start an archangel

Chapter 359 The Road to Escape

Chapter 359 The Road to Escape

"who are you?"

The necromancers pointed their weapons at Da Liang who had lifted his invisibility.

Da Liang quickly raised his hands: "Friends, I am your friend. To be precise...I am Elder Quentin's friend. After Master Quentin discovered that Frank was a traitor, he let me hide and told me the way out. me."

Jonathan didn't believe Da Liang's words: "A friend of Elder Quentin? I don't know you, and as the defense commander of the base, I haven't seen you coming in either."

Da Liang only wanted to leave through the secret passage, but this group of wizards planned to fight desperately with the army of the City of Sighs here.If you really wait for the people from the city of sighs to rush in, it will be impossible to escape.So Da Liang stepped forward at this time, intending to persuade the group of wizards to escape together.

Facing Jonathan's cross-examination, Da Liang said: "The relationship between me and Elder Quentin and how I got in can't be explained clearly in a few words. Now people from the City of Sighs are about to rush in. Are you trying to get in here?" Listen to the story of me and Elder Quentin here, or leave with me first?"

Jonathan wanted to continue asking, but Minia stood up and said: "This friend of the human race is right, the most important thing for us now is to get out of here as soon as possible."

Minia's words were echoed by several wizards, and Jonathan also had the support of several wizards.

Da Liang did not expect that the remaining dozen or so wizards in the city of sighs branch of the Wizards Guild would be divided into two factions, with the support of Jonathan the Horror Knight and Minia the Vampire.

But Da Liang didn't intend to wait for them to decide who is the leader, he said: "If you plan to continue arguing, I will leave first and not wait for you."

After finishing speaking, Da Liang ran towards the cave pointed out by Elder Quentin.

Minia said to Jonathan: "If you plan to stay here and do your best, I will accompany you as a companion. But I hope you can know that as long as we survive, we can come back and avenge Elder Quentin."

Jonathan glanced at Elder Quentin's body on the ground and said, "Okay, let's go!"

Minya and Jonathan ran towards the cave where Da Liang left with the remaining dozen or so wizards.

As soon as their figures disappeared into the cave, a large group of terrifying knights rushed in.

"Frank!" The leading horror knight hero looked at the empty cave, and then at the densely packed caves around him, shouting Frank's name loudly.

Frank flew over quickly, and then changed into a human form. He respectfully said to the terrifying knight hero: "Respected Captain Will of the Holy See Knights of the City of Sighs, congratulations on your acquisition of..."

Captain Will interrupted Frank's words: "You said that the leaders of the exiles from the City of Sighs branch of the Wizards Guild are all here, and I ask you where?"

Frank said: "They must be hiding in fear of death, but I am very familiar with this place, and I can bring your army to find them."

"Hurry up, we used the artifact forbidden magic ball in this battle. As an artifact, it shouldn't be exposed outside for a long time."

"Yes, my lord. I will immediately look for the direction where they are fleeing. In fact, I have long expected that they will flee. I have already sprinkled a layer of hot light powder on the ground. As long as we roast the ground with fire, it will soon be obvious." Follow the tracks of their escape."

Captain Will is very satisfied with Frank's approach: "It can make you believe in death again, which is the biggest gain of the City of Sighs. After today, we will join forces to smash the Sigh City branch of the Wizards Guild that has been a headache for the Sad Monarch."

While Commander Will was praising Frank, the soldiers in the City of Sighs had already lit torches and searched for footprints on the ground.

"Master, we have found it. Their footprints are all here, and all the exiles have left from that hole."

In the light of the torches, a chaotic trail of footprints glowed red, and they continued toward the third opening on the left of the cave.

Seeing all this interrupted Frank to yell bad in his heart, that hole was leading to the escape route opened by Elder Quentin.

Looking at the footsteps on the ground without any hesitation, it was obvious that the surviving wizards knew that they could escape from that cave.

The escape route was temporarily opened by Quentin, and he didn't even know it beforehand. How did Jonathan and Minia know?
Seeing that Captain Will had led his army to chase after him, Frank didn't dare to say that he knew that there was a way to escape from the branch, so he could only bite the bullet and chase.

At the same time, the bad premonition in his heart made him check the things he got from Elder Quentin. There is no problem with the Necromancer Staff, which is the key item for summoning the army of the dead from the Necromancer Gate.

Elemental crystals are a must for setting up the Necromancer's Gate. As long as there are these six-series elemental crystals processed by Elder Quentin himself, Frank can deploy the Necromancer's Gate anywhere at any time to summon the army of the dead.

Elder Quentin had summoned an army of undead in the City of Sighs many times, causing great damage to the churches in the City of Sighs, and greatly dealt a blow to the theocracy held by the Sorrowful Monarch.

Now this powerful Necromancer is already owned by him, as long as he can find the source of the Necromancer and repair it...

Frank opened the cloth bag containing the elemental crystals, and saw five elemental crystals lying inside.


Frank checked again.

That's right!That's five.

Earth elemental crystals are not in it.

Quentin must have noticed something strange when picking up the elemental crystals, and then moved his hands and feet.Because the appearance of the earth element crystal is a seemingly ordinary stone, he must have secretly hidden the earth element crystal.

One less of the six elemental crystals will not work, even if it is replaced by other earth elemental crystals, because the lost earth elemental crystals have been forged by Quentin Alchemy, and Frank does not know this complicated and unique alchemy at all.

Frank immediately prepared to return to the cave just now, the earth elemental crystal must be hidden somewhere.

At this time, Will's angry voice came: "Frank, didn't you say that there is no way out here? Look what this is!"

Knowing that the escape route was found, Frank walked over.

At the end of the footprints in this passage is a portal, which has been destroyed at this time.

The remaining wizards fled.

They are the backbone of the City of Sighs branch of the Wizards Guild, and they are all very powerful wizards. Their existence means that the Wizards Guild can rebuild the City of Sighs branch at any time.

This war finally fell short, so how could Captain Will not be angry.

Frank stepped forward, pretending to be surprised: "Why is there a teleportation array here! It must be Jonathan, who is responsible for the defense of the entire branch base. He must have set up this teleportation array secretly without telling everyone. I don’t know of its existence. However, the leader doesn’t need to worry, I know every wizard who escaped, as long as they dare to return to the City of Sighs, I can definitely find and kill them.”

Frank's strength was also greatly restricted by the magic ball, and when magic could be used, none of the escaped wizards was his opponent.

Being able to become the deputy elder of the Wizards Guild, Frank has great strength.

(End of this chapter)

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