start an archangel

Chapter 1345 Imperial Honor

Chapter 1345 Imperial Honor
Shangjiang's establishment of the first empire in the main world really caught everyone by surprise.It can be said that no one thought that Shangjiang would dare to stand up and lead the main world when he was attacked by two high-level planes.

This is simply insane.

If the city-states of the main world do not respond to Shangjiang's establishment of an empire, then the first empire of the main world is a joke, a dying struggle of a city that is about to be destroyed.

It will even set fire to itself and accelerate its own demise.

But Shangjiang City fell into a frenzy... At this moment, the nobles let go of all the noble manners that set off their status, and they cheered like ordinary people.

Shouting the names of "The First Empire of the Lord World", "King Howard" and "King Joyce"...

On the castle of the Shangjiang Palace, a large imperial national flag was unfurled, and the golden, blue, and black tricolor flags covered the entire outer wall of the castle, implying the three great contributions to Shangjiang and the First Empire of the main world. family.

The celebration continued and was intense, with brilliant fireworks.

At this time, in the air above Shangjiang, a portal that smelled of death was opened, and several ghost dragons flew out of the portal, and then the voice of the Pope of the Innocent Vatican, the kingdom of death, mourned from the portal.

"I am the servant of the god of death, the Pope of the Unstained Holy See of the kingdom of death, and the master of the city of sighs. On behalf of the kingdom of death, I congratulate the establishment of the first empire of the main world, and I am willing to establish equal diplomatic relations with the first empire of the main world.

Here I would like to warn all high-level planes... The current main world is no longer the main world we knew before, this is a new force, we must face up to it... the rise of the main world is unstoppable.

Your Majesty Howard... I express my deepest condolences for what happened to Your Majesty Joyce, her soul will surely find eternity by Death's side. "

After the sad pope finished supporting the first empire of the main world, the ghost dragons retreated to the kingdom of death, and the plane teleportation array was closed.

The world was in a trance.

Shangjiang just established the first empire of the main world, and a very important high-level plane immediately supported it. This is definitely the strongest solidarity. It means that the first empire of the main world has received an important recognition, not a self-directed and self-acting farce.

But it didn't end there.

When the teleportation gate of the realm of death closed, a dark red teleportation gate opened again in the sky of Shangjiang.

The appearance of a group of fallen angels showed the direction of the connection on the other side of the portal.

Lucifer's hearty laughter came from the portal: "Hahaha... Howard, I didn't expect you to sit on the throne of Shangjiang again and establish the first empire of the main world.

Hell has no reason not to support you.

I have already informed all the demon lords of hell that the city of hell in the main world under their jurisdiction, as long as this city is willing to merge into your first empire, hell will take over with you.

Work hard, Howard... I like you.

Say hello to Duke Flydust for me.

You are also welcome to visit Furnace City. "

Lucifer is in a really good mood. The two biggest real rulers in the First Empire of the Lord World are now the Lords of Hell, and they are simply natural allies.Lucifer even deliberately revealed his close relationship with Howard and Da Liang in order to accelerate the five-color flag alliance to move closer to the evil camp.

In addition, the two planes supporting the First Empire of the main world are all evil camps, which is enough for the good camp to guess.

Also, the assassin who assassinated King Joyce probably came from the good camp... The situation in the evil camp is really "cleaning the clouds and seeing the moon", and the future is bright!

The recognition of the two high-level planes of the kingdom of death and hell gave the first empire of the main world the legitimacy.

The two planes are willing to take the initiative to withdraw from the main world, and also help the authority established by the First Empire.

Those city-state owners who were invited to participate in the ceremony suddenly became panicked.Because... no one greeted them in advance.

The purpose of Shangjiang suddenly establishing an empire and inviting them here is self-evident.

Now Shangjiang is united and morale is high.Backed by the five-color flag alliance inside and the open support of high-level planes outside, the empire is already unstoppable.

When Howard turned around, all the city-state owners knelt in front of him together and swore to join the First Empire and serve Emperor Howard.

Shangjiang shouted at the most appropriate time!

The main world, which has been sleeping for countless years, wakes up at this moment.

In addition to the city-states of the main world at the scene of the establishment ceremony of the empire, those distant cities also responded to join the first empire of the main world.For a while... the main world was full of cities that had changed flags. They hung the flag of the First Empire to expel the troops stationed in the high-level planes.

In order to protect their own interests, the high-level planes made the battle inevitable.

More intense battles quickly ignited in the main world.

The situation in the whole plane became more turbulent, and the first empire of the main world began to affect the pattern of plane wars.

And at this time, Shangjiang... a new level 16 hero came into being.

Howard is a hero who has stayed at the peak of the 15th level for a long time, but the main world has never been born at the 16th level. It seems that there is an invisible ceiling that limits the growth of the heroes of the main world.

And when the power of the main world began to have centripetal force, the ceiling of the upper limit of power also disappeared.

Establishing the first empire in the main world and changing his life against the sky brought unimaginable achievements to Howard, allowing him to break through the bottleneck of restrictions in one fell swoop and cross the huge gap between the 15th and 16th levels.

The vast coercion spread outward from his body, enveloping the entire huge city inside.

Even the lowest-level peasants can feel the power contained in this force, knowing that a new 16th-level hero is born at this moment.

The main world finally gave birth to the first Tier 16 hero.

Law level!
Howard couldn't believe that he could master this level of power one day, and he could feel that his power had changed drastically in quality.If you don't reach the law level, you will never know what a 16th-level hero can do. The feeling of being dissolved in the law, understanding the law, and using the law cannot be expressed in words and words.

"This is the power to protect the entire city and this empire!"

Howard wasn't too obsessed with the newly acquired power, he quickly said to Da Liang: "I canonized you as Prince Feichen of the First Empire of the main world, but I can't give you the proper ceremony right now.

What Lucifer intentionally revealed was enough to arouse the speculation of the good camp, and the establishment of the first empire in the main world did touch too many interests of the high-level planes.

And about Joyce...

Revenge must be done secretly, but if Cloud City finds out that we know they did it, the establishment of the empire is likely to trigger a direct attack from Cloud City.

This time is a critical period for the stability of the empire, and Cloud City must be stabilized. "

Da Mingliang nodded and replied, "I see...I'm going to Cloud City now."

(End of this chapter)

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