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Chapter 1448 Feasibility Experiment

Chapter 1448 Feasibility Experiment

All the alchemists present are experts in this industry. When Nicole proposed this experimental idea, all the alchemists immediately figured out the principle and general structure of the entire experimental idea.

At this time, Miniya asked Nicole: "If we need the two adults Julian and Juliet to help build the divine power vortex passage, the two of them must stand for a long time at the position closest to the extremely good divine power.

When we officially release the supernatural power, it is enough to destroy a plane. How can we guarantee the safety of Julian and Juliet? "

Princess Ziling is not as fanatical as Nicole in alchemy research, and she also realizes that this plan has great potential harm to Julian and Juliet.

"There has never been a precedent for such a large-scale release of divine power in the past. It is the first time for all of us. Now we have the ability to cut off the siphon state of the release of divine power, but when the release of divine power reaches a surge, no one can make it happen. It stops again.

If Julian and Juliet, who were closest to the divine power surge, were in danger at that time, no one could help them. "

Nicole, who has already considered this plan, said: "Of course I know the potential threat this plan brings to Julian and Juliet, but as long as they mobilize their divine power synchronously and in a balanced manner, the risk can be minimized.

Julian and Juliet come from the same soul core, and share the same body for a long time. They can be combined into Arbitration Angels. Synchronizing divine power is as natural to them as eating for us.

As for balance...they have the League of Angels.

The risks are there, but not as high as we might think.Theoretically, I could have choked to death while drinking my tea, but I'm still alive and well. "

With that said, Nicole picked up the teacup in front of her, took a deep sip, and signaled to the alchemists that she didn't choke.

Then Nicole said: "In terms of risks, we alchemists are the closest group of people. Every time we enter the channel of the crystal wall of the god plane, we also risk being corroded by divine power.

But to discover the truth, let us make the best preparations, and then face any unknowns bravely.

I can feel that we have found the most correct way to open the plane of God. We have the obelisk, Julian, Juliet, and the League of Angels. These are the keys to open the plane of God...

The risk is worth taking. "

After Nicole finished speaking, the conference room fell into silence.

Opening the crystal wall of the god plane is full of temptations for all alchemists, but the control of risks is beyond their ability, and they have no idea what will happen when the divine power surges.

After a while, Miniya said: "Mr. Nicole, you know that Julian and Juliet are very important to His Royal Highness. His Royal Highness will not let them take such a risk."

Speaking of Da Liang...Nicole put down the teacup, rubbed her temples in annoyance, then sighed and said, "Okay... Let me think about how to eliminate the risk. But we can first Build the divine power accelerator that needs to be added, and the divine power vortex channel can also be researched and built in advance.

After we figure out a way to protect Julian and Juliet, we can directly start the experiment of opening the plane of God.

The next step is... to discuss where the divine power should be channeled. "

There is no need to let Julian and Juliet take risks, and the atmosphere of the meeting becomes more relaxed.What should be built, what should be researched, maybe after everything is ready, a way to protect Julian and Juliet will be figured out.

Then... where to direct the divine power is another problem.

Since opening the god plane only needs to push the release speed of the god power to the critical point of the crystal wall of the god plane, so there is no need to accelerate the release of the god power for a long time, and the surge of the god power in the last period may be a few seconds.Although the total amount of divine power that needs to be diverted is huge, it is also limited. What is dangerous is its sudden impact. If it directly rushes into the space of the plane, the damage will be devastating.

Therefore, this divine power must have a release point.

This release point must be able to withstand the impact of divine power; it must be a closed space that will not allow the divine power to overflow; and it must be close enough, because the longer the distance to channel the divine power, the greater the risk.

Best to find a place within the Great Tomb...

Where in the Great Tomb can these divine powers be stored?This is not an ordinary power. If it is not done well, the underground world that has been dug so hard will be blown into a broken space.

Miniya thought for a while and said, "Can we inject these divine powers into the undead summoning circle..."

Nicole shook her head and said: "I have also considered this plan, but I have participated in the repair of the undead summoning circle, and it simply cannot withstand the impact of this level of divine power.

If you really can't find a suitable place, you can inject divine power into my body.

I have a spiritual stone and a body of thunder, so I should be able to convert divine power into lightning energy. "

Nicole is very adventurous in researching the field of alchemy, and Princess Ziling immediately pointed out that Nicole is looking for death: "Your spiritual stone and thunder body can transform other elements into lightning energy, but this is a supernatural power , is a power higher than the elements. Forcibly absorbing it will shatter the spirit stone and disperse your soul, and the best result is to turn you into a monster with divinity."

Nicole knew that what Princess Ziling said was right, but she insisted: "If I can open the plane of God, it will be worthwhile for me to become a monster, or even shattered."

Princess Ziling smiled and said, "If you can't see God with your own eyes, what's the point of dying? And I don't think His Royal Highness will allow you to take such a big risk... I heard from Black Pearl that you once kissed God on your own initiative. Bright."

As if recalling the moment that happened, Nicole couldn't help sliding her fingers over her lips, and said with a smile: "It feels good, I suddenly don't want to die like this. Princess Ziling, I think you are in the mood to make fun of me, yes Didn't you think of a place to store divine power?"

Nicole's frankness made the alchemists laugh, and at the same time looked at Princess Ziling, wanting to know what she was thinking.

Zi Ling said: "If there is no racial barrier, I think dragons are the strongest species in the world. If dragons can become an independent camp, then there will be no conflict between good and evil, because the whole world is crawling on the ground. under the rule of the dragon.

It is even spread in the legend of the dragon clan that there is a giant dragon born at level 16, who has been sleeping in the dragon's nest all the time. "

(End of this chapter)

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