start an archangel

Chapter 368 Please close your eyes when it's dark

Chapter 368 Please close your eyes when it's dark

Da Liang moved the dagger on his brow aside a little, and then said: "I know this because I was inside when the City of Sighs attacked the branch base. As for why I was there, you don't need to know. Anyway, the Wizards Guild The branch in the City of Sighs has been devastated. Quentin died in front of me. I was entrusted by him to rescue some wizards from the branch base. Jonathan and Minia have come to the foggy area with me , they hid in a safe place."

Jonathan and Minya escaped, which was the only piece of good news among the many bad news for Moto.

Although Mo Tuo didn't know how Da Liang got in touch with the Sighing City branch of the Wizards Guild, he was holding the letter of introduction from Sacred Bella, and he was from Cloud City.Cloud City has been supporting the free belief of the Wizards Guild in order to expand its influence in the kingdom of death. The angels have another set of information network in the kingdom of death. These are not things that Motuo can ask casually.

Of course the wizards knew that Cloud City supported the purpose of the Wizards Guild.But facing the ruler of the kingdom of death, the wizards need the support of the powerful Cloud City City in terms of personnel and materials.

Therefore, the wizard guild will provide some convenience for Cloud City in the kingdom of death.

When Mo Tuo confirmed that the human being was not an enemy, he loosened the restraint on Da Liang, put away the dagger, and revealed his translucent body again.

Motuo said to Da Liang: "You can keep your secrets, but you have to tell me everything about the Wizards Guild. Elder Quentin is dead, and Jonathan and Minia came to the misty area with you, so what about Frank? ?According to the guild's system, before the General Assembly appoints a new City of Sighs branch elder, he, the deputy elder, should preside over the self-help work of the City of Sighs branch."

Da Liang replied: "The Wizards Guild that Frank betrayed."

"Impossible," Moto didn't believe Da Liang's words: "Frank was the first to join the Wizards Guild, and he went through the most difficult period of the guild with us. He will never betray the guild. This must be released by the city of sighs." False news……"

Frank's betrayal is indeed hard to believe, but it is the truth. Da Liang said: "Frank really betrayed. I saw him kill Elder Quentin with my own eyes. Jonathan and Minia escaped together. The wizards can also prove what I said. And do you think... if there is no rebellious wizard with status, the City of Sighs is capable of pulling out the branch of the Wizarding Guild here so quickly and neatly?"

Although he didn't want to believe the fact of Frank's betrayal, Moto also knew that if it wasn't for the high-ranking wizards of the Wizarding Guild who had rebelled, it would be impossible for the city of Sighs to attack the wizarding branch so suddenly, especially the intelligence point set up in the city of sighing. attacked almost simultaneously.

So accurate.

And there are only three wizards who know all the information points in the City of Sighs, Quentin, Frank and himself.

It seems that Frank has really betrayed.

A lot of information about the Wizards Guild has been leaked. This is no longer a matter of a branch in the City of Sighs, but the entire guild is about to suffer a serious blow.

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Moto immediately said to Da Liang: "Thank you very much for rescuing our wizard and informing me of the news of Frank's rebellion in time. This information is too important. I must immediately go back to the general headquarters to notify the various branches to deal with Frank's rebellion. damage caused.

I think the General Assembly may not be able to support the City of Sighs branch in a short period of time. Please inform Jonathan and Minia to protect our wizards and make sure not to be found by Frank. Wait patiently for the support of the General Assembly to rebuild the branch here. department. "

Hearing that Moto was going to leave, Da Liang quickly asked: "What should I do if you leave? Jonathan and Minia don't trust me very much. Now they want to assassinate Frank for revenge. I don't have the identity of the Wizards Guild. What's stopping them."

Motuo considered Da Liang's words for a while, and what he said was indeed true. Jonathan and Minia were the only two senior wizards left in the City of Sighs branch, and wizards without weight could not command them at all.

So Moto gave Da Liang a badge, and said: "I need to hide my identity, and I cannot meet with Jonathan and Minia. This is my identity card in the Wizarding Guild, and they will know who I am when they see it. Tell them not to think about revenge on Frank, even if I do it, Frank may not be able to kill him. Their task is to hide and wait for the instructions of the General Assembly."

After saying that, Moto disappeared into the air.

Get a badge with a hexagram on the front and a scythe on the north, caught in a looming hand.

Da Liang didn't know what the pattern represented, but it was enough to bluff Jonathan and Minia.

With the badge, even if you have a temporary identity, as long as you can disarm Minia, you can find a way to coax her into contact with the shackles of war.

Then, brother, a legion gathers the flag, and I say goodbye to you.

Wow ha ha ha ha……

As long as Quentin doesn't jump out of the ground, all the lies can be justified, and the level of brother flicker has been upgraded again.

Haha ...

Da Liang's laughter stopped suddenly, and now he found out in a daze how he could get out...

Mo Tuo, who was in a hurry, did not point out the way for Da Liang to leave here at all, and Da Liang was locked in this secret room just like that.

It seems that there is an entry door on the wall, just looking around, there are no gaps in the walls.

Da Liang didn't know where the door was and how to open it.

With the shackles of war tied in his hands, all the skills that can leave here, such as returning to the city and legion assembly flag, cannot be used.

Really stuck.

Da Ming didn't know where the door was, so he could only lean on the wall and grope bit by bit.Learning the plot seen on TV, knocking around, trying to find the mechanism or mezzanine.

However, he found that the walls here are really very strong, there are no traps, and there are no interlayers.

Can only dig.

As a game close to reality, every player must bring some wild survival tools. Da Liang took out a shovel and dug up the wall he entered.

After several hours of fighting against the wall, Da Liang finally dug a small hole in the wall leading to the outside.

"Nicole's Jump"

A weak electric arc flashed instantly, passing through the small hole dug out, and Da Liang appeared in the room where he first came in, and the coffin was erected beside him.

It's just that there are so many people in this tomb!

At this time, Da Liang realized that this small tomb was already crowded with all kinds of creatures of various races. They all looked at him greedily, as if they were a group of old wolves surrounding a lamb, and some of them were about to drool. up.

Da Liang hurriedly checked the time.

No, it's already dark.

(End of this chapter)

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