Chapter 1400
The fools in the temple are extremely unwilling to accept the current situation. The ambush has become a contest under the rules set by Da Liang, and the meaning is quite different. Even if Da Liang can win and kill him here, it will not have the planned impact force.

But... the rule of restlessness, how many people dare to go all out under the threat of Da Liang?
Underestimating Da Liang's strength, Fool had no choice but to accept the Sun Attendant's proposal, he said to Da Liang: "Today, I will follow your rules, no matter how strong you are... we people can still kill you.

Go to war! "

The ambushes rallied.Whether it is for the benefit of the game or to experience the excitement of the game's top battles, the players who have no worries about the future have shown their best skills.

Under the order of the fool to attack, the brilliance of magic instantly spread across the sky.

The clouds that were torn apart by Da Liang closed together again, and the Thunder Dragon sprinted down from the clouds with a rumbling sound. Big bright position swept.

I don't know how many kinds of control and negative status magic there are.

All the melee players rushed towards Da Liang with the fastest speed despite all kinds of defenses.

To tell the truth...Da Liang has no bottom in his heart against hundreds of top players in the game. No matter how strong the hero is in this game, there is an upper limit. Even Michael will run out of mana.But when the battle officially started, Da Liang didn't think about winning or losing.

Let's fight if you want... After playing for so long, I have never fought such a passionate battle with players.Half of the masters on the Eye of Insight leaderboard are here. It is also a rare opportunity for Da Liang. If he misses this time, he still wants to invite so many top players to play against will not be so easy.

Facing the stormy attack, Da Liang flickered away from the center of the attack, and then propped up the force field shield to block the aftermath of the attack.The attack struck again, and the melee players turned around and scattered into a net, wrapping towards Da Liang.

Da Liang no longer flickered the displacement, and unnecessary consumption of mana for dodging was of no benefit to the battle. Only by killing the enemy could the battle truly end.

And hurry up... The transformation state of the evil angel has passed for a while, and the dark blazing wings also have a certain time limit.

Daliang flies in a curve and constantly changes his flying posture, relying on the magic shield and spells on his body to avoid and resist spells that occasionally hit him.He used the black shield to block the attack of a melee player, and the magic "Demented" confused another melee player.

Longwei impact, dragon breath...

Bone erosion combo...

Da Liang cleanly killed the player who was held back by the black shield, and then used a series of fireballs to take away the player who was blindly attacking other players in the chaos.

Blinking to avoid the concentrated fire of magic, the "Thunder Bomb" whose cooldown time has expired once again showed its power.

A wave of attacks killed three players and turned them into white lights. Da Liang burst out at speed while dodging the attacks while replenishing his status and recovering his blood.Thunderbolts fell around him, forming fireballs, meteorites, and icicles everywhere.Da Liang shuttled through all kinds of magic and skills, like black lightning piercing the sky and rain.

After completing the status, Da Liang immediately used the magic scroll to form circles of magic circles around his body...

Dark Barrier
A ring-shaped wall of black light protected Da Liang within it, even if the incoming magic hit the barrier, it couldn't shake it at all.This is a super defensive skill in the fallen combat technique. Before the damage that the barrier can withstand reaches the value, no attack can harm the people protected by the barrier.

But as the price of super defense, the caster cannot move the position.

Da Liang was fixed in the air, and all attacks immediately focused on him. Various magic and skills hit the dark barrier, but they couldn't break through its defense.

Although Da Liang, who is protected by the dark barrier, cannot move, he can release magic.He turned himself into a cannon behind a hard cover, locking on to the target to attack.

The Sun Attendant and the Fool are hiding too far away...let's kill the nearby mage first.

death ripple
Hell flames
Frost Oculus
Chain lightning
Da Liang continuously cast four large-scale attack magics centered on himself. With the blessing of his powerful magic attack and magic circle, all mage players who were covered by the attack turned into bloodskins.

After succeeding, Da Liang immediately removed the dark barrier, and then flashed continuously in the air, releasing single-target attack magic and skills at the mages who were in a hurry to restore their blood.

Thunderbolt Ice, Magic Arrow, Blazing Spear, Summoning Iron Fist...

Continuous teleportation sneak attacks, some mages managed to escape from Da Liang's last knife under the cover of their companions, but five mages still died in Da Liang's attack.

In just a few minutes, the ambushers lost eight people, and the sun had already left nine people to fight.

If Da Liang couldn't be restrained, they really weren't enough to kill.

Still lack of cooperation...

The fool who commanded the team to besiege Da Liang knew where the problem was.The players he invited this time are very strong individually, but they can't even play the effect of one plus one together.Without systematic training, it is difficult for them to comprehend their own command intentions, and even most of them simply ignore their own orders, but roam freely on the battlefield.

As long as Da Liang stretches back and forth a lot, there will always be some unlucky ones who will be placed alone.

"Everyone... There must always be a command in a battle, otherwise we will lose very embarrassingly." The Fool slowed down the pace of the battle, and distanced himself from Da Liang appropriately. He said to the players participating in the battle: "If we If you want to win, you must unite and give up your ego to listen to an order in order to win this battle.

Now please gather into teams according to our pre-war formation, follow and execute the instructions given by the background, and keep yourself within the range where your comrades can support at any time.

When Da Liang was teleporting, the backstage staff made predictions about where he would land.We gradually compressed his movement space, as long as we can catch him, we can kill him.

Now get ready, restore health...attack. "

The ambushers who were stunned by Da Liang took a short rest. In Da Liang's black fire domain, if all kinds of negative states are not eliminated in time, the blood will drop as soon as they are burned by the fire.

The players regrouped according to the information given in the background, and the spellcasters had melee protection, and each combat group could get the support of nearby friendly forces without dead ends.

The pressure brought by Da Liang made these rebellious players realize the gap. They gave up their individuality and became part of the team instead.Although the coordination is still a little rusty, but fortunately the scene is no longer so chaotic.According to the instructions from the backstage, each team alternately moved in the air under cover, like a circle of bandages being tightened to trap Da Liang inside.

(End of this chapter)

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