Chapter 1457
Red copper galloped through the square with the war trampers, trampling heavily on the bluestone slabs of the square.Some of the stones had spider web-like cracks, while others were crushed directly.

The heavy armored unit—the War Stomper has a stronger body than the subterranean lizard, and the impact and trampling effect caused by the charge made all the black elves tremble.Seeing the large group of war tramplers rushing towards him, the mountain-like aura shocked some black elves back involuntarily.

Fergmina's arrogant expression became heavy, and it was the first time she had seen such a unit.They have the shape of a centaur but an oppressive physique.The heavy armor reveals the indifference of the undead to life, and the desire of the hell creatures to kill.The tactics that the black elves are best at are cavalry surprise attacks, and if the dark cavalry of the black elves face such a cavalry army, they will only be slaughtered.

Apart from the city wall, Fegmina couldn't think of anything that could stop such a cavalry charge.

Before the second meeting with Da Liang started, Fegmina felt the pressure brought by the other party.

When the war tramplers rushed to the gate of the city lord's mansion, they neatly divided into two teams to make way for the passage in the middle, and then stopped suddenly and stood up together.The horse changed direction in the air, and when it landed, the two teams of War Stompers were already facing each other.

The red copper leader of the team picked up the lance by his side with both hands, held the spear point upright, and shouted: "His Royal Highness Prince Feichen, the first empire of the main world, has arrived!"

After the words fell, all the war tramplers stood in the same posture, with their chests upright and their guns in hand.When the carriage at the back was about to enter the passage, the war tramplers tilted their spears forward, forming an arch in twos, and after the carriage passed by, they retracted their guns and stood still again.

It fully shows the noble style of the prince's arrival.

The carriage stopped in front of the city lord's mansion, Sophia opened the door, and after Julian and Juliet came out of the carriage, she used one hand as a handrail, allowing Daliang to help her hand out of the carriage in a very graceful manner.

"Respected Mistress Fegmina..." Da Liang walked up to Fegmina, stretched out his hand to the serious Mistress, and said with a smile: "It's a pleasure to see you again. Once you meet, your complexion will be much better.

It seems that the war weapons we provide you are very comfortable to use. "

If it wasn't for the powerful empire behind Da Liang, which made Fergmina extremely afraid, she would have already slapped the shameless male in front of her to the ground with a slap, and then severely whipped him with a whip.

Now... can only respond with a smile.

Fergmina managed to force a smile, reached out and shook hands with Da Liang, and said, "I am very satisfied with the war weapons provided by His Royal Highness for Golden Cave City.

It's hard to imagine such a complex heavy machine being available for such a cheap price.

But... His Royal Highness has done some things that make me very angry, and have seriously affected our newly established friendship.

If you can't give me a satisfactory reply this time, then I will terminate our not-so-solid cooperative relationship. "

Da Liang didn't expect that Fergmina would be so impatient, and before welcoming the guests in, she began to ask questions.It can also be seen from this that selling arms on both sides really annoyed the black elf mistress.

Since Fegmina was so frank and wanted to open up about the matter, Da Liang simply stood with Fegmina, looked at the group of crosses on the square where the employees of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce were tied, and said, "I saw it, Mrs. Mistress I am indeed very angry. But... I believe that all transactions with Golden Grotto City are carried out in accordance with the commercial agreement signed by both of us.

I even specifically told the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce to pick the best quality weapons and sell them to Golden Grotto City.

I believe that the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce absolutely did what I wanted, but I don't know what they did wrong to annoy the mistress to suffer such humiliation.

This has seriously affected the friendship we have just established. If the mistress can't give me a reasonable explanation, I will also terminate our not-so-solid cooperative relationship. "

Fergmina didn't expect Da Liang to beat him up, and instead threatened herself by terminating the cooperation.Her face, which was always smiling, became even uglier.

"Your Highness, I think you should understand why I did this..." Fergmina said angrily and sharply: "You actually sold dwarf weapons to the Darkwing Kingdom while selling war equipment to the Golden Cave City!" .

Do you know how many black elf fighters die every day under the weapons you sold to the king's army.

Your Royal Highness, what you have done has chilled the hearts of the Black Elf of the Golden Cave.If you still want to save my friendship and save the people from the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, immediately terminate the arms sales to the Dark Wing Kingdom.

Otherwise... I will kill all these people now. "

Facing Fegmina's threat, Da Liang replied coldly: "Killing them is a complete break with the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. I'm afraid Mistress Fegmina still doesn't know how big the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce is in this world." influence.

It can be said... as long as the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce fully supports the Darkwing Kingdom, Master Master and your black elves will return to the wild land. "

Da Liang's tit-for-tat confrontation made Fegmina show her killing intent: "Are you threatening me? You should be clear... Cloud City supports me."

Da Liang smiled and said: "This is not a threat, it is a warning... The current Yunzhong City is trapped in the furnace city battlefield, and no one can support it. Instead, the angels need you and the world factory to help them contain the power of the endless maze.

Mistress Fegmina, when I came to Golden Grotto City last time, I said... The First Empire of the Lord World insists on a neutral position and treats every friend in this world who is willing to live with us in a fair manner. .

The black elves of Golden Grotto City are willing to do business with me... We welcome it.The Darkwing Kingdom would like to do business with do we.

If the mistress thinks that we provide weapons for the Darkwing Kingdom, it makes you uncomfortable.Then... you can completely terminate your business cooperation with us.

This is your freedom and your right. The First Empire will not interfere with any of your decisions, but...we will never allow anyone to violate our interests.

Golden Grotto City detained, beat, and humiliated the personnel of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce for no reason, closed the shops of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, and seized the supplies we shipped... These are serious challenges to the normal business order.

If the First Empire of the main world allows the same thing to happen continuously, it will threaten the business rules of the whole plane, which is the foundation of the First Empire.

Anything that violates business rules must be severely punished!

Mistress, if the black elves want to become the mainstream race in the world, they must follow the rules of the mainstream race.If you continue willfully insisting on the black elf tribe's plundering and plundering, your final result will be, where did you come from and where do you go back..."

(End of this chapter)

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