start an archangel

Chapter 356 The Great Project

Chapter 356 The Great Project

Da Liang, who didn't have a deep study of the magic circle, couldn't see the function of this burrow in the entire magic circle system.

However, since the magic circle has been destroyed and stopped functioning, even if there is danger in this cave, it is limited.


Anyway, Da Liang would never allow such a big hidden danger to exist near the fortress.

Whether it is to obtain the sulfur mine or to solve the possible crisis inside, you must first enter it.

"Astro, Guhou, and Hurricane, the three of you guard the entrance of the cave. No matter what comes out of the cave, kill them immediately. In the kingdom of death, we have no allies for the time being. Monica is in charge of the construction of the fortress and defense. Julian and I went inside to check."

The heroes replied: "Yes, my lord!"

Monica sits in the fortress, and three frost dragons stand around the entrance of the cave.

After Da Liang saw that everything was well arranged, he summoned three demon spirits and threw a ball of light into the entrance of the cave.

No monsters were seen.

Under Da Liang's signal, Julian summoned the light shield and walked into the cave first.

The white light emitted by the light shield illuminates the road ahead.

Dry and empty.

There was no danger, Da Liang followed and walked in.

The smell of sulfur is even more pungent.

There are obvious signs of man-made excavation in the entire tunnel passage. The ground under the feet is very solid and flat, and some raised rocks can be seen that have been cut off from the road surface.

The passage has also been expanded and reinforced, and it feels like walking in a tunnel through the mountain.The road surface is flat and the walls are strong, which seems to allow large creatures to pass quickly.

Think of the necrobears and skeletal mammoths seen in battle.

Could it be that larger creatures can be summoned here?Just because the teleportation array destroyed the integrity of the entire magic circle, it didn't work here?

Looking at the size of this passage, Da Liang suspected that it was prepared for summoning dragons.

The teleportation array landed on the Boneyard and happened to be stuck on a magic node. Da Liang didn't know whether he was unlucky or lucky.

Reminding Julian that there may be undead dragons here, the two are more careful.

The passage kept going downwards, but the attack that Da Liang imagined did not appear.

The hole at the back is no longer visible, and the unique fluorescent moss underground gradually appears and increases, providing enough light for the dark underground environment to see things.

[Ding, you occupy a sulfur mine: rich ore, with a maximum daily output of 2.5 units of sulfur, labor 0/50. 】

A system prompt suddenly appeared on Da Liang's prompt bar, and after turning a corner, Da Liang saw the mine he was looking for.

Ahead is a large underground cave, and the walls of the cave are covered with golden sulfur veins.

Like golden boa constrictors circling in the cave.

On these sulfur veins, there are magic circles inlaid one by one.

Being able to successfully occupy the sulfur mine shows that there are no monsters guarding the mine here.

And the role of this sulfur mine is already obvious.

This place is not prepared for summoning some super-large undead creatures. The magic circle embedded in the sulfur veins is to directly convert the sulfur here into mana to provide energy for the summoning circle in the entire Boneyard. .

The guy who built this magic circle is really talented.

Da Liang is also thankful that he destroyed the summoning circle in time, otherwise he would have to fight for consumption with this rich sulfur ore.

Brother even if he sells all his family property, he can't fight for a mine.

In this way, it seems that this burrow is to provide energy for the magic circle, and it can be safely and boldly mined without monsters.

And just when Da Liang was about to return to the fortress and arrange for people to come in to dig the sulfur, Julian pointed to the other side of the cave and said, "My lord, there is another cave over there. Let's go and check it out for safety."

Following the direction Julian pointed, Da Liang also saw a circular hole, which was the same size as the one he came in, with a width of seventeen or eighteen meters.

Apparently it was also excavated.

The Wizards Guild will not dig such a large passage for no reason, there must be other things deep in the passage.

The defense of the fortress cannot be sloppy.

Julian and Da Liang walked through the sulfur mine and followed the newly discovered large opening.

And they didn't go too far, they saw a large portal standing in front of them.

【One-way Portal】

The teleportation array is a special existence, such a teleportation gate can only pass through in one direction.

This portal standing in front of Da Liang filled the entire passageway, with a silver light shining like a mirror that couldn't reflect images, and circles of ripples emerged from the mirror from time to time.

This side should be the passable side of the one-way portal. If you pass through here, you can reach the other side of the portal, but you can't go back.

What is the wizard guild trying to build such a large one-way portal in this place?
You should know that a one-way portal is much more complicated than a two-way portal.Such a one-way portal with a diameter of more than ten meters is definitely as large as the super-large summoning magic circle in the Boneyard, and blocking the entry from the other side consumes a lot of energy.

Da Liang suspects that this sulfur mine itself is the same ultra-rich mine as his own crystal mine on Feichen Island, but in order to maintain the operation of this one-way portal, he forcibly reduces it to a rich mine that produces two units of sulfur per day.

This is the output when the summoning circle is not in operation. It is estimated that if the summoning circle is not destroyed, the output here should be infinitely close to 0.

A project that needs to be paid for by ultra-rich minerals is really an unimaginably large-scale project.

It is estimated that when the wizard guild knows the current situation here, it will definitely tear my heart.

As for the function of the whole project, Da Liang had basically guessed it.

When the wizard guild needs it, this large summoning magic circle covering the entire Boneyard will continue to summon a large number of large, high-level undead.

Then they should have a way to make these high-level undead gather in the center of the magic circle, and then rush out of the one-way portal through the sulfur mine along the passage.

This excavated, expanded and flat passage allows the undead to pass quickly.

One can imagine what will happen to the other side of the one-way transmission array once this is activated.

Have you ever seen a dam flood?
The tide of high-level undead can sweep everything, and the people on the opposite side want to stop these undead can only cut off from the source.

The entire summoning magic circle is in the burial ground where the creatures on the opposite side don't know the location.

And when they rush here against the wave of undead, they will find that they are facing a one-way teleportation array, a one-way teleportation array powered by a super-rich ore, and it is definitely not a simple task to destroy it matter.

If the wizard guild activates here, it will be a catastrophe for those on the opposite side of the one-way teleportation array.

Undead Scourge!

Probably so.

(End of this chapter)

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