start an archangel

Chapter 360 Who Is Loyal

Chapter 360 Who Is Loyal

Da Liang ran out of the portal on the escape route, and then found himself in a wilderness.The surroundings are all the unique scenery of the dead country, the gray sky and the barren land.

"Fairies fight and harm mortals", it was really too dangerous just now.Fortunately, my brother has always been quick-witted. He first coaxed the group of wizards to hesitate not to attack him, and then took the opportunity to run out. It is estimated that he would be blocked inside if he was too late.

Now finally off the battlefield.

Leaving the battlefield means that you can use the return to the city and the legion rally flag to leave here.

At this time, Da Liang knew that Elder Quentin had set up the magic circle in the Boneyard, and he was the only one who knew the location.

Just now Elder Quentin was killed in front of his eyes, and no one knew about the existence of the magic circle in Boneyard.

As for whether Frank, who obtained the Necromancer's Gate, can use the one-way portal in reverse.

Da Liang expressed that he was not worried.

Because when Elder Quentin took the elemental crystals from the Necromancer's Gate, he not only discovered the existence of Da Liang, but also found that Frank did not follow his instructions to notify the fighting wizards to escape.

Elder Quentin had long suspected that there was a mole in the Wizarding Guild. At that time, he didn't know who was the enemy, the person hiding next to him or Frank, so he first quietly hid the earth element crystal in his hand under the robe.

Then Frank admitted that he had betrayed the Wizards Guild.

Elder Quentin could only take a gamble when he was not sure whether the hidden person was also an agent of the City of Sighs.

As long as Frank doesn't get all the items, he can't use the Necromancer.

The crystallization of the earth element was thrown towards Da Liang by Quentin at the moment Frank killed Quentin.Fortunately, Quentin's powerful strength allowed Frank to focus all his attention on him, so he didn't find Da Liang, nor did he see the extremely ordinary crystal of the earth element.

Now that Elder Quentin is dead and the Earth Elemental Crystal is in his hands again, Da Liang finally doesn't have to worry about the Wizards Guild's revenge.

Everything is back on track, but the Sigh City branch of the Wizards Guild is completely destroyed, and it may be very difficult for Da Liang to join the Wizards Guild.

But anyway, get out of here first.

Da Liang took a beautiful look at the earth element crystal lying in the package, and prepared to use the legion assembly flag to return to the Boneyard Fortress.

However, he found himself drawn into the battle again, and neither the return to the city nor the legion rally banner could be used.

Da Liang found himself surrounded.

The wizards almost walked out of the portal together with Da Liang. Jonathan hacked down the teleportation array to prevent the city of sighs from chasing and killing, and the other wizards surrounded Da Liang together.

This place is already out of the influence range of the magic ball. Looking at the radiance of magic power on these wizards, Da Liang feels that he can't escape only by using "Nicole's Jump", so let's reason with them first.

"Fellow daoists... no, it's friends. It's great that everyone ran out. Now I have some very important things to do, so I won't delay your big things. Goodbye..."

After Da Liang finished speaking, he was about to run away, but a saber was thrown in front of him.

Jonathan blocked Da Liang's direction of departure: "Yes, everyone escaped. We should also talk about my question just now. How did you know Elder Quentin? Who are you?"

Da Liang took a step back, and put a hand on his shoulder.

Minya sniffed Da Liang's scent from behind, her blood-red lips were almost pressed against his neck.

A lingering voice rang in Da Liang's ears: "The pure smell of sulfur, have you ever been to the rare mineral warehouse at the base? Hmm... there is also a fascinating smell of fresh blood. It is really difficult to drink such fresh blood in the kingdom of death, you Better answer Jonathan's question truthfully, or I'll suck the blood out of you. Now... start with your name."

"My name is Eviscerate." Da Liang hoped that his second identity could increase the favorability of the undead, but these undead didn't seem to have much reaction after hearing such a friendly name, so he had to say: "Besides, I don't plan to To answer your questions, my identity is not something that wizards of your level can know. You can’t listen to a word of the secrets I have, because Frank, the deputy elder of the Sighing City Branch of the Wizards Guild, has betrayed our faith, then Who of you can guarantee that there are no traitors among you?"

Da Liang's words made the wizards suddenly tense.

None of the wizards thought that such a powerful deputy elder as Frank would betray the guild. Did he instigate other people?Are these escaped wizards really loyal?

With Frank first, Da Liang easily aroused mutual suspicion among the wizards. What happened today hit them too hard.

Jonathan said loudly: "The ones who ran out today are all companions who have lived and died together. They have proved their loyalty with their actions. We will re-establish the City of Sighs branch of the Wizards Guild."

Da Liang smiled and said: "Wrong! If it weren't for me, you would all die in that cave, and the last survivor would be the last traitor. But I rescued you. Among this group of people, only I am completely loyal. And you... may be loyal, or there may be traitors. If there is a traitor among you, mine appeared outside his plan, so he escaped with us, waiting for the opportunity to destroy us.

And only Elder Quentin knows my identity. Once what I do is leaked out, the damage to the guild will be greater than today's.

If you really want to know about me, first prove your allegiance to me.Then……"

Da Liang looked at Jonathan and Minia, and continued: "Elect a new leader of the City of Sighs branch. Only he (she) has the right to know what Elder Quentin can know."

Jonathan and Minia glanced at each other. They didn't know whether what Da Liang said was true, but each of them could not prove their loyalty, and they didn't know whether there was really a traitor among these people.

Once the seeds of suspicion germinate, they will continue to grow.

Miniya couldn't stand the suspicious gazes of her companions, so she asked Da Liang, "How can you prove that you are a member of our Wizards Guild?"

Da Liang spread his hands and said: "You should be able to see my strength. The portal we escaped from was not made by me. If you are really familiar with Elder Quentin, you should be able to see that the portal was made by him. He told me this secret, not you. It is enough to prove that I am more trustworthy than any of you in Elder Quentin's heart.

From now on, until you prove your loyalty, I have the right to refuse to answer any questions you may ask.

Also, let me remind you that the person who kept asking me questions must have a ghost in his heart..."

Da Liang looked at Jonathan and Minia again.

All wizards took a step back.

(End of this chapter)

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