start an archangel

Chapter 381 Don't Insult The Rich

Chapter 381 Don't Insult The Rich

None of you are nice guys, but Mike seems a little smarter.

Da Liang asked, "Gus? That human being who masters the teleportation gate in the misty area, what is he doing here? I don't think I invited him."

When Mike saw Gus and Victor coming together, he couldn't help being a little nervous. He replied to Da Liang: "Gus is wearing armor, so it's definitely not a good thing. But don't worry, sir, just let me handle it."

Mike wanted to prevent Da Liang from talking directly with Gus and Victor, but Da Liang had already stood up to meet the past.

"Mr. Gus, I heard your name when I first arrived in the foggy area. As a human race, I am very happy to see my compatriots in the foggy area. Welcome to my manor."

Da Liang greeted Gus with a smile, but got a sneer from Gus: "Mr. Eviscerate, I'm afraid Mike didn't tell you that all alien races who come to the foggy area must be approved by me before they can be counted as residents here. It is illegal for you... to occupy such a large area of ​​land in the foggy area without my permission. If you really want to become a resident of the foggy area, you need to pay some naturalization fees and land occupation fees.

in addition……"

Gus looked at the mountains of food and wine barrels piled up beside him, and said, "Everything that enters the misty area from the outer plane must be approved by me, otherwise it is smuggling. I don't remember selling you so much Food and drink, it seems that you still need to pay part of the fine."

Da Liang knew that Gus was here to find trouble, but he didn't expect that this guy would ask him for crimes as soon as he came up, blackmailing him shamelessly.

Da Liang kept smiling: "Mr. Gus, don't talk about so many reasons, just tell me how much it costs?"

Seeing that Da Liang was so straightforward, Gus stopped fabricating the list of crimes and said directly: "200 million gold coins, pay these fines, and you will be a resident of the misty area from now on."

200 million gold coins.

This number made the whole manor quiet. Everyone stopped their movements and looked at Gus and Da Liang blankly.

As if time stood still, ale dripped out of the tilted wine glass, and the meat slices on the grill that were not turned in time gave off a burnt smell.

Everyone's mind is full of 200 million gold coins, but no one can imagine how much 200 million gold coins are.After all, in the foggy area, silver coins belonged to the large-value currency.

Gus also stared at Da Liang, holding the hilt of his sword in his hand, with a vicious smile on his face.

Tauren Victor looked at Mike provocatively. He had already negotiated with Gus. For 200 million gold coins, Gus got 120 million and he got 80.

It is much more than what Mike gave to himself.

Mike looked annoyed, it was obvious that Gus and Victor were trying to eat his cake, and they wanted to eat all of it.

"Two million gold coins? Hahaha..." Da Liang's loud laugh broke the silence in the venue: "The people in the kingdom of death are really too poor, you don't even know what wealth is, and even the extortion price is an insult to a rich man. Money man. I really wonder if you have been away from the main world for too long, and you have become ignorant. After so many crimes, the result is only 200 million gold coins. And the tauren next to you still looks satisfied !

Have you really never seen money?Don't you know that 200 million gold coins can't even fill a house?

Really made me laugh...

Laughing big toothache.

Well, stop saying such stupid things that make people laugh.

Now that you're here, let's eat meat and drink first, and don't let the boring gold coins ruin the happy atmosphere tonight. "

Da Liang's ridicule made the triumphant Gus turn red. In the ruthless mocking words, Gus really felt like a country bumpkin who had never seen money.

Seeing that the other party looked like they were lazy to pick up 200 million gold coins, Gus and his group lost all momentum, and their minds were full of what kind of wealth this human named Eviscerate possessed, thinking that he would dump it after the banquet. How many gold coins to pay.

Unknowingly, Da Liang regained control of the banquet.

He re-sat in his seat and asked the dazed Mike to invite Gus and Victor, who were also dazed, to his table.

The food and ale came out quickly, and Gus and Victor wondered what to do as they ate.

Da Liang is also thinking about how to deal with the current situation.

Obviously, Mike was a little timid when facing Gus and Victor. He is not an opponent of these two guys. He may sell his brother when he is incapable. Some deviations.

Once the fight started, I would go into battle shirtless and face Gus and Victor directly, which is definitely not in my interest.

As for giving money to settle things down?

It is estimated that 200 million has been given, and they want 200 million more.

And my brother's money didn't come from a strong wind, so I feel distressed if I give too much!

An idea came to mind, and he picked up a glass of ale in front of him and said to Gus and Victor, "I'm really happy that you two can come, and I propose to have a toast for our friendship first."

The current situation is somewhat beyond Gus' Victor's imagination. He is obviously here to blackmail him, so why did he start drinking with him?

But for the gold coins, Gus and Victor had no choice but to squeeze out a smile and clink the bright wine glasses together.

After drinking a glass of beer, Da Liang said: "Actually, I used to be just like you, poor, thinking about money every day. Until one day I suddenly thought of a way to make money, and then I continued to expand my business empire, and then the gold coins seemed to be automatically flowing to me. It was like I was flying, and I couldn't stop it. So I quickly became what you see now, with wealth that even I can't count.

Seeing you now reminds me of who I used to be, very kind.

Therefore, although the way you ask me for money is very ungentlemanly, I am willing to give it to you.I have seen in you, like me, the drive to fight for wealth.

Maybe you, like me, lack only an opportunity, and then you will be as rich as I am. "

Da Liang's words made Mike, Gus and Victor's eyes light up at the same time.

Gus asked: "I don't know what kind of business Eviscerate Your Excellency is? You shouldn't come to our foggy area for vacation and relaxation, right?"

Da Liang drank another glass of beer and said, "Of course not. The environment in the kingdom of death is really terrible. To be honest, if it's not for making money, I wouldn't want to stay here for a long time. I plan to find a partner here, wait for me When my business starts to make a profit, I will hand over the business here to my partners.”

The eyes of Mike, Gus and Victor brightened even more.

The wealth owned by this human being is obvious to all, and the business he personally came to run in the kingdom of death must be on an unimaginable scale.

As his partner, he will be fully responsible for the business here after he leaves the kingdom of death.

What a fortune that would be!
(End of this chapter)

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