start an archangel

Chapter 383 Frank's Invitation

Chapter 383 Frank's Invitation

The manor fell into silence once again.

The church in the Misty District has a new bishop, and the residents know it.But they didn't take it seriously, because the churches in the misty area often came to new bishops, and everyone was already familiar with it.

It's just that what is the bishop trying to do here at this time?
Could it be that the foreign residents in the misty area are all here, just to spread the doctrine of Wugou and persuade everyone to die together.

Does he really want to be the shortest-serving bishop of the Church in the Fog?
Everyone looked at the carriage of the Wugou Holy See. Four skeleton horses were pulling a black car. On the top of the car was the logo of the Wugou Holy See, a skull with four expressions on all sides.

After the carriage stopped, the missionary jumped down and opened the door, and an undead wearing a black bishop's robe came down.

His whole body was wrapped in the robe of God, and the high collar made his appearance not very clear, but it was certain that his race was a vampire.

After the bishop walked down, he ignored the contemptuous gazes around him. He was very clear about the strength of the residents in the misty area. None of them were his opponents. leave.

Seeing that the newly appointed bishop of the misty area was invited to come, Da Liang stood up happily. He was not interested in the grievances between the residents of the misty area and the church, and he was more concerned about accepting the task of building his own territory.In order to carry out his mission smoothly, Da Liang even planned to mediate the conflict between the church and the residents in the foggy area.

Let this bishop live longer, at least finish the territorial tasks in his hand, and then send him to see the god of death.

"Friends in the misty area, let us welcome the bishop of the misty area. It is a great honor for me to invite the bishop."

Cannibalism is short-sighted, although everyone thinks that the new bishop is a short-lived ghost, but in the face of this feast, there was a burst of weak applause.

His Excellency the Bishop walked over steadily, Da Liang walked up to meet him quickly, then his steps slowed down and stopped.

Da Liang saw clearly the bishop's appearance, it was the Frank he had seen in the base of the City of Sighs branch of the Wizards Guild.When Frank killed Elder Quentin, Da Liang was hidden less than ten meters away from him, and he would never admit his mistake.

How did he become the bishop of the mist area?
Da Liang regretted bringing Minia and Jonathan to his manor, what if the two of them killed them?Not in case, but very likely, they are so familiar with Frank, it is impossible not to recognize him.

Da Liang wanted to see the room where the two were, but Frank had already walked in front of Da Liang, looking at Da Liang's slightly surprised face, Frank frowned and asked, "Mr. Eviscerate, have we met before? Why did you see Do I look surprised?"

Da Liang hurriedly laughed and said, "It turns out that the Bishop is not a human being. I just saw the Bishop's face is so good, and I thought I saw someone from the same race. It's because the Bishop's face is so full of vigor and vigor. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't know if you are offended by my adjectives, but this is indeed a compliment from my heart."

It is indeed inappropriate to praise the undead with vigor and vigor, but Frank is very happy, because he has turned his back on death and yearns for life in his heart. How to change from inanimate to alive is an important topic for wizards to study.

Da Liang's words just scratched Frank's itch, and dispelled the doubts in his heart.

"Mr. Eviscerate, when I entered the church in the foggy area on the first day, I heard about your deeds in the foggy area. Your wealth and generosity left a deep impression on me, so when I received your invitation Looking forward to today’s arrival.”

After Da Liang greeted Frank politely, he invited him to his table.

After giving Mike a bottle of red wine again, Da Liang said to Frank: "Thank you again for coming, my lord bishop. This bottle is a red wine from my private storage. It is specially brewed by the royal winery for court use. I hope it can meet the taste of your lord bishop. "

The wine was poured into the glass, the blood-like red color immediately caught Frank's eyes, and then the rich aroma of the fermented wine made Frank take a deep breath.

Vampires are the few undead who can eat, and they are also the few undead who pursue a high quality of life.

The etiquette and words shown by Da Liang all show that he has a noble status. A human noble is Frank's initial impression of Da Liang.Taking another sip of red wine, he was even more sure that Da Liang was not an ordinary low-level nobleman. Only high-level nobles could have access to this wine, and it was a tribute that even the rich could not buy.

Human high-ranking nobles are generally very powerful.

This human named Eviscerate built such a large manor and held such a large banquet, he must be very rich.

Frank felt he was in the right place, that his business had finally found investors.

"Mr. Eviscerate, on behalf of the Sorrowful Monarch, I welcome you to settle in the misty area. I believe that your arrival will bring prosperity to my city. For this reason, I sincerely invite you to come to my church tomorrow, and we will discuss it together. How to build our city.

I have sent my blessings, and I know that I will affect the joyous mood of the residents of the Mist.

Say goodbye first.

Mr. Eviscerate's red wine is very delicious. I look forward to meeting you tomorrow. "

Frank could feel the strong hostility around him, and there was a feeling that someone wanted to kill him.He knows the grievances between the church and the residents in the misty area. Although he is not afraid, he is unwilling to fight and affect this rich human being and affect his plan.

After Frank extended an invitation to Da Liang, he said goodbye and left.

The residents of the misty area didn't feel affected by the presence of Wugou Church. After all, in their eyes, the so-called bishop of the misty area was just a chicken that could be killed at any time.

Frank came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

The lively banquet resumed again, and people drank, ate meat and sang to their heart's content.

Da Liang wiped the cold sweat off his forehead. He was really afraid that Minia and Jonathan would rush out to kill Frank, and he didn't want to expose his relationship with the Wizards Guild to the public.

"I've had too much wine. I'll go back to rest first. You guys continue to celebrate." Da Liang stood up, and in front of Gus and Victor, gave Mike 30 gold coins. The big bag of gold coins was piled up on Mike side. "Mike, here is 30 gold coins. When Mr. Gus and Victor leave, give them their share. The time starts tomorrow, and the person who gives me 20 gold coins in ten days is eligible to accept my next one." test."

(End of this chapter)

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