start an archangel

Chapter 1456 Revisiting Golden Cave City

Chapter 1456 Revisiting Golden Cave City

Da Liang looked at the towering torch tower in the underground world, and felt that the opening of the God Plane was getting closer and closer.As long as it goes well... a brand new version of the game will be opened in your own hands.

During the construction of the torch tower fortress, Da Liang kept watching the changes in the battlefield of Furnace City and various planes.

In hell, neither the good camp nor the evil camp can open the situation.Although Michael had always held the advantage of the battle situation, he was still unable to form a decisive victory.Ascending into the high-altitude furnace city, the hell demons are stimulated to devote themselves to this battle of violence and killing.They reap sweet souls, and then resolutely step into death.

The fierce battle turned 13th- and 14th-order creatures into cannon fodder in the fight.Any aftermath of magic would take away the lives of many basic units.

The angels and dragons piercing the sky are no longer so majestic, and the demons and giant beasts will also become desperate at the last moment of their lives.

Neither side of the war could see any sign of the end of the war. In order not to be wiped out, in order to win this fateful war, they could only do their best to deploy troops to the battlefield.The blood of the good camp and the evil camp is flowing...

A new order can only be established when the old order is extremely weak.

The kingdom of death continues to condense its power.

The sad pope, who once again received a war loan from Shangjiang, invested a large amount of money in the reorganization of the army.The efficiency of centralization far exceeds that of the previous monarchy.

The order from the city of sighs was issued, and the entire undead plane immediately entered a state of mobilization for all-out war.

In the undead territories everywhere, the production buildings that had been stagnant for an unknown number of years began to operate after the injection of funds.Countless undead are awakened in the tomb, and then driven by the heroes to receive weapons and incorporate into the army.

An army of undead was formed, and they were placed in the wilderness in a neat square formation, standing still despite the wind and rain, waiting for the moment to enter the battlefield.

Just experienced the Dwarven Independence Movement, and suffered a disastrous defeat in the Battle of Shangjiang in the dreamland, and encountered a large-scale invasion of the kingdom of death.The undead entered the forest of the elves through the plane teleportation array. They did not immediately expand the occupied area, but cut down trees to build defensive buildings.

Through the investigation of the kingdom of the dead, after realizing that the undead are gathering an army... the whole dreamland is on the verge of an enemy.

The elven plane has also started war mobilization. Except for the production of necessary personnel, all elves and affiliated races are all recruited into the army.Countless fortresses for war and war have begun to be built, and the dreamland in a weak state is preparing to resist the large-scale invasion of the dead.

After the situation in the endless labyrinth returned to Da Liang's control, there was not much change.

Both the Black Elf of the Golden Grotto and the Darkwing Kingdom received the first batch of weapons from the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.The Dark Elves received more war machines, and the Darkwing King's army was re-armed with fine weapons.

After receiving a large number of heavy war equipment, the Black Elf of the Golden Cave launched a strong attack on the Darkwing Kingdom under the order of Mistress Fegmina.The result was not as Fegmina expected, the black elf smashed through the defense line of the king's army and marched towards Dragon's Cave City triumphantly.The first batch of first-line legions of the king's army equipped with dwarven weapons in Obsidian City gave the charging black elves a head-on blow, without letting Fegmina take advantage of it.

The battered Fegmina, after finding out that the Dark Wing Kingdom could also buy weapons from Da Liang, immediately closed all the shops of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce in the Golden Cave City in a fit of frustration, and detained the members of the Chamber of Commerce and those who had just arrived at the Golden Cave. The second batch of war equipment in the city.

Ask Da Liang to go to Golden Cave City immediately to resolve this dispute.

Da Liang, who had just completed the defense planning and initial construction of the Torch Tower Fortress, originally planned to visit the Prophet in the Garden of Truth in Songjiang, but now he had to go to the Golden Cave City first to meet the maddened Fegmina.

This trip to Golden Cave City, Da Liang kept a low profile. He only brought Julian, Juliet, attendants and personal guards, and came to Golden Cave City under the escort of a group of war tramplers led by Red Copper.

Different from the welcome received by the whole city when he visited the Golden Cave City for the first time, Da Liang, who visited the Golden Cave City for the second time, felt full of hostility.

On the square in front of the City Lord's Mansion, all the members of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce were tied to crosses one by one.Firewood was piled up under the cross, and the bloody girl (the third-tier unit of the black elf) stood aside with two short knives, and the blades rubbed each other from time to time to shoot out a spark.

The undead working in the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce were very calm, only the human employees were trembling from fright.After seeing Da Liang's carriage appear, they who recognized Prince Feichen's family emblem on the carriage all shouted loudly.

I beg His Royal Highness to rescue them.

Surrounded by many black elf mistresses and black elf patriarchs, Fegmina stood on the steps in front of the city lord's mansion, watching with a haughty attitude Da Liang's convoy passed through the cross group on the square and headed to this side. Come on.

Da Liang, who was sitting in the carriage, glanced through the window at the employees of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce who were tied to the cross outside, then lowered the curtains and sat down again.

Julian and Juliet, who were sitting opposite Da Liang, also saw the scene outside.

Julian said with some concern: "It seems that Fegmina is really angry... This is the center of Golden Cave City. If there is a battle, Juliet and I will merge into an Arbitration Angel...

Your Highness, please leave here as soon as possible. "

Juliet, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, said: "They have all become Arbiter Angels, what are you afraid of! In addition to the state of His Highness's commanding flames, we have two 16th-level, and the one to be afraid of should be Fegmina.

If Fergmina dares to turn her face, we will massacre the city. "

Da Liang looked at Juliet who was eager to try, and said: "Cloud City still has a very strong force, Uriye doesn't know where it is, and my state of Lie Yan Commander is not suitable for public appearance.

Moreover, the people arrested by the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce looked miserable, but they didn't suffer much harm.

It means that Fegmina doesn't have the confidence to turn against us, she just wants to talk... She just wants to scare us with these people.

Julian, take care of Juliet, don't do anything here without my order.

He is the benefactor who gave us money, don't shout and kill as soon as he comes up, and have a better attitude..."

"Yes, Your Highness." Julian agreed, then watched Juliet gesture to her.

Not being able to hunt freely here made Juliet very disappointed: "Since I signed a contract with you, life has been really boring. Killing a person depends on the expressions of the two of you. I really miss the one hour free time before.

Okay, okay...don't look at me like that, I promise you will. "

(End of this chapter)

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