pockets of the entire ambush circle.

Once the orcs are trapped in this airspace, the orcs' reinforcements will continue to increase.The longer the delay here, the greater the danger to the scouting team.

You must rush out before the Thunderbirds close the flight path.

Da Liang entrusted Shu Xiao with the task of organizing the rear to resist Beamon, and he drove the doomed unicorn Gale to launch the "charge" skill.

The flames on Haifeng's body began to erupt outwards, especially his ponytail. At this moment, it was like the tail flame of a rocket, pushing it to accelerate and accelerate continuously.

In terms of speed in a straight line, Da Liang had never seen a hero who was faster than Gale. Even Juliet, whose speed was too fast for people to get used to, could not compare to Gale in terms of absolute speed in a straight line.

Da Liang now wanted to take advantage of Gale's speed to attack the Thunderbirds first, so as to disrupt their formation and create opportunities for the reconnaissance team to break through.

(End of this chapter)

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