start an archangel

Chapter 382 How to Turn 10 into 20

Chapter 382 How to Turn 10 into 20

Gus quickly said: "Mr. Eviscerate, I have all the conditions to be your partner. I have a portal to the main plane. My family has lived in the mist area since a long time ago. I am very familiar with the kingdom of death. , I will make your business here develop very smoothly. More importantly, I can spend money to invest in your business in the country of death, which is an advantage that no one else has."

After all, Gus looked at Victor and Mike threateningly.

Everyone who comes to the kingdom of death through Gus has to pay him a lot of money, and he monopolizes the market for all outer plane commodities in the fog area, which makes him the richest and most powerful in the fog area. people.

If you can become a partner of Eviscerate and independently own the entire Death Kingdom market, your wealth in the future will definitely not be measurable by a mere 200 million gold coins.

The alluring wealth has already made Victor the tauren forget that he came with Gus, he ignored Gus's frequent winks, and said with a rough breath from the bull's nostrils: "No, I think it's better to use Eviscerate. Mr.’s wealth does not lack that small investment. Mr. Eviscerate needs someone to help him keep an eye on his business from being taken over by others. I am afraid that no one can compare to me. I said that most of the bishops in the misty area are me. Leading people to kill, no one objected, right?

If Mr. Eviscerate chooses me as a partner, I can guarantee that no one will dare to touch your business. "

In the misty area, Victor is known for his tough style. Although he behaved fairly restrained in this old den, he often led people from other urban areas to commit crimes. He had a group of simple-minded thugs who robbed, stole, and sometimes went to Some sighed and raided within the domain of those undead outside the city.

However, Mike looked down on Victor's way of putting himself in danger. He gathered a group of smarter guys and used some tricks to deceive the honest undead and passers-by in the mist area. Business, such as custom-made coffins and providing some alchemy and handmade products.

Seeing that both Gus and Victor expressed their desire to become Da Liang's partner, of course Mike couldn't help it.

"Mr. Eviscerate, as the steward of your manor in the misty area, I think I can look after all your properties in the kingdom of death for you. What you need is not an investor, nor a caretaker, but an operator, I believe that you have seen my ability in the past few days, look at this beautiful destiny manor and well-organized banquet, I am the person you need most."

All three wanted to become Da Liang's partner, but Da Liang said calmly: "The investment I am going to make in Deathland is an amount that even I need to carefully consider, so I am not in a hurry to choose a partner right now. But... the advantages and resources you have really impressed me, and I didn't intend to find undead without economic sense in the first place.

Well, let me give you a little test.

Each of you will get 10 gold coins after the banquet, and the task is to turn them into 20 gold coins and give them to me within ten days.

Mobilize your wisdom and ability to complete the tasks I have given you.

My collaborators will be selected among those who complete the task. "

Earn 10 in ten days with 20 gold coins?
Victor hurriedly said: "It's not fair, Gus can take 10 gold coins from his manor to turn the 10 you gave into 20. And Mike...he can definitely do it, after all, he has already taken money from you. There's so much money there."

Da Liang said: "It's not fair to you, but it's very fair to me. I need a partner with assets, which means he has the ability to make money. I do business to make money, not to lose money. If If you can't come up with 10 gold coins, then I will give you capital and time to earn 10 gold coins, and prove to me that you are capable of keeping the business I left in the kingdom of death.

Gus, Mike, tell me if this little test I'm proposing is fair. "

Gus nodded and said: "Mr. Eviscerate is very right. What you need to do business is brains. I am still very confident in my business brains."

Mike also said: "Yes, I have always insisted on using a smooth way to deal with some conflicts. Violence will only make things worse, and business is about peace and wealth. In fact, I don't need to use the time Mr. Eviscerate gave us. Gold coins, just our previous savings are enough to take out 10 gold coins to complete this task."

In order to prove his ability to make money to Da Liang, Mike lied without blushing and heartbeat. Anyway, he is now able to give out 10 gold.As long as he doesn't say anything, no one will know whether these gold coins are his own savings or Da Liang gave them.

Seeing that both Gus and Mike supported this test, Victor obviously felt that he was isolated. If he could not turn 10 gold into 20 gold in ten days, then he would be the first to be defeated in this competition. Knocked out.

Earn 10 gold in 10 days. Unless you directly attack the church in the kingdom of death, there is no place where there are a lot of gold coins.

And some poorly run churches don't have much money.

The income of the church is to persuade the dead to dedicate themselves to the god of death, so the property of the dead will also belong to the god of death, that is, it will be left to the church for expenses.

Like the Church of the Fog...

Basically no income.

And those rich churches must be very powerful. If Victor robs in the past, he will die.

"Mr. Gus..." Victor rescued Gus.

But Gus said: "Victor, Mr. Eviscerate has given you a chance. I believe in your ability, and you will definitely get the 10 gold coins on time."

10 million gold!

"Let me try it." Victor looked angry, but he didn't dare to explode in front of Gus and Mike, so he had to bury his head and eat.

The competitor removes one, and Gus ignores Victor and looks at Mike, who he then notices is looking at him too.

Both of them gave a smile that only they could understand.

Da Liang was very satisfied with his performance, and the big pie made the three families stand on the opposite side again. At the same time, Victor didn't seem satisfied with being excluded from the competition. He must cause trouble.

And bro...

He has successfully retreated from the stage, and continues to sit on the fishing boat, throwing down the bait to watch the disputes among the three families.

A fight disappeared, and the residents of the foggy area didn't know what the giants in the foggy area were talking about, but seeing that they all seemed happy, they probably couldn't fight anymore.

The banquet was lively again.

Delicious meat was served continuously, and mellow ale was freely taken.

The people who had fun sang loudly, and their voices echoed in the night sky.

At this time, a skeleton carriage slowly drove in from the gate of the manor, and the driver of this carriage was a missionary from Wugou Church.

"The bishop of the church in the misty area is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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