start an archangel

Chapter 1455 Torch Tower Fortress

Chapter 1455 Torch Tower Fortress

The more Da Liang does high-end tasks, the more he understands the strengths, weaknesses and characteristics of each aspect of the world.

All powerful planes are guarded by a number of level 16 heroes.Even if the three dragon clans are so powerful that the entire race is 15th-level creatures, with only a 16th-level hero guarding them, facing the attacks of Cloud City and Hell, they don't even have the strength to fight back.

And there is a plane in this world, which is also guarded by only a 16th-level hero, but no plane dares to provoke it...including Cloud City and Furnace City.

That is the Elemental Plane.

In the elemental plane, the strength of the Nine-Headed Golden Crow is unsolvable.He is proficient in all elemental magic, and the power of casting spells has doubled.In that special environment, his magic power is unlimited.

What's even more frightening is... the Nine-Headed Golden Crow can use the Nirvana rebirth skill at any time. After he blew himself up and died, he was immediately resurrected at 100% full state on the spot.

Not afraid of one-on-one, not afraid of group fights, this is the existence of such bugs.

Fortunately, after the nine-headed Golden Crow left the elemental plane, he would not be so invincible, and at the same time, he was unwilling to participate in the battle for the plane.Therefore, the elemental plane strictly abides by absolute neutrality, instead of using the name of neutrality like the Five-Color Banner Alliance to profit from both sides in the plane war.

As the strongest player on the elemental plane, the Nine-headed Golden Crow is definitely the best in all planes in terms of energy usage.Then it's not surprising that the alchemy puppet he made could fool the Flame Temple and drop the leader of the flames.

Da Liang helped Nicole pack her luggage, and then said: "Master Nicole, I will fully support your research work on this alchemy puppet, just tell me what materials and equipment you need.

I will build an alchemy laboratory for you under that torch tower.Alchemists of the Great Tomb, draw as you please. "

Nicole tied up the space pocket, then narrowed it down and hung it on her belt, and drank the tea on the table in one gulp, before saying to Da Liang: "There is no need to build a special alchemy laboratory for me, I will directly enter the Flame Temple to start my research work.

Since only one person can enter the Flame Temple, no assistants are required.

But... in the field of flames, the tools I carry will be consumed very quickly. You must store all the supplies I need under the torch tower, so as not to waste my time. "

Nicole wanted to put the laboratory directly in the Flame Temple, which was really beyond Da Liang's expectations.You must know that there is not only a continuous flame field in the flame temple, after the alchemy puppet is destroyed, it will reorganize after 10 minutes.

In other words, Nicole only has 10 minutes of research time for each battle. Even though Nicole may have an overwhelming advantage over the alchemy puppet with the body of thunder, the burden on energy is unimaginably heavy.

Nicole worked so hard, Da Liang patted his chest and said: "Leave this to me, you can rest assured... According to the usual practice, you make a list for me, and I will prepare everything for you in duplicate."

Nicole nodded: "Then there is no problem, let's go, take me to see the alchemy puppet."

After the erupting Torch Tower calmed down, the fleeing dwarves returned here.They have received an order from Obsidian City to strengthen the defense of the torch tower and build more defense facilities. The priority is to build a weapon manufacturing factory.

The dwarf craftsmen who received the order immediately turned to the construction of the wall.

The quarry was built nearby, and the war bears and underground lizards acted as animal power for transportation. The dwarf craftsmen polished the stones into squares and piled them up piece by piece.

After Da Liang brought Nicole back here after many teleportations and flights, the dwarves had already built a low wall about one meter high around the torch tower.

Da Liang ordered again.

"The defense level here is the highest level, a fortress is built around the torch tower, and the security range is expanded by more than ten kilometers.

The Obsidian City dwarves must station a Dwarf Legion here, the Blackfyre Leader will station a Tracker Cavalry regiment here, and the Judgment Leader will send a Griffin Legion.

The Five-Color Banner Alliance will send two Tier 15 giant dragon combat teams, and build a plane portal to the Judgment Territory here.

The only task of this garrison prevent anyone from breaking into this torch tower.

And has the priority to start a war. "

Because the matter involved in the alchemy puppets in this torch tower is too important.Whether the plane of God can be opened on the premise of ensuring the safety of Julian and Juliet depends on whether Ni may not be able to study the alchemy puppet thoroughly as soon as possible.

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Da Liang will personally supervise the preliminary construction of the fortress here, and purchase and stockpile the supplies needed by Nicole.

Before entering the torch tower, Nicole said to Da Liang: "Because the alchemy puppet inside was made by the nine-headed Golden Crow, even if I learn the key alchemy techniques, I may still need to go to the Golden Crow's lair to obtain the necessary props or knowledge for us." .

The Prophet, Geese, and I also obtained some information about the Golden Crow's lair when we were looking for the treasure of the Sea Emperor.

To enter the Golden Crow's lair, one must find the magic rainbow, and walking across the Rainbow Bridge is the Golden Crow's lair.

According to the information we have collected, there is a tree-shaped elemental tower as big as the world tree in the fantasy world in the Golden Crow's nest, and the nine-headed Golden Crow's nest is at the top of the tree-shaped elemental tower.

We don't know how many floors the Tower of Elements has.It was certain that there were more treasures inside than the Sea Emperor's Treasure, but because of the existence of the Nine-Headed Golden Crow, no one dared to look into it.

While I'm working on this alchemy golem, you go to the Prophet.All the information we collected while searching for the treasure of the Sea Emperor is with him.The location of the magic rainbow is very hidden, and the way to pass it is also very special.

You first find out where the magic rainbow is, and how to get in.

If necessary, we can enter the Golden Crow's lair at any time. "

Da Liang felt that according to the inertia of normal missions, there was a high probability that this mission would require entering the Golden Crow's lair. To face the invincible nine-headed Golden Crow on the elemental plane, he had to be well prepared.

When he came to the bottom of the torch tower, Da Liang promised Nicole: "I see... After all the things you want are ready, I will immediately visit the prophet and find the entrance of the Golden Crow's lair and the way to enter.

When you are researching alchemy golems, you must pay attention to rest.

We have been studying the crystal wall of the god plane for so long, there is no need to force ourselves too much at the last moment..."

With her back to the torch tower, Nicole smiled at Da Liang and said, "Don't worry... I'm a master alchemist. I know when to work and when to rest."

After Nicole finished speaking, she jumped into the entrance of the torch tower, then waved to Da Liang and disappeared inside.

(End of this chapter)

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