start an archangel

Chapter 355 Occupying the Boneyard

Chapter 355 Occupying the Boneyard
At this moment, Da Liang felt a little confused.

The way to open the script is wrong!

But no matter what, we must quickly reduce the amount of undead spawns.Who knows how much energy the wizarding guild has prepared for this magic circle, but judging by the refresh rate of the undead at this time, its energy should still be very sufficient.

And the abnormality of this magic circle, has it already alarmed the attention of the Wizards Guild?

If Sacred Bella's letter of introduction can't be forgiven by the wizard, then Da Liang will be greeted with a real battle.

Now was not the time to hesitate, so Da Liang rode Astro to the sky above a spot where the undead concentrated.

"Meteor Fire Shower" released.

All-sweeping energy swept down from the air, and the meteor fire rain released from the low altitude densely covered every corner within a radius of 200 meters. Under the continuous bombardment of meteorites and fire rain, all the undead inside and outside the pit were wiped out, and the fire rain burned everything. The refresh of the undead here was broken, and then a pothole was revealed.

A small glowing magic circle is in the center of the pit.

The release of "Meteor Fire Shower" is over.

The undead started to refresh again, but the number was obviously much smaller.

The meteorite's attack had a certain destructive effect on the magic circle, but it hadn't completely destroyed the magic circle.

Da Liang landed with three giant frost dragons, and Astro, Chewing Roar, and Hurricane breathed out their dragon's breath and quickly wiped out all the undead that had just appeared.

Da Liang jumped off Astro's back, and then discovered that the magic circle was not laid temporarily, but a permanent fortification made using alchemy techniques.

Gold and silver metals were refined into wrist-thick metal strips, and then forged and welded together according to the magic circuit.

The upper layer belongs to the summoning circle, and there should be energy conversion circles and energy extraction circles buried underground.

This combined magic circle is connected to other magic circles through the alchemy circuit buried underground, forming a large summoning magic circle.

Da Liang noticed that things seemed to be getting worse.

This is definitely not a simple project, and the wizard guild must have invested more in this magic circle than guessed at the beginning.

Da Liang felt that he might completely break with the wizard guild because of destroying the magic circle.


We can only take one step at a time.

If this magic circle is allowed to continue to operate, the Black Fire Territory will sooner or later be captured by the undead here.

Astro led the frost dragons to quickly eliminate the undead spawned from here. Da Liang took out a shovel and dug down to find the connection point between the upper magic circle and the lower magic circle. Supply, the undead will not come out again.

Da Liang, who didn't know much about the magic circle, could only dig around, and had to avoid the attack of the undead that suddenly appeared from around him.

After digging countless holes, Da Liang finally touched a downward metal pipe.

He swung the shovel and smashed it down desperately at the part where the metal pipe was connected.

one time,


The metal pipe was finally broken, and the refreshment of the undead stopped instantly.

It worked.

After destroying a node, Da Liang, who is not afraid of boiling water, no longer has any worries about interruption.

He jumped on Astro's back, and the three frost dragons flew towards the next node.

"Meteor Fire Shower" opens.

After the undead below were emptied, the frost dragon rushed into the pit.

The newly refreshed undead was sprayed to the ground by the dragon's breath without any movement. With one experience, Da Liang successfully found the magic energy supply pipe of this node.

Wield the shovel and strike fiercely.

A magic node was destroyed again.

Continue to the next...

When Da Liang wantonly destroyed the magic circle, the refresh rate of the undead in Boneyard began to slow down. After Da Liang destroyed seven nodes, the entire magic circle finally ceased to function.

The undead finally stopped respawning like a spring, and the respawn speed of the entire Boneyard returned to normal.

The sound of cannons gradually faded away, and the crisis in the Black Fire Territory was finally temporarily lifted.

The military strength of the Black Fire Territory has become the dominant side.

The skeleton soldiers walked out of the solid fortress under the leadership of the Skeleton Lasher. They went deep into the Boneyard in small groups. Their task was to eliminate the refreshed undead and at the same time control the entire Boneyard instead.

In this battle, the skeleton soldiers of the black fire collar suffered 8000 damage, and 200 artillery pieces were scrapped.

Gunpowder consumed 3000 barrels, and shells fired 2000 tons.

Other losses were miscellaneous, and Da Liang's eyes jumped when he saw it.

This time the military expenses were not reimbursed by the university alliance, and all of them were paid out of their own pockets, so distressed!

Enduring the pain in his chest, Da Liang commanded the army of Blackfire to start to occupy the Boneyard.

In order to prevent being attacked by the Wizards Guild, Da Liang continued to strengthen the construction of the fortress and turned it into a fortress.

For the city wall of the fortress, Da Liang plans to build five floors.

The outermost city wall must be ten meters high, and then every layer increases by five meters, and the innermost city wall protecting the teleportation array will reach 25 meters.

A large number of arrow towers and forts must be built between each city wall, and there are passages between the city walls.

The entire fortress adopts a drop defense, no matter attacking from any direction, it must face the three-dimensional attack of the five city walls.

The Battle of Boneyard made Da Liang realize the power of artillery in the defense of the city. In the defense system that is being built, Da Liang plans to place 500 artillery here.

A thousand more light ballistas are also already being built.

In order to prevent magicians from bombing the fortress with magic similar to "Meteor Fire Rain" from high altitude, Da Liang, who did not have the ability to manufacture magic cannons and magic-proof devices, decided to use heavy ballistas to deal with those enemies approaching from high altitude.

In addition to the ten heavy ballistas captured in the outpost manor in Da Liang's hands, there are also 34 lightly damaged heavy ballistas found from the scrap warehouse of the Pudong Fleet.

This kind of heavy siege equipment is not sold to players in the system city at all. Knowing the value of heavy ballistas, they have been stored in Feichen Island after repairing these heavy ballistas.

Now that the fort needs this kind of high-altitude defense weapon, Da Liang made Feichen Island maintain the size of ten heavy ballistas, and all the other heavy ballistas were transferred to the Boneyard.

The construction of the fortress did not happen overnight, Da Liang could only pray that the Wizards Guild would find out later that the magic circle here had been severely damaged.

Da Liang guides the construction of the fortress, and Astro reports that they have found the sulfur mine.

"It's very strange. The location of this sulfur mine is in the center of the entire magic circle. This is definitely not a coincidence."

After discovering that the location of the sulfur mine was really weird, Astro didn't go in hastily, but brought Da Liang to the entrance of the sulfur mine.

This is a downward hole, about seventeen or eighteen meters in diameter, and a sloping downward passage extends into it.

You can't see the inside of the dark cave, but the unique pungent smell of sulfur is very strong.

(End of this chapter)

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