Chapter 369

Digging the passage took too much time for Da Liang. After dark, Kuka could no longer provide protection for Da Liang.

The ogres and unicorns left according to the rules of the mist area, and the impatient villains found it following the scent of Da Liang, but this was an empty tomb.

Just when these people thought they had lost this "fat sheep", Da Liang suddenly appeared in front of them.

Some villains discovered the hole that was revealed by Da Liang, knowing that he possessed some kind of shuttle spell, and immediately sealed the hole with magic.

Now Da Liang has no way forward and no way back.

"What do you guys want to do?"

Da Liang tightened his smock so that his appearance would not be seen by these people, and then he thought about how to get out in this situation.

The thugs didn't answer right away, and made way for a stretcher to be carried up.

Lying on the stretcher was the dwarf Hans who had been beaten up by the ogres.

The dwarf Hans had been wrapped like a zongzi, moaning desperately on the stretcher, he pointed at Da Liang with his only arm that was not held, and shouted loudly: "It's him, he's the one who hit me! "

After the identification, the dwarf Hans was carried out.

An old elf druid walked up to Da Liang with a wooden staff: "Dwarf Hans is a friend of all the residents of our foggy area. You, an outsider, beat up Dwarf Hans on the first day you arrived in the foggy area, which caused great damage. It is logical that you should pay for the medical expenses of Dwarf Hans and the mental damage of all of us."

Da Liang did not expect that these people in the misty area did not directly use force to rob, but found excuses to blackmail.

At the same time, he recalled what he had seen and heard in the mist area. Except that the ogre beat up Hans the dwarf when he paid him, he didn't see a single violent conflict here.

Goblins are selling their own gizmos, ogres are dancing with unicorns, and even Hans the dwarf seems to be just trying to cheat money with his tricks. In John's restaurant, the price of beef is expensive but not bad.

There seems to be an invisible rule restricting them in this foggy area, or maybe this is their way of survival in the kingdom of death. After all, the guys who come to the foggy area choose this place when they have nowhere to go. This is their last "Taoyuan", and They will only bring their own ruin if they make this a place of indulgence.

In the fog area, as long as it is not a matter of life and death, it is the code of conduct for everyone here to stay on the front line and not to kill and offend people completely.

It was also because of this that without knowing the details of Da Liang, the villains in the misty area found an excuse to ask Da Liang for money.

Since the other party chooses to be reasonable, then let's be reasonable.

Da Liang asked: "Although the dwarf Hans was beaten by Kuka and the others and has no direct relationship with me, Kuka and I are friends. I am willing to compensate for the losses caused by their beating. How much?"

For Da Liang who has a huge amount of money, the problems that money can solve are not problems. If the money these guys want is within his tolerance, Da Liang doesn't mind using money to settle this crisis.

The gangsters didn't expect that Da Liang agreed so happily, he was indeed a rich man who spent thousands of dollars to invite the ogre to eat his meat.

Da Liang's straightforward appearance made the villains wonder how much gold coins they should ask for.

The elf druid hurriedly found several small leaders of other groups, and after discussing in a low voice with their heads buried for a while, they came before Da Liang again.

"I...we want [-] gold, and we can't do without a single copper."

"Ten thousand gold!" Da Liang didn't expect these guys to come up with such a figure after discussing for a long time.

Hearing Da Liang's surprised tone, the Elf Druid thought he was shouting too much. After all, there were only dozens of them, and the total number of people behind them was more than 200. Each person could share dozens of gold coins. It was simply an unexpected windfall.

But if they push this human into a desperate situation, it's obviously not in their interest to fight in the end.They were just begging for money, they really killed people, and in the end they got nothing.

So the Elf Druid changed his words and said: "8000 gold coins, this is the lowest price, even if you lose a copper."


The Elf Druid said with a little embarrassment: "Of course, we also know that you shouldn't have so much cash on you. You can pay with gems or other valuables. If it can be worth 7000 gold, we can accept it. It’s really the lowest price.”

Da Liang was completely helpless, he said: "I thought you could call out some amazing price, only 10000 gold. The price is so far from my heart, you really let me down. This is 20000 gold Jin, help me find a place to live, I want a human house, the price will be calculated separately. Remember, don’t trouble me in the future, and don’t try to deceive me. I plan to live in the misty area for a while, if you want to make money More money, play by the rules right in front of me."

After finishing speaking, Da Liang threw a large pile of gold coins in front of these people, then drove away the dumbfounded crowd, and walked away.

The elf druid quickly put away all the gold coins on the ground, and then said to the others: "The gold coins are temporarily placed here with me, and will be distributed at my home later. Now we are going to discuss this human named 'eviscerate'. Obviously, he is richer than I imagined, and he has the wealth to throw 20000 gold coins on the ground like a beggar. Now he wants to live in the misty area for a long time, how should we treat him?"

Someone regretted and said: "We should have thought that Ebony would spend thousands of gold to treat Kuka to eat meat. There must be a lot of money. We should ask for 50000 gold, or even 10. Now that Eviscerate is planning to live here, we will We should find a way to get more money from him and take all his money."

The elf druid sneered: "Do you know who we are facing? 20000 gold coins are enough to hire a killer to kill one of us. If the Holy See of Wugou gets this donation, he is willing to do it himself. He has what we can't Imaginary wealth also means that he has power that we can't imagine. This is not a guy who can be blackmailed by us infinitely. If you don't want to die one day, don't provoke him again. Of course, the human race Eviscerate spends a lot of money. If we can trade with him normally, we should be able to make more money safely."

The Elf Druid's words shocked everyone into a cold sweat.In the mist area, their lives are really not worth 20000 gold coins.

Fortunately, they didn't seem to have touched the bottom line of the Eviscerate Human Race this time. They asked for 7000 gold and gave 20000 directly. It seems that doing business with him is indeed a good idea.

"Old Mike, let's start by building a human house for Eviscerate. We want to build a luxurious manor."

The old elf Druid Mike nodded and said: "Yes! A luxurious manor, bigger and more luxurious than Gus Manor. Go back and take out all your private goods. It's time to make a lot of money."

 The cold has been increased to avoid collisions, so I have to change it twice in the past three days.

(End of this chapter)

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