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Chapter 1449 Magical Rainbow

Chapter 1449 Magical Rainbow
All the alchemists raised their ears at this moment. Princess Ziling was talking about the secrets of the dragon clan, and it was a secret that only a very few leader-level dragons could know.

After successfully attracting the attention of the entire conference room, Zi Ling slowly revealed the secrets she knew about Longyuan's Nest.

Dragon Origin's Nest... As the name suggests, this is the place where the world's first giant dragon was born. All known and unknown dragons can be born from Dragon Origin's Nest.

Including the legendary natural 16th-order holy dragon.

The holy dragon has never appeared in this world, but every giant dragon who comprehends the power of the 16th-order law can feel the power of the dragon at a higher level of power.It dissolves in the law, or it itself represents the law of this world, above all law-level heroes.

Almost all law-level heroes deny the existence of the holy dragon, but the dragons believe that the holy dragon guards the world. He is in the source of the dragons-the dragon source's nest. When the world is facing destruction, the holy dragon will Show up to save the world.


After Princess Ziling finished introducing Longyuan Nest and Shenglong, the conference room fell into a brief silence.

The alchemists looked at Princess Ziling and felt that this legend was more like... the self-promotion of the Dragon Clan.In fact, every race has the same legend of salvation, except that the protagonist, the holy dragon, is replaced by kobolds, goblins, cavemen, etc. The lower the race, the more such legends of salvation.

The Holy Dragon of Salvation?

Even the Zilong alchemists don't really believe in the existence of this more advanced dragon family. After all, they are all engaged in alchemy, and they respect facts more than those illusory things.

Princess Ziling looked at her doubtful colleagues and smiled awkwardly: "This is a story my father often told me when I was young, maybe it's just his feeling that the powerful dragon clan can't be unified...

However, even if the legend of the Holy Dragon is true, the Dragon Source Nest can indeed withstand the impact of the super good divine power, and whether it will be destroyed... I don't know. "

Nicole tapped the table quickly with her fingers, and quickly analyzed in her mind the feasibility of directing the surging supernatural power to Longyuan's Nest.

Then he said very resolutely: "At present, in the entire tomb, only Longyuan's Nest is qualified to withstand the impact of extremely good divine power. As for whether it will be damaged... This is not something we need to consider, our task It is to open the crystal wall of the god plane.

Prince Daliang is not willing to part with Julian and Juliet, so he should be willing to part with a dragon's nest.

That's it.

Add a divine power acceleration ring, research and create a vortex diversion channel, reduce the danger that Julian and Juliet will encounter when guiding the divine power, and then transform the dragon source's nest into a container for the divine power...

Don't tell Da Liang about these things, after we finish... I will tell him personally. "

After speaking, Nicole looked at Minia.

Miniya said: "As long as His Royal Highness doesn't ask, I won't tell him."

"Also, Black Pearl."

Heizhu released her own projection in the room, and timidly assured Nicole: "If the captain doesn't ask, I won't tell."

The alchemist meeting of the Great Tomb ended, and the research on the plane of God entered the final stage.


Joyce commanded the three-masted battleship to continue sailing on the ocean of the elemental plane.In the captain's room, she was lying on a chart, using rulers, compasses, compass... to calculate her position on the ocean of elements.Even if Ergus walked in, she didn't notice her serious appearance.

Ergus, who is on the elemental plane, has been paying attention to the war in Furnace City of Hell, which is simply a meat grinder for the good camp and the evil camp.As if possessed by Satan, Lucifer frantically mobilized troops to the furnace city.The war and killing made the creatures of hell become fanatical. He responded to the call of the new Lord of Hell and gathered on the battlefield of Furnace City with all his strength.

There are also allies of the evil camp, the kingdom of death, and the endless labyrinth, all of which have sent considerable reinforcements to hell.Even the swamps realized the importance of the Furnace City war, and sent a swamp army to the Furnace City without any reward.

The alliance of elves and orcs was trapped in Shangjiang City, which made Michael miss the best opportunity to win the war.Then she miscalculated Lucifer's determination to resist...

Now Michael is riding a tiger. In order to keep the troops that have already been put on the battlefield, he can only continuously mobilize troops to put them in.The scale of the war is getting bigger and bigger, and no one can bear the consequences of failure here.Now I want to stop, but I can't stop, I can only persevere.

The cruelty of the Furnace City battle exceeded everyone's estimates. Even if compared with the previous plane wars, it was still a large-scale battle that could break into the top five.But most of those tragic battles took place in the later stages of the plane war, and this time can only be regarded as the initial stage of the plane battlefield... What will the future wars do to this world?
Even Ergus was awed.

This war is too abnormal, the blood in hell will be drained soon, and Lucifer must be rescued before he is transferred to Satan's prison...

Seeing that Joyce was still commanding the battleship to wander around in this sea area, Ergus, who got the latest battle situation in Hell, finally couldn't bear it any longer and walked into the captain's room.

"What are you looking for here? We have been wandering around this sea area for more than half a month, and I have also searched for you from the sky. There is nothing here, and it is no different from other oceans."

Joyce glanced at Ergus who was hidden in the smock, then continued to lower his head to measure and calculate on the chart.

And replied: "Have you heard of the magic rainbow?"

magic rainbow...

Hearing the name, Eggs froze for a moment, and then said: "The magic rainbow is a rainbow bridge that only appears on the elemental plane, and it is said that anyone can learn all the magic in this world through the rainbow bridge.

Of course... legends are deceiving.

The magical rainbow does exist, but what it leads to is the lair of the Nine-headed Golden Crow, the ruler of the elemental plane.

If you are really looking for a magic rainbow, I urge you to dismiss this idea.Even I don't know where the magic rainbow is, and if we disturb the nine-headed golden crow... no one on the elemental plane is his match. "

Joyce did not interrupt her calculations because of Ergus's words, she replied: "According to the expedition notes left by my parents, the magic rainbow is here.

We can't see it now because only by sailing from a certain place and in a certain direction can we rush up the Rainbow Bridge. I don't know that the other end of the Rainbow Bridge is the nest of the Hydra Golden Crow, but I believe mine My parents were there, and the presents they had prepared for me.

I must find them! "

(End of this chapter)

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