start an archangel

Chapter 380 The Banquet Begins

Chapter 380 The Banquet Begins

The upcoming banquet at the Destiny Manor is a great event for the foggy area.

The fine wine and food that you can enjoy casually is a gift from the owner of Fate Manor, Mr. Eviscerate, to the residents of the foggy area.

Looking at the manor that was built almost overnight, and seeing everything in the manor that was ready for the banquet, no one doubted that tonight would be a wonderful night.

Everyone is looking forward to the sun setting quickly, so that the banquet can start as soon as possible.

But what to eat without food?What would you drink without fine wine?
Looking at the guests who were dressed in costumes and looked forward to it, Mike knew that they were not good people. If they knew that they had been deceived, Destiny Manor would be demolished in an instant, and even he couldn't get away.

"Sir, when will the food and drinks for the banquet arrive?"

Da Liang was already sitting on the master's seat at this time, and Mike was standing behind him in a gentleman's suit, watching the sun's position getting lower and lower, he bent down and asked in a low voice in Da Liang's ear.

"I'll be there right away, so it won't delay the normal progress of the banquet." Da Liang took out a bottle of red wine from his bag, which he got from Joyce.Joyce likes to drink red wine, and she is also very picky about red wine, so all the red wine in her wine cabinet is high-quality goods.Mike took the wine bottle, opened the cork, and slowly poured the wine into a glass in front of Da Liang. The sweet and mellow smell immediately made Mike's lips dry, and he licked it unconsciously.

"It's really intoxicating. This kind of wine is very rare even in other planes. This bottle of wine is probably worth at least a hundred gold in the main plane."

Hearing Mike's compliments on the red wine, he smiled and said, "This wine is used to quench my thirst when I don't want to drink water. Since you like it... I'll give it to you."

This bottle of wine is worth at least 100 gold on the main plane, and 200 gold in the kingdom of the undead.

I only poured a glass, and gave away the rest casually.

Mike has no doubt that this wine is usually used to quench the thirst of the rich man in front of him.

How much money does he have?
The same question arose in the minds of Minia and Jonathan.

Inside the fortress, Minia and Jonathan stayed in their own rooms, watching the upcoming banquet outside.

They found that Eviscerate really invited all the alien intelligent creatures in the fog zone.There were nearly 2000 people, all of whom were wanted criminals who were not allowed in their original world. They were all powerful heroes and villains, but they all stood obediently outside the courtyard wall, waiting for their master to let them in.

Everyone was frightened by the scene in front of them. They were looking forward to the start of the banquet, and were deeply shocked by the financial resources possessed by the owner of the manor.

Mike tried his best to control his urge to take a sip of red wine, and kept the bottle of wine well.

At this time, Da Liang said: "Let Kuka lead people to clear the gate of the manor. My soldiers have arrived with food and drinks."

Mike straightened his waist and pointed at the gate of the manor to Kuka, who was responsible for maintaining order. Kuka immediately rushed over with his ogre brothers, and they shouted loudly, causing the crowd blocking the door to disperse to both sides.

The rumbling sound on the street in the distance gradually became louder. After the crowd completely moved away from the gate of the manor, a skeleton soldier rushed in from outside driving a carriage drawn by four skeleton horses.

The wagons were laden with casks and goods covered with canvas.

Immediately afterwards, one carriage after another drove into the manor and gathered behind the chef's area.

The undead hero who arrived with the convoy commanded the skeleton soldiers, lifted the barrel and moved it to the reserved empty table.

The sharp wine fetcher pierces the barrel from the bottom of the barrel, the valve is opened, and the fragrant ale flows out.

All the crowd waiting outside the low wall cheered together after seeing the hops on the ground.

Then the canvas covering the car was also lifted, and all of them were nets of sea fish, including small sardines as thick as fingers, and tuna that could not be carried by one person. Several carriages even contained sliced ​​whale pieces. .

All sea fish are frozen with water magic.

Nearly a hundred carriages were all loaded with wine and various fish.

The mood of the guests was even higher.

The chefs who had been waiting at the side eagerly put the fish on the chopping board, and their skillful division showed their superb knife skills.

The fire was already burning, and the processed fish fillets were either grilled, stewed, fried, or directly made into sashimi, and the whole manor soon wafted a strong fish fragrance.

Looking at the crowd outside sniffing the fragrance greedily, they couldn't stop wiping their saliva.

Da Liang said to Mike: "Don't keep our guests waiting, let them in. There is no restraint on food and drinks tonight."

Kuka at the gate of the manor let him in.

The residents of the foggy area poured in like a tide, and they had already accepted the waiters arranged by Mike to bring the guests to their tables according to the blocks they lived in.

The cooked food was placed on the table, and the glasses filled with ale were placed in front of everyone.

The fragrance intoxicates everyone.

Mike picked up a glass of ale and said loudly: "Let's respect Mr. Eviscerate and thank him for the sumptuous banquet specially prepared for our foggy area residents."

"Respect Mr. Eviscerate!"

Residents in the misty area offered their blessings to Da Liang, and then ate and drank.

A plate of fried fish fillets was placed in front of Da Liang.

And just when Da Liang was about to taste the skills of the chef he had hired, a group of uninvited guests walked in from the gate of the manor.

At the head was a human, clad in ornate armor.The other is a tauren, and Da Liang saw that he had a dispute with Mike outside the walls of the manor.Behind them followed a group of vicious guys.

Looks like someone is looking for something.

Seeing the human and the tauren walk into the manor at this time, the lively banquet immediately quieted down, and everyone had already guessed what was about to happen.

The craftsmen of Destiny Manor, Kuka and Hans, quickly gathered behind Mike.

The army that arrived from the Black Fire Territory also quickly assembled.

The 500 skeleton soldiers were the army that arrived with the food delivery. Of course, Da Liang didn't expect these skeleton soldiers to be able to fight against these powerful heroes. Julian and the three frost dragons were already on standby at high altitude.

If these guys fight here, Minia and Jonathan hiding in the fortress will protect themselves, and the mission of the Blackfire leader is to make up for the chaos and pick up equipment.

All the people who entered Destiny Manor this time were heroes, no matter how poor they were, they should have some good hero equipment.

Da Liang looked at the approaching villains and felt that this banquet would not be passed in a peaceful atmosphere.

The group of people who came was getting closer, and Mike whispered in Da Liang's ear: "Mr. Eviscerate, the people who came are Gus and Victor, they are not very good people."

(End of this chapter)

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