start an archangel

Chapter 1304 Chasing and Killing

Chapter 1304 Chasing and Killing
In the airspace above, a short-distance space teleportation array is about to take shape.If the orcs use the space teleportation array to occupy the upper airspace to gain a high altitude advantage, they will inevitably squeeze Daliang's reconnaissance team to the lower altitude, and eventually the airspace that can fly will become narrower and narrower.

The bright light in front has disappeared... The enemies in the teleportation array need to be dealt with by the team.

At this time, a purple dragon suddenly raised its head and breathed out a dragon's breath towards the space teleportation array that had already started to operate.

The dragon's breath turned into a black lightning ball on the way to the space teleportation array.The lightning ball shot out black arcs, causing space to shatter along the way.

The higher the level of battle, the more important the confrontation of space skills.A combat team can lack a strong mage, but must have at least one crappy space support.

The reconnaissance team led by Da Liang was actually formed to deal with tier 16 heroes.The priests brought by Shu Xiao are all the top human players in the Chinese game area. Only in terms of individual strength, they are comparable to the apostles of the shadow of death.

The five purple dragons were also carefully selected by Da Liang from the Hundred Dragon Squadron supporting NJ City. Not only are all the heroes above 50, but they also have mastered at least two master-level skills, and one of them has a space skill that has reached the level of a master. The super Zilong was directly transferred to this team by Da Liang.

Now the orc army is using the space teleportation array to airdrop the intercepted orc fighters. The space skill master in Zilong immediately shoots a space fission ball at the space teleportation array after entering the range of the spell.

The black electric ball containing space energy accurately hit the space teleportation array with a space crack, and after a sound of glass shattering, it unfolded into a black grid.

The power grid wrapped the space transmission array, and the entire array was torn apart by the distorted space, and then quickly shrank and turned into a black hole, interfering with the surrounding space energy.

The crisis from above was alleviated, and Shu Xiao, who was dragging behind the team, also started a confrontation with the enemy who was chasing up from behind.

According to the prompts from the background data support staff, Shu Xiao took the two priests who were lagging behind and unfolded the protective shield wall backwards.

Shield Wall is a skill of Terran Knights.Terran knights are heavy armored units, and their skills tend to be defense and protection.The shield wall is a group skill of human knights. Multiple human knights release it together. The defensive effect of the shield wall is accumulated according to the hero level and defense skill level.

Shu Xiao and the two mythical priests are all human knights. Except for Shu Xiao who flies on angel wings, the other two priests ride a black dragon with very strong defense.The defense skills of the three have all reached an advanced level. After jointly casting the protective shield wall, triple giant shields stood behind them.

The fastest Behemoth sacred beast attacked first.He ran with his limbs staggered, and every time he exerted force, a rock would be born under his feet, carrying the momentum of the Beamon holy beast and falling downward.

At the moment of catching up, a huge roar came from the mouth of Beamon Holy Beast, and then a rock several times larger than his body appeared at his feet.

The Bimon Holy Beast stepped on the rock and jumped with all its strength, its claws opened and rushed towards the protective shield wall that Shu Xiao and the others had deployed.

There was a loud bang.

The Beamon holy beast collided with the three shield walls.The Holy Beast Beamon was bounced back by the force of the rebound, and after falling dozens of meters down, he stepped on the rock and rushed up again.As for the priests, only Shu Xiao's side of the three shield walls was barely able to support them.

The two priests immediately replenished the broken protective shield wall.

At this time, two more bimon holy beasts rushed over.

One of them obviously uses the air magic flying thaumaturgy; the other uses the different-dimensional gate in the space skill, and realizes the air displacement through the gap between the two dimensional gates.

Shu Xiao led the priests to block the Bimon Holy Beast using flying thaumaturgy from the formation by moving and using the protective shield wall.The other Beimeng holy beast opened the door of another dimension in a higher airspace, and then swooped down towards the scouting team through the door.It's just that before it rushed to the position, it lay headfirst on an invisible defensive cover.

Force field shield is a widely used defensive magic, used to block attacking enemies, and has different defensive effects on physical attacks and magic attacks.

The swooping Beamon holy beast collided with the force field shield released by Zilong.

The force field shield rippled, but the blessing of master-level earth magic made this force field shield very strong.The Holy Beast Beamon stood up from the force field shield. He looked down at the purple dragon flying below, opened his mouth wide and let out a shocking roar, then clasped his claws into fists and smashed wildly at the force field shield .

Under the beating of the Beamon holy beast, the solid force field shield gradually cracked.

At this time, a cloud of white mist suddenly appeared in the airspace ahead, and the relatively high-speed flight made the cloud of mist fly over, enveloping the Beamon Holy Beast along the outer wall of the force field shield.

The strong wind blew away the mist, and the reappeared Bimon holy beast turned into an ice sculpture.He maintained the posture of waving his fists, the outside of his body was covered with a layer of ice crystals, and then he slid down the force field shield, falling towards the ground below.

But an exorcism magic was released by an ancient Beamon on the Beamon Sacred Beast turned into an ice sculpture.

The chasing Beamons used various means to try to intercept the reconnaissance team.

But the reconnaissance team discovered their attack intention early on. Not only did the speed increase make the transition of the orc siege deviate, but they also maintained a strict flight formation, supporting and cooperating with each other.

There is not much difference in absolute speed between the chasing and being chased, and the Beamons can only forcefully launch an attack through an instantaneous burst of speed.

Without cooperation, there is no way to form a concentrated breakthrough.Scattered attacks are not too much trouble for the scouting team with five purple dragons and guarded by mythological priests.

Under the protection of various magical skills, the scouting team continued to fly in a straight line without making any changes in direction to cause speed loss.

Whether the orcs can intercept the reconnaissance team depends on whether the Thunderbird flock blocked by the two wings can finally close up.

At this time, Da Liang rode the doomed unicorn Gale, leaving behind a burning pillar of fire.

In front of him was a group of thunderbirds blocking from the front left, about [-] of them in number, two of which were obviously huge, which meant that there were at least two high-ranking heroes in this group of thunderbirds Level Thunderbird.

(End of this chapter)

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