start an archangel

Chapter 378 Breaking the Rules

Chapter 378 Breaking the Rules
After being hired by Da Liang, Mike, an elf druid who had lived for hundreds of years, quickly adapted to the role of housekeeper.

Knowing about the foggy area, Mike quickly recruited a group of people.

The craftsmen entered the manor. Under Mike's command, they dug canals, arranged gardens, and paved roads. The architectural style of the human race and the artistic sense of the elves were perfectly combined, so that Da Liang's Destiny Manor has a brand new look every moment. Variety.

At the same time, the names of "Eviscerate" and Fate Manor are also well known by the residents of the foggy area.

A very, very rich man will settle in the misty area, and a manor with vitality is rapidly becoming more beautiful.

The residents of the foggy area with nothing to do surrounded the Destiny Manor, admiring the beautiful scenery that could not be seen in the kingdom of death, which also aroused their memories of their original world.

Mike announced at the right time that the owner of Fate Manor, Mr. "Eviscerate", is going to hold a grand banquet on the grass of this manor, and all residents of the foggy area can participate.

"At that time, please enjoy the wine and food to your heart's content. Mr. Eviscerate is more generous than we imagined. Go back and don't disturb Mr. Eviscerate's rest. Find your most beautiful clothes and wait for the expected moment. "

To be able to enjoy fine wine and food on the grass was unimaginable to the former residents of the misty area.While everyone was full of longing for the banquet, they also had great interest in the "boning" of holding this banquet.

Some residents heard the old Mike's proposal to return home, and some people had other ideas about "eviscerate".

A tauren called Mike outside the manor who was going back to set up a banquet.

Tauren Victor, a guy who uses the same prestige as Mike in the fog zone.Mike cast a glance at the nearby Kuka and the dwarf Hans, and Hans and Kuka immediately led a group of craftsmen from Destiny Manor to surround them.

Across the low wall of the manor, Victor was also surrounded by a group of ferocious creatures. He looked at Mike and his companions and said, "Old Mike, you should know the rules of the foggy area. The human body called 'Eviscele' The money belongs to everyone, and you have held this fat sheep for too long, so it should be given to us."

Mike said: "Victor, I know what you will do to 'Eviscerate'. But what you do is likely to put the foggy area in crisis. What I do now is the safest thing to do. Only let 'Eviscerate' settle here Down, we can make more money."

Victor sneered: "Let the foggy area fall into crisis? Bishop of the Unstained Church, we didn't kill one or two. Do you see any crisis in the foggy area? We are all very strong heroes, and we can definitely get them by hand." We want wealth instead of accepting alms from a weak human being like you. Mike, you have become weak. You were not like this before. When you slaughtered the elf tribe in the magical realm, you did it very simply. "

Mike said angrily: "In the foggy area, none of us discussed the past. And I don't think what I did at the time was correct. It was because of my blind confidence in my own strength that I fell into the current situation. Victor, let your people settle down, I guarantee that you will have a share of the money earned from Eviscerate."

"Is there a share for us?" Victor sneered and said, "The people who are working in the Destiny Manor are all your people. You must be thinking of defrauding more money from Eviscerate, and waiting for all his money to be taken by you." After the deception is over, will the person be given to us?"

Mike glanced in the direction of the fortress. He knew that if he continued to entangle with Victor, he might attract the attention of that human being.

"I'm very worried about your people, so don't even think about putting people in. Here is [-] gold coins, far away from Destiny Manor."

Mike quietly threw a big money bag out of the wall, and then let Kuka and Hans lead the people away.

Victor opened the purse, saw that it was full of shining golden coins, and quickly closed the pocket.

But the flash just now dazzled the eyes of his subordinates, and one of them asked, "Oh my god, it's all gold coins. Victor, we got rich this time."

Victor glared at him and scolded: "There's no fuss about this little money. Mike just threw us 1 gold coins, which means they've got more money from Eviscerate, more money!"

"How much more money?"

"Anyway, it's much more than these. Mike and his group don't let us take over, and they clearly want to monopolize Eviscerate. We absolutely can't let them succeed."

"But Eviscerate is under Mike's protection, should we go grab it?"

Victor shook his head: "The strength of Mike's group is about the same as ours. If we fight, we will only lose. Let's go to Gus, and with Gus' strength, we can definitely scare Mike to let Eviscerate come out."

The tauren gang also quickly dispersed.

And all this is seen by Da Liang with a telescope.

Obviously, Mike and the tauren represent two groups of forces in the foggy area.

Now he is in the hands of Mike, and the tauren is definitely not willing to let Mike enjoy the gold coins on his brother alone. Mike, who has received so many benefits, will definitely not let go, so the contradiction arises.

Da Liang knew that there had always been an underlying rule in the foggy area to maintain the balance here.Even 2000 gold coins plus a delicious meal made Kuka dare not break this rule.

It's just that when more and more money is thrown out by him, and more and more villains get benefits, the vested interests gathered around Mike have the strength to break the rules.

For Da Liang, there is no obvious benefit for the time being, but once something happens, it is much better to deal with a divided fog area than a grouped fog area.Moreover, the tauren who just left was obviously very angry. If Mike and his gang fought with the tauren, Da Liang could definitely reap the benefits.

Of course, my brother's safety cannot be ignored in advance.

Monica and the Frost Dragon need to stay at the Boneyard Fortress, and Julian can't reveal his identity because of this trivial matter.

In addition, if these two groups of powerful heroes fight, it will definitely be earth-shattering. If your own hero suffers casualties, the loss outweighs the gain.

Now that I think about it, the only people who can use it are Minia and Jonathan.

The two undead who can serve as high-level officials in the wizarding guild must be very powerful. It is absolutely wasteful to let them stay in the tomb in a daze.

Yes, let the two of them come over to protect brother.

If he dies in the line of duty, I won't feel sorry for him.

(End of this chapter)

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