1399 Threat
Jumping continuously, Da Liang flickered in the air, leaving all kinds of attacks behind, and then climbed rapidly, releasing magic one by one at the same time.

Divine Skill: Dark Blazing Wings... Activated!
Summon Dragon's Breath Ball!
Flame Aegis
Steel Armor
dark shield
Surrounded by a series of halos, Da Liang raised his fighting state to the extreme, and finally he stood at the highest point of the battlefield, slashing at the lightning that struck down with his sword.

The energy hedging caused a sky-shattering explosion, and the rainwater was evaporated by the overflowing energy and turned into white mist.

The lightning disappeared under the impact of the sword light, and the dark clouds in the sky were cut open by the flying sword force, and the sunlight shone down from the gap.

Da Liang just stood in the air, the metalized feathers of the black wings reflected the dazzling sunlight.He was wearing a battle armor plasticized by earth magic, holding the Dark Blazing Sword in one hand, and the black shield condensed with corrupted energy in the other.The three flame aegis slowly rotated around his body, and a dragon's breath ball on his shoulder sprayed out tongues of flame.

"I didn't want to fight with you at first. After all, it's not easy for you to level up now. I usually let you if I can, but I won't give up the heroic spirit copy I'm looking for.

Today everyone is here because of me, so I will play with you.

You choose the battlefield, and I will decide the rules... If I die, give me a face and stop harassing the copy of the heroic spirit I am looking for.

If you die, don't come again if you die once.Whoever is shameless, resurrects after death and continues to fight... If you have a territory, I will destroy your territory, if you have a legion, you will destroy your legion, if you have nothing, I will want you all over the world.

Don't think I'm scaring people, if you're not afraid to annoy me, try it!
The sun of the sanctuary... Do you continue to fight, or stand aside and watch. "

Da Liang's sword that could split the sky just now stopped the ambusher's attack.After raising his might with a single sword, Da Liang uttered the rules of battle he had set in a stern voice.

With Da Liang's strength, it is no problem to take Shu Xiao away safely, but the entrance to the dungeon was snatched away.Stay here and keep fighting... If the opponent dies and resurrects and fights with wheels, Da Liang's magic power will not be able to hold on.

Therefore, Da Liang made his way out and took revenge afterwards...threatening these players who participated in the ambush.

The Holy Church Sun, who had just been resurrected and returned to the battlefield, was discovered by Da Liang and directly named.

After personally experiencing the strength demonstrated by Da Liang, the players who participated in the ambush have awakened from their longing to kill Da Liang.This is the power to fight against 16th-order heroes, and has the ability to instantly kill anyone present.At the beginning, everyone thought that no matter how strong a player was, he could only be killed under their siege.

And now...

It is not yet known how many people will die to accomplish this goal.

Of course...you can definitely win by relying on the heap of human lives, but the loss is too great...

Now he is threatened by Da Liang again.

If Da Liang really has the ability to fight against hundreds of top players, then what he said is not to scare people.The players who can be invited to ambush Da Liang are all big men, with an organization and a team behind them.If these people have nothing to do with Da Liang, then their respective territories and legions don't have the strength to stop him alone... No one wants to have their own property burned to the ground by Da Liang.

Everyone looked at the Holy Church Sun, who was named by Da Liang, to see how he would respond to Da Liang's threat.

Sun was the first to be killed in this battle, a spike without any resistance.Under the order of the fool, the resurrected sun returned to the battlefield as quickly as possible, and continued to participate in the siege of Da Liang.

The Holy Church has invested too much in this ambush against Da Liang. If it is not successful... the Holy Church will go bankrupt and be completely disbanded.Therefore, every member of the church must do their best to complete this task.

Persevere even if you die several times!
But like everyone... besides being a Templar, the sun also has a powerful interest group behind it.

Death in the game can be resurrected. If Da Liang is really strong enough to surpass the level of top players, then completely offending Da Liang means that his own interest group may suffer disaster.

Now being directly named by Da Liang... Sun knows that if he stays here, there will be no room for maneuver.

"The sun, the sun...don't be frightened by Da Liang, his strength is only temporarily improved. What he said is to scare us, so that we dare not give it a go.

If you quit... what will the players we invite think?
sun!The interests of the church are one!If Da Liang dares to attack your guild, we can all support you immediately.

Our goal is to lead the clan, so we must first go all out here to defeat Da Liang. "

The Fool tried his best to persuade the sun, if he was frightened by Da Liang, the confidence of the players who participated in the ambush would be dealt a heavy blow.If people's hearts are not aligned, loopholes will appear, and the result will definitely be disastrous.

The sun was stared directly at Da Liang, and soon he couldn't bear the pressure and replied to the sun: "I'm sorry... the fool! Only by enduring Da Liang's thunder and bombs can he realize how terrifying his attack power has reached. You know how powerful he is. A knight needs a strong heart to hold up a wall, but mine was shattered at that moment.

If Da Liang was casting a spell on me, I wasn't sure if I would dare to block it.An unstoppable knight is just a liability...it doesn't make any difference to the battle situation. "

"You stand on the battlefield is the meaning..."

The Fool continued to fight, but Sun had already retreated from the battlefield: "I'm sorry again... I don't want to break with Da Liang completely. I wish you all good luck..."


Fools curse...

The sun chose to withdraw from the battle in fear of Da Liang's threat, which really caused turmoil among the ambusher players. "The people in the temple are not fighting anymore, what's the point of us fighting again..."

At this time, the Sun Attendant said loudly: "Sure enough, he is a player who can fight against 16th-level heroes! I have to admit that Mr. Da Liang is really too strong, and I really don't complain about my loss last time.

It is a great honor for us players on the leaderboard to be able to fight against Mr. Da Liang collectively this time.

Everyone is a top player in the game.What are you playing?It is an experience that is usually not found in reality, it is the stimulation brought by the battle, and it is a constant challenge.

Now standing in front of us is the prince of the First Empire of the main world, the top player in the game.

Doesn't one death drop one level?

You can go up again if you drop the level, but it just takes some time.If you miss this time, it will be almost impossible to create such an environment to fight against Mr. Da Liang next time.

Anyway, Da Liang has set the rules now, and he will never pursue it after the First World War.

Don't you feel too regretful if you don't go all out to kill Mr. Daliang once?After going offline today, will you regret it? "

The Sun Attendant spoke at the right time, reuniting the scattered hearts of the players.

(End of this chapter)

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