Chapter 372
Da Liang sat in the car and looked at the busy street outside. At this moment, he found that his state of mind was quite different from a few months ago.

If a group of people blackmailed 7000 gold coins at that time, I would definitely have to work hard, but now 20000 are just thrown out.

It feels really good to hit your face with a gold coin.

With the progress of the "World of Heroes" game, the game has also triggered changes in the outside world. Leaving aside the topics of people's communication, it is said that those large wall advertising posters have also begun to move closer to game elements.

The stars are still those stars, but they are all real-looking game characters, with magical colors and modern fashions, and the planning team of the advertiser tries its best to cater to the massive number of players in the game.

In addition to advertisements, a large number of movies and TV series filmed in the game world are also competing to be launched in the entertainment market by taking advantage of the trend caused by the game.

"World of Heroes" has become an indispensable second world in people's life with its huge world view, rigorous operation and real environment.

"Mr. Wang," the bodyguard sitting on the co-pilot's seat pulled Da Liang back from his thoughts, "Our boss asked me to inform you that the banking system jointly developed by the five major gold merchants has also passed the system review and started trial operation, which means that the game The national financial barriers in China are about to be opened, and our boss said that we need to discuss some things with you, when do you think you have time?"

The national financial barriers in the game are opened!

Although Da Liang doesn't know much about financial currency, he can still feel that the opening of financial barriers will definitely have a turbulent impact on the entire game world.

Boss Jin once said to Da Liang that the gold coin war starts from the moment the country's financial barriers are opened, and then lasts until the end of the entire game. The financial fortress in China is at No. 312 Angel Avenue. It is protected by Da Liang and can also protect Da Liang. .

Therefore, the launch of the banking system is a good thing for Da Liang.

However, Da Liang couldn't go to Angel Avenue to meet Boss Jin for a short time in the game, so he would make a phone call first and ask Boss Jin what he could do with him.

"Hi! Big brother Jin, I'm Da Liang, I heard you have something to do with me?"

Hearing Da Liang's voice, Boss Jin immediately burst out laughing: "Brother Da Liang, Dongyue led the fight in a classic way! We gold merchants were very satisfied that this war could maintain an unbeatable situation. Unexpectedly, you won a complete victory and directly ate the northern waters of China.

Now our maritime situation has opened up at once. Although the military strength of the southern lord is still relatively strong, they are not able to block us casually.

Based on this, our five gold merchants are ready to invest more in the university alliance.

The bank established in a few days also intends to establish a strategic partnership with the University Alliance and Judgment Corps. "

With regard to the university alliance, Xu Man and Daliang have a tacit division of labor. Daliang is in charge of the Judgment Corps directly under the military, and has the right to call other legions to cooperate with the military operations of the Judgment Corps. Xu Man is more inclined to administration and does logistics for the entire university alliance.

However, whenever Boss Jin had any intention of cooperating with the University Alliance, he would say hello to Da Liang, and Da Liang would serve as a bridge for the negotiation.

Da Liang knew that Boss Jin's move was to show his support to the university alliance, and Boss Jin would remind him and take care of himself from time to time, so he couldn't help feeling a little more grateful to Boss Jin.Besides, the deeper cooperation between the two parties is beneficial to everyone, so he replied straightforwardly: "No problem, I just want to meet Xu Man, and she will arrange a meeting as soon as possible."

Then Boss Jin began to talk about his real purpose for looking for Da Liang: "The country's financial barriers are about to open, you should already know. I'm sure that when the international financial barriers are opened, there will be a financial storm immediately. The game area with a good economy Carry out a round of crazy financial invasion of the economically backward game area. In the Western Pacific, Southeast Asia is a big piece of fat.

According to the information we have now, the gold merchants in the South Korean game area and the Japanese game area have already stored a large amount of cash, and are preparing to go to Southeast Asia to buy gold coins wantonly when the country's financial barriers are opened.

Of course, these foreign gold merchants’ plans to collect money must be in conflict with us. We hope that the University Alliance can lead the sailing players in the north of China to carry out a large-scale naval attack on the Korean game area, block the coast of the Korean game area, And threaten the Japanese game area.

At the same time, flying sand and walking stones also promised us to use force to deter Southeast Asian countries.

In this way, we cooperate from the north to the south and fight a beautiful financial war together. "

During the gold war with Shi Fei, Boss Jin chatted with Da Liang about the changes after the opening of the country's financial barriers.

First of all, the decline in the price of gold in the game is a general trend, and the decline in the price of gold means that the demand for gold coins has increased.Players with good economic conditions are keen to buy gold coins to improve their strength, while players with poor economic conditions will sell the gold coins obtained in the game.

There are many professional goldsmithing studios in China, and a large number of individual goldsmiths, but these gold coins still cannot meet the players' demand for gold coins, so the gold price in China will drop very slowly, and may even rebound sharply Case.

Among the players in Southeast Asian countries, gold mining groups account for a large proportion, and the oversupply of demand will cause a sharp drop in the price of gold in the country.

Once the financial barriers are opened, the game area with high gold price will enter the game area with low gold price to buy gold coins.Earn the difference.

Players in the low gold price game area are also keen to sell their gold coins to the high gold price area to earn more money.

In the long run, the game area that collects a lot of gold coins will have more gold coins and become stronger and stronger, occupying more game resources.And the game area that sells a large number of gold coins is like killing a chicken to get its eggs. Its strength cannot be developed and it cannot expand. In the end, it will become a cheaper place to play gold under the invasion of foreign force.

Because cross-border gold coin transactions require gold merchants to send people to the local area to collect them.

Affected by the distance problem, the gold merchants along the western Pacific coast all set their sights on Southeast Asia.

When the country’s financial barriers were first opened, it was the time when gold coins in Southeast Asian countries were at their lowest. Chinese gold merchants were already gearing up to form a group to go to Southeast Asia to cut their meat. Of course, they did not want gold merchants from other game areas to take a share in the past. In addition, the competition also It will quickly raise the local gold price and make a lot of less money.

At this time, the China region will show its force and threaten the player territories and legion facilities around the coasts of these countries.It will make gold merchants in South Korea and Japan hesitate, prolong their reaction time, hinder their sea traffic, and increase the probability and competitiveness of gold merchants in China when they collect gold in Southeast Asia.

The five major gold merchants have prepared abundant funds for a gluttonous feast in Southeast Asia.

(End of this chapter)

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