start an archangel

Chapter 371 Chapter 4 Lord King

Chapter 371 The Fourth Lord King

Fog area.

Of course Frank knew about this special urban area, where undead and alien creatures lived together, a lawless neighborhood where even the bishop would be assassinated at any time.

Suddenly Frank felt cheated, but what could he do?
When he betrayed the Wizards Guild with all kinds of bribes and promises from the City of Sighs, Frank had no way out.

But thinking about it again, the misty area is an urban area where the sad monarch's control is weak, and it is basically a state of letting go.Frank can rest assured to study the Necromancer's Gate there. When he can control the Necromancer's Gate, a foggy area won't be able to accommodate him.

Thinking of the Necromancer's Gate, Frank couldn't help but think of the lost Earth Elemental Crystal. Without the Earth Elemental Crystal, it would be even more difficult to study the Necromancer's Gate.

Fortunately, what the undead lack most is time.

After Frank leaves the church hall, the Lord of Sorrow asks, "Do you think Frank is telling us the truth? He really didn't find the Necromancer."

The only one left in the hall was the terrifying knight Will, but he didn't answer or move when faced with the sad monarch's question.

At this time, a demon appeared next to the sad monarch. He looked at the door Frank left and said, "This vampire is lying, the gate of the dead is in his hands. However, Quentin did not use the dead soul at the last moment." Seeing us destroy his branch base, I suspect that something is wrong with Necromancer's Gate."

The Lord of Death is the undead closest to the god of death. They describe themselves as angels, and they do not allow any creatures to approach themselves, so as not to blaspheme the god of death.But this time the sad monarch did not show any anger at a demon standing so close to him.

He approved of the devil's guess: "The Necromancer is not a divine weapon. No matter how powerful it is, it is still a product of alchemy. It is normal for something to go wrong. Since Frank has obtained the Necromancer, we don't need to rush to grab it. He and Kun Ding has known each other for a long time, and he must know some of Quentin's alchemy techniques, and asking him to repair the Necromancer's Gate will definitely be faster than us."

The Necromancer's Gate was basically obtained, and the Wizard's Guild was uprooted in the City of Sighs, and the devil once again made his request.

"The lords of hell and the lord of death have always been staunch allies. I came here this time to hope that you and the other six lords can stand up and declare their support for us to retake hell."

This demon is one of the hell lord kings who escaped from Yunzhong City. His purpose in coming to the kingdom of death is to re-alliance with the death lord and gain the support of the undead.

The sad monarch did not make a promise easily: "Respected greedy demon king Mishuka, I am very grateful that under your guidance, I successfully instigated Frank. However, if we publicly support you at this time, we will offend Yunzhong at the same time. City and the hell led by Lucifer. The kingdom of death has no ability to fight against two powerful planes at the same time, but I can guarantee that as long as you regain hell, the kingdom of death will still stand with you on the front line."

The five hell lords have left hell for ten thousand years, and for ten thousand years, hell has been under the rule of Lucifer.The fallen angels have managed to form a powerful force in hell, and although the five hell lord kings are confident of defeating Lucifer and regaining hell, this is definitely an extremely difficult war.

And if Yunzhong City sends troops to intervene in this war, the five hell lord kings will face the dilemma of being attacked from both sides.

The hell lords urgently need the kingdom of death to support them publicly, so that the army of the undead can share the pressure from the cloud city.

Of course, Mishuka was dissatisfied with the reply of the Sad Monarch: "Dear Sad Monarch, I hope you can see clearly that the war between the Kingdom of Death and Cloud City has already begun. Everyone knows that the Wizards Guild can be established so quickly. Behind the expansion of the Kingdom of Death is the full support of Cloud City, and the angels have even directly participated in the assassination of important figures in the Kingdom of Death many times.

Cloud City is declaring war on the kingdom of death in another way, and if the monarchs of death do not take decisive measures, the kingdom of death is likely to fall into a large-scale war.

Demons need undead, and undead need demons. "

Mishuka's words made the Lord of Sadness fall into deep thought.

It is an open secret that Yunzhong City supports the wizards guild. The wizards deny the belief of death to promote freedom, and they are also affecting more and more undead.At the same time, the conflict between the Holy See and the lords also made many lords secretly join the Wizards Guild.

Like the City of Sighs, Frank named twelve lords who joined the Wizards Guild.

These are all powerful lords who control the army. If the wizard guild is allowed to develop, the kingdom of death is really likely to fall into a war from which it cannot extricate itself.

But... Once the death monarchs declare their support for the five hell lord kings, the kingdom of death will also suffer attacks from the Wizards Guild while being involved in the war of planes.

"I have already sensed the hostility of Cloud City, but we have to deal with the Wizards Guild first, otherwise once we announce our support for you, we will face attacks from three sides. Now you go to other cities of the Death Lord, just like you did in the City of Sighs , to uproot the wizarding guild there,
As long as the wizard guild is wiped out, I will be responsible for persuading other death monarchs to support you when you counterattack hell. We will block Cloud City City and cooperate with you to defeat Lucifer and regain control of hell. "


Frank is going to take office in the foggy area, and Minia and Jonathan are already hiding in the foggy area.And Da Liang also engaged in a big event there, a splendid human manor is being built under all kinds of magic.

And Da Liang decided to visit the command center of the Judgment Legion if he had nothing to do for the time being.

The Judgment Legion is a professional player legion built by the University Alliance. Each member must undergo multiple qualifications, receive confidential training, and sign a confidential contract.

Everyone has to judge the legion command center to go online according to the assigned shift, which is suddenly an extremely strict military organization.

It is precisely because of such a strict confidentiality mechanism that the Judgment Legion has not been infiltrated by external player forces, ensuring that every attack of the Judgment Legion can hit the vital point unexpectedly.

Da Liang's trip to the command center of the Judgment Legion was not a temporary idea. Now he is shackled by war in the game and cannot return to the fortress and the main plane at any time, so he cannot keep abreast of the naval battle between the Shangjiang Fleet and the Jeju Fleet.

The circle of influence of the Black Fire Territory is ultimately on the main plane. Whether the Shangjiang Fleet can win this naval battle has an extremely important impact on the development of the Black Fire Territory.

At this time, Shu Xiao was commanding the Judgment Fleet online, so Da Liang did not call her to go to the Command Center of the Judgment Legion, but called two bodyguards in the next room and drove a car out of the gate of the community.

 Celebrating the 2th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, at [-] pm today, this book is free.

(End of this chapter)

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