start an archangel

Chapter 363 I am higher level than you guys

Chapter 363 I am higher level than you guys

The Fog District of the City of Sighs.

Da Liang suddenly felt how the name was so familiar, and then he thought of the letter of introduction given to him by the Holy Bella, whose address was the foggy area of ​​the City of Sighs.

The person that Holy Bella asked her to find was actually in this city.

At this time, Minia opened a door in a remote alley, and after checking that there was no one around, he led Da Liang and Jonathan in.

"This is where I lived before I joined the Wizards Guild. No one in the Wizards Guild except me knows this place, including Frank." Through a downward step, Minia led Da Liang and Jonathan to a tomb.Illuminate the space with a magic lamp, and you can see that the facilities inside are very simple, and the largest piece of furniture is a coffin.

However, it has been cleaned very cleanly. It is estimated that Minia often comes to see his "home".

Minia pointed to the coffin and said to Da Liang: "Jonathan and I are both undead. Sleeping is not necessary for us. If you need to rest, you can sleep in it."

Da Liang looked at the coffin and curled his lips: "Actually... I don't need to sleep either. Also, I want to ask you a question, are there any wizards in the City of Sighs? I know that we have many people living in the City of Sighs, responsible for The guild gathers information."

Jonathan said: "I am in charge of the defense of the branch, and Minia is in charge of external liaison."

Minia said: "Frank knows all the lurking wizards we have in the City of Sighs. This time the City of Sighs attacked the branch base very suddenly. No information was sent before. I suspect that all those contact points have been destroyed by the City of Sighs. The entire City of Sighs The only wizards here are us undead."

The loss caused by a high-level mutiny is too serious, and Da Liang is overwhelmed with emotion.So, is the connector that Holy Bella gave her also finished?

So Da Liang asked: "Who is the wizard in charge of the foggy area in our branch?"

Minia quickly replied: "Fog area? The people here are very complicated and not trustworthy. The City of Sighs has no control over this place, so we didn't set up an intelligence point here."

To Da Liang, this was important information.

Since Holy Bella introduced this contact person of the Wizards Guild to Da Liang, it means that there is a contact point of the Wizards Guild here.And Minia, the high-level executive of the City of Sighs branch, did not know the existence of the contact point in the fog area, so this contact point has a higher level of confidentiality, and it is very likely to survive this turmoil.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the information on Holy Bella is too old, and this contact point has already been revoked by the Wizards Guild.

But since he came to the foggy area, he had to give it a try.

Da Liang put on an appearance that I am more experienced than you, and said to Minia and Jonathan: "Actually, there is a contact point of the Wizards Guild in the foggy area, but you are not qualified to know about it at your level. Now I will go to Find this contact point to learn about the current situation in the City of Sighs, and inform Frank about the mutiny."

Minya and Jonathan were greatly surprised by Da Liang's words.There is actually a secret contact point in the City of Sighs, a contact point that even Minia doesn't know about.

To be honest, Minia and Jonathan had always been dubious about Da Liang's words. After all, he appeared too suddenly, and no one could prove that he was a member of the Wizards Guild.

However, if he really knows the contact point that even Minya doesn't know, then his status in the Wizards Guild is really very high.

Minia said: "Where is the contact point? Let's go there now..."

Da Liang went to the contact point to join the Wizards Guild through the back door. If Minia and Jonathan followed him, wouldn't he expose his identity as a fool.

So Da Liang stopped him and said, "No, this is a high-level contact point of the guild. It involves high-level secrets. Only high-level intelligence personnel like me can go. You wait here, and I can go by myself."

Da Liang had several "advanced" levels in a row, which made Minia and Jonathan realize that their level was not high enough to access such "advanced" secrets.

But... let this human being go by himself?
Da Liang shook the shackles of war on his wrist: "Don't worry, I won't be able to go far. You two are waiting here for news from me. Remember! No fighting is allowed."

Then, Da Liang left Minia and Jonathan behind and walked out of the hideout.

Walking on the streets of the foggy area, Da Liang, who knew the situation here through Minia, put away all his publicity, and walked along the wall, when a simple and honest dwarf in front of him smiled at him, Da Liang also hurriedly turned his head and changed his way.

But the foggy area is so big, there is no street sign, and the Holy Bella has not provided a map. Finding "No. 45, Water Pot Lane" is definitely not an easy task.

And just when Da Liang was looking for it, he could hardly figure out the north, south, east, west, and north, a dwarf stopped in front of him.

He has a thick red beard, and he showed the most honest smile for Da Liang: "Sir, I have been paying attention to you for a long time, are you looking for someone, or do you need to hire mercenaries to do something for you?"

As Da Liang recalled, this dwarf kept appearing in front of him and smiling at him, while the pale-faced Da Liang insisted on being cautious in the foggy area, and immediately changed his way when he saw someone paying attention to him.But I didn't expect to meet this dwarf many times. Although he has a pair of short legs, he runs very fast.

This time the dwarf took the initiative to stop in front of him and asked, Da Liang said casually, "I'm just wandering around."

After all, Da Liang turned around and was about to leave.

But the dwarf ran to the front of Da Liang again, "Sir, I know everyone in the misty area. It is easy to cause accidents if you walk around here with a strange face. Have you seen the ogre brothers over there? They and the horned The beasts haven't deceived people for several days, and now they have their eyes on you. Look at their appearance, they are all skinny, and you may not be enough for them to eat by yourself."

Under the signal of the dwarves, Da Liang looked across the street, and sure enough, he saw the group of ogres selling unicorns that he had just met.As Minia said, this group of ogres and unicorns is a group, and they are standing there greedy, or looking at themselves hungry.Just as the dwarf in front of him said, they are indeed very thin. It is estimated that no one will believe the nonsense that their unicorn meat is delicious.

"You're right. I was indeed being targeted by those poor guys. What's your name? I must thank you well."

"Hans, people here call me Hans the dwarf. Sir, please leave with me quickly, I can take you to a safe place, have some food and drink together, and then I will take you where you want to go place."

(End of this chapter)

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