start an archangel

Chapter 379 2 Bodyguard

Chapter 379 Two Bodyguards
Da Liang, who decided to have Minia and Jonathan as his bodyguards, quietly left Destiny Manor and came to Minia's home after using "Invisibility" and "Nicole's Jump".

Minia and Jonathan still stood at opposite corners, watching each other and disobeying each other.

"If you two have nothing to bring, come with me, and we'll change places to live."

Holding a chicken feather as an arrow, Da Liang directly issued orders to Minia and Jonathan, relying on the trust and trust of the high-level officials who were mistaken for the Wizards Guild.

Sure enough, Minia and Jonathan didn't have any dissatisfaction.

A person who can be trusted by Quentin, a person who can meet Moto, a person whose only identity is not suspected, when Minia and Jonathan can't command anyone, they can only listen to Da Liang .

Minia and Jonathan acted, while Minia asked Da Liang: "Where are we going? Have you found Frank?"

Da Liang walked and said: "There is no news about Frank yet, but I think you are not safe here. You are undead. If Frank wants to find you, he will definitely send someone to search the residence of the undead in the City of Sighs. If you are trapped underground, what do you think?" You can't even escape.

I have arranged a very safe place for you, and I can guarantee that no one will think that you are hiding there. "

A very safe place to live.

Minia and Jonathan looked at this magnificent manor with people coming and going, but they couldn't feel that it was safe, and there was no place to draw an equal sign.

More importantly, as an aborigine in the misty area, Minia didn't know when a manor suddenly appeared here.

"Mr. Eviscerate, this manor is too conspicuous, and there are so many people in it. I saw Kuka who bought unicorns, Hans the liar, and Mike the old fox. These are all famous villains in the foggy area. The people who can serve them are definitely more hateful guys, I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to hide here, once they find us, they will definitely give us to the sad monarch for gold coins.”

Da Liang rubbed his nose in embarrassment: "I may not have made it clear. In fact, you said that Kuka, Hans and Mike are all serving me now, and I am the owner of this manor. If the housekeepers and craftsmen I hired, If it is really as bad as what you said, the undead from the city of sighs will definitely not easily search my manor.

And I don't think Frank would have thought that you were hiding in such a conspicuous place. In his image, you should be hiding in a dark tomb, not in such a beautiful and lively manor. "

Neither Minia nor Jonathan expected such a large manor to be so bright.

Not to mention the cost of building the manor in a short period of time, it is a lot of money to hire a magician to nourish such a large grassland with magic power, and he even let a few unicorns eat it casually...

So rich!

The life of the undead is generally poor, and the funding of the wizarding guild is always tight. The wizards receive money from the guild to study witchcraft and improve their personal strength. They are very tight, and there is no spare money to show off and enjoy.

Therefore, when Minia and Jonathan learned that the manor was Da Liang, they looked at Da Liang as if seeing those undead with jewels all over their bodies.

Show off your wealth!

"Mr. Eviscerate, does it cost a lot of money to build this manor?"

Minia is in charge of the external communication of the City of Sighs branch, and knows better than Jonathan what kind of financial resources are needed to build and maintain such a manor.

Da Liang said: "Not much, just 10 gold. To be honest, the conditions in the kingdom of the undead are limited, so I can't expect too much. I am very satisfied with barely having a comfortable environment."

10 gold, but also "just".

Minia knew that the annual activity budget of the City of Sighs branch of the Witchcraft Guild was only 20 gold.This guy actually used half of the branch's annual expenses to build a seemingly useless manor, because this human being wanted to spend more comfortably in the country of death.

This is... really enviable.

"Mr. Eviscerate, you are really rich."

Da Liang sighed: "To me, money is just an inexhaustible number. What I value most is the friendship with Elder Quentin and the yearning for witchcraft. It is precisely because of these that I joined the witchcraft. The Art Guild, where I found the happiness and pursuit that gold coins could not bring me.

The undead are mortal, only witchcraft is eternal. "

Da Liang's words made Minia and Jonathan stand in awe, and they deeply blamed themselves for their newly aroused greed for gold coins.

Qi Dao: "The undead are mortal, only witchcraft is eternal."

In this way, Minya and Jonathan were lured into the Destiny Manor by Da Liang, and arranged in the two rooms on the left and right of their own bedroom.

Da Liang didn't believe that if someone attacked him, these two powerful undead heroes would sit back and watch him be chopped.

Now your own security has been resolved.Brother is in this Destiny Manor, sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight, watching dogs bite dogs, singing a song on flat sand and autumn fall, waiting for the fish to take the bait by themselves.

Mike, who was called the old fox by Minia, behaved honestly and peacefully, with good interpersonal and coordination skills, making Da Liang's Destiny Manor really like a human manor in the main world, full of vigor and enthusiasm.

During the three days of preparing for the banquet, the front lawn of the entire Destiny Manor has changed drastically.

The original flat grass has been trimmed to be slightly undulating and full of wavy beauty. Flowers are blooming in clusters and clusters, competing for beauty. A stream meanders on the grass, connecting the fountain and a small pond.

A few unicorns strolled leisurely on the grass, from time to time they lowered their heads to nibble on the tender grass and drank a few mouthfuls of clear water.

I can't see the gobbled look at the beginning at all.

In short, under the construction of Mike and the expense of a lot of gold coins, the grass of Destiny Manor presents an idyllic style, which is too beautiful to behold.

In order to welcome the upcoming grand banquet, five towering lighthouses were temporarily erected on the grass, and at night there will be special magicians on them to provide lighting for the entire banquet.

In addition, the venue was already filled with long tables and chairs.

All kinds of clean and tidy tableware are placed on these newly made white tables that still smell of paint.

The shiny silver dinner plates, neat knives and forks, wine glasses and even material boxes are all new.

On one side of the banquet venue, the chefs in charge of serving meals were already in place, and the waiters were also fully dressed.

Everything is ready, just waiting...

Mike looked at the time and the guests who had been waiting outside the manor, and asked Da Liang anxiously: "Sir, when will the food and drinks for the banquet arrive?"

(End of this chapter)

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