start an archangel

Chapter 1344 The Second Empire

Chapter 1344 The First Empire
The whole world didn't know that Joyce was still alive.Even the prophet's divination technique couldn't see the whole picture of the incident clearly because of the direct attack of the 16th-level hero Ergus.

On the surface far away from the underground labyrinth, Howard replaced Joyce as the king of Shangjiang and stabilized the situation.

The rising sun in the east illuminates the city and the land.In Hongda's music, colorful flags were raised all over the city at the same time, and countless magic fireworks shot high into the sky from the magic tower.

The angels in the air pulled out their angel swords, and held the sword salute towards the palace together.

The sound of the trombone was relayed from the palace to the walls in all directions.

The nobles dressed in the most magnificent costumes, wore medals representing merit, and rode armored horses along the central road to the palace and castle.

The crystal dragons shook their huge bodies and slowly followed the advancing team.Zilong and Dulong didn't take off either, they chose to walk to show their respect to Shangjiang's royal family.

Curious and excited civilians also gathered towards the upper palace, and soon every street and square around the palace was crowded with heads...

Groups of royal griffins whistled past, causing cheers like a tsunami.

The ceremony is about to begin.

Everyone in the palace buried their hatred in their hearts, and used their best state to welcome the arrival of the next great era.

Howard looked at his subordinates and allies, as well as the guests invited to watch the ceremony, and said, "Let us witness this miracle together..."

After all, Howard took the lead to walk to the terrace of the palace castle.

Then, Daliang, Joshua, Stanley...Zishan, Red Baker, Amber...Lucas, Macaulay, and the city-state owners who accepted the invitation to come to Shangjiang walked out together.

The cheers pushed the celebration to a new climax.

As the nobles and commoners of Shangjiang City, they are experiencing things that have never been experienced since the existence of the independent world.They fought against the two high-level planes of Dreamland and Stone Wilderness at the same time, and fought so hard that they couldn't step into Shangjiang's land.

Shangjiang even had the energy to hold such a grand celebration during the war.

At this time, the entire Shangjiang River was full of boundless fighting spirit instead of the frustration of being besieged.As long as they persist in playing for a day, they are creating a new peak in the main world.

Ordinary civilians and the army no longer care about the outcome of this war, only honor keeps them fighting unyieldingly.

Howard stood on the edge of the terrace, he pressed his hands, and the whole city was instantly quiet.

Everyone looked at the rulers on the terrace of the palace castle with fanatical eyes, looking at the returning god of war-King Howard.

"Joshua, is there any change in the battle ahead?" Howard asked softly.

Duke Joshua, the King of the Hill's second-in-command, has been assisting in directing the war against the elves and orcs, and has just arrived from the front line just as the celebrations begin.Before preparing his speech, Howard asked in a low voice about the situation of the war.

Joshua said quickly and briefly: "The elves and orcs knew that we were going to hold a celebration, so they launched a full-scale attack, intending to scare us into a hasty end.

But they don't know our real purpose, and the attack intensity is still within the acceptable range.

At this time, the King of the Hill, Holy Bella and Arbitration Angel are on the front line to supervise the battle.Coupled with the fact that our supplies and reserves are well prepared, there is no way for elves and orc armies to break through the line of defense and threaten the ceremony. "

With an affirmative answer, it means that the establishment of the empire will not be disturbed for the time being.Howard nodded, and then Da Liang beside him said, "Let's start."

Da Liang cheered up and saluted Howard: "Your Majesty, you can start now..."

"My subjects..."

Howard's voice echoed throughout the city.

"On the eve of this celebration, we all encountered the greatest misfortune together. In fact, the one who should have stood here... should be King Joyce, who brought peace to this city, and she who led this city to walk On unprecedented prosperity...

It was she who dispelled the shadow over the city and let us see a wider sky!

And find our place in this world.

It's just... she didn't see this moment.A most despicable assassination that took our king from us.

Our enemies want to use this most obscene method to prevent the rise of Shangjiang, want us to be enslaved by them again, and turn this land guarded by our ancestors into their pasture...

This is absolutely not allowed.

His Majesty Joyce will not allow it... We fear, compromise, back down, watch our enemies trample our land, watch our homeland lose hope!
We stand here today with only one belief...

If our lands are to be defended by war, we fight.

If our honor needs to be defended with our lives, we choose to sacrifice.

If our spirit needs to be proved by death, we choose eternity.

Dignity cannot be desecrated, violation must be defeated!
The blood shed for justice and freedom should not be shed in vain!
Soldiers, take up your arms...

For every hero who died in battle!

For His Majesty Joyce! "

Howard drew his great sword and pointed it up to the sky.

The nobles behind him also drew their swords.

In the city and in the sky, all the soldiers showed their weapons; there were also civilians with weapons... Even many players who watched the ceremony were drawn to the scene full of enthusiasm, and drew out their weapons to echo the grand occasion of the city.

"For Your Majesty Joyce!"

The whole city is shouting loudly...

"I... Howard, announce here!

Shangjiang is willing to fight side by side with all city-states in the main world who dare to stand up.

In NJ City, in Hangzhou Z City, in Jiading City, in Songjiang City... the power that our main world city-state can erupt is not weaker than any high-level plane.

The main world has the largest land, the largest population, the richest resources, and the most prosperous city in the entire plane.We have everything to be a mighty plane, but we lack a mighty heart.

Today... Shangjiang is willing to be this heart!
Shangjiang will take on the responsibility of leading the struggle of the main world. We will lead the cities of the main world to get rid of the fate of countless years, and let the world know us again.

At this moment, in this city that is destined to become a legend, under the gaze of all the planes... I declare in the name of the emperor...

The First Empire of the Lord World was established! "

Howard's announcement of the establishment of the first empire of the main world was really a surprise attack. Even at the last moment, the world didn't know what was about to happen.

At this time, the originally exciting city instantly became quiet.

But the silence didn't last long, and the sense of mission made the city explode.

The cheers made the ground tremble, and the scene became extremely chaotic. All the magicians released celebratory magic into the sky crazily, as if the whole city was about to experience a magic volcano eruption.

The shock caused by the establishment of the First Empire in the main world is causing a violent earthquake from Shangjiang to the whole plane.

(End of this chapter)

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