Chapter 362

No matter what the final result is, the fortress of the Burial Ground is considered to have lifted the crisis. Seeing that Jonathan can split the cave with a single knife, Da Liang feels that the fortress that he has not completed construction should not be able to withstand the attack of the Wizards Guild.

As for himself... After the Dafa of Fudge was successfully implemented, he should be considered safe among the undead of the Wizards Guild, because anyone who wanted to harm him could be labeled as a "traitor".

Make sure that the other party can't eat and walk around.

This group of wizards is now a bereaved dog and a frightened bird, and only brother, who is trusted by Elder Quentin, can be trusted by them.

Although they have to showdown with them after assassinating Frank, killing Frank is not that simple.

First delay the time, and then find a way to connect the two shackles of war together.As long as the shackles of war are untied, bro, a legion assembly flag will fly back to the fortress, clean up the mess of your wizard guild yourself.

Da Liang followed Miniya through the streets and alleys, looking at the handcuffs on her wrists from time to time.The little chain that fell from the edge of the handcuffs, as long as it is connected with the chain on the handcuffs on his wrist, can open the shackles of war.

Minya was wearing a black smock to hide her appearance, and she carefully led the way ahead.

Although Da Liang also wore the same attire, the smell of his people attracted the attention of many undead on the road.

Jonathan, who also covered his face, followed behind Da Liang, and whispered to Da Liang: "Lower your head, don't look at other undead. There are many creatures of other races living here in the city of sighs. The undead here may Don't like you, but won't pick on you casually, but it's different if they think you're provocative.

Most of the undead here are stronger than you. "

Hearing Jonathan's words, Da Liang hurriedly lowered his head, no longer looking around curiously.

At this time, the three of them had already entered the City of Sighs.

The City of Sighs is very, very large, and the undead's minimal needs for living materials allow them to live together without restriction.The area of ​​the entire City of Sighs is as large as the entire Shangjiang area on the map, but the atmosphere of the city is the same as that of the former Jiading City.

Although high-level undead can be seen everywhere, corpse witches and dark knights are everywhere, and bone dragons fly everywhere, the whole city feels lifeless and lifeless.Of course, this should be the feeling of a city of undead, and the current Jiading City is considered a different kind.

The cities of the undead don't have many tall buildings. Most of them leave an identifiable entrance on the surface, and then dig down.Only those undead with status can build their residences tall, and the castles and innocent churches scattered throughout the city are even more majestic against the backdrop of groups of low buildings.

Led by Minia, they came to what seemed to be a business district.

The streets and buildings here are obviously different from the style of Undead City, and the streets are also extremely prosperous.Here, Da Liang saw creatures of various races living here. A strong tauren walked into a tavern carrying a heavy wine barrel, and a shrewd goblin sold his gizmos everywhere. What is even more surprising is that A group of ogre heroes actually peddled a few caged unicorns on the street, desperately introducing how delicious unicorn meat is to passers-by.

Da Liang did not expect such a crazy place to exist in the City of Sighs. He whispered to Minia and asked, "What kind of place is this? It seems that there are more creatures of other races than undead."

"This is the city of Sighs specially designated for foreign creatures to live in. I advise you not to have any interaction with the people here. They are all refugees who came to the kingdom of death because they couldn't survive in their own plane. Most of them are notorious. villains.

See that pack of ogres and unicorns?They are actually a group. As long as someone wants to eat unicorns, they will guide them to a secluded place on the grounds of explaining how to eat unicorns, and then...

Aren't you a friend of Elder Quentin?How come you are so unfamiliar with the City of Sighs? "

Da Liang said: "I have been working for Elder Quentin on the main plane, and I don't often come to the kingdom of death."

"What to do?"

Da Liang deliberately said: "Are you asking so hard about my affairs to satisfy your curiosity, or is it for some other reason?"

Jonathan said: "Minia, don't make me suspect that you are a traitor. The most important thing now is to kill Frank, avenge Elder Quentin, let us reunite, and rebuild the City of Sighs branch of the Wizards Guild. Someone Elder Ding trusts, and Elder Quentin trusts a human race, not me and you, which means that we are no longer trustworthy. You pay attention to your words in the future, I don’t want you to ask Eviscerate any questions related to the assassination of Frank .Otherwise, you should know what I will do."

Minia and Jonathan confronted each other: "I think you are the traitor, you just want to take the opportunity to kill me, and do you have the ability to kill me?"

"you may try it!"

Seeing that Minia and Jonathan were about to fight on the street, Da Liang hurriedly said: "Be quiet, we are all companions who will live and die together until the existence of a traitor is proven. If you continue to be so suspicious of each other , we can't kill Frank."

When Da Liang said these words, his face was not blushing and his heart was not beating. He had no sense that he was the culprit who caused the mutual suspicion of the Wizards Guild.He acted like a leader and reprimanded him in a low voice. Both Minia and Jonathan put away their fighting spirit.

"That's right. You must promise me that you will not use force against any of us until there is no evidence to prove that someone is a traitor."

Jonathan looked at Minia and said, "I assure you, I will not use force against any wizard until I have enough evidence."

Minia also said: "Me too, what wizards need most now is unity."

Da Liang said: "Okay, this matter is over now. Minia, where are you taking us? It seems to be very chaotic here?"

Minia replied: "Creatures of any race can obtain shelter in the kingdom of death as long as they declare their belief in the god of death. Of course, the vows of these outlaws have no credibility, and they are also rejected by the undead, so they live in a fixed place." gathered to form this special city. The Sorrowful Monarch's control over this city is very weak, if we just hide, this is the best place."

This is probably the so-called "Valley of the Wicked".To be able to mix to the point where he can't stand in his own plane seems to be a great power. With so many villains gathered, it's no wonder that the City of Sighs has lost control of this place.

Da Liang looked at that ridiculous-looking goblin on the street, if he suddenly took out a Gundam and shot around, Da Liang would not be surprised.

"What's it called here? Are we really safe here?"

"Mist area. If we just hide and don't deal with the residents here, we are safe."

(End of this chapter)

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