Chapter 387
"I am willing!"

Da Liang answered impatiently, when he met a traitor, he had money in his pocket, so there was no reason to refuse such a power-for-money transaction!

In order to make Frank not regret it, Da Liang directly took out 50 gold coins and placed rows of money bags in front of Frank.

"I am very grateful to the bishop for allowing me to fulfill my lifelong dream. Joining the Holy See of Wushui can really sublimate my life. This is 50 gold coins, which is my first investment in the reconstruction of the church in the misty area. From now on, this is my His lord, the bishop must build this place into the most beautiful Holy See in the kingdom of death, so that this place can be bathed in the divine light of the god of death as recently as possible.

From now on, as long as the bishop needs money, even if he asks me, no amount of money can express my devout belief in the god of death. "

Frank was already stunned by the dense and neat money bags in front of him like a military column. The opened bag mouths shot golden light at him. He had never seen so many gold coins placed on him at the same time. in front of the eyes.

Frank tried his best to control the urge to put away these gold coins, and tried to maintain the majesty of the bishop: "Mr. Eviscerate, I guarantee that this is the most correct investment in your life."

Da Liang corrected: "It's not an investment. Every gold coin here represents my joy in joining the Wugou Holy See. My Lord Bishop, when will we start the ceremony of joining the church in the foggy area of ​​the Wugou Holy See?"

"Right now!"

In the main hall of the church in the misty area, there are desolation everywhere.

Although the huge meteorite was removed, the big hole in the roof is still there. Such a big hole cannot be blocked, so the roof can only be lifted and rebuilt.

It is in such a dilapidated and simple hall that the Misty District Church will welcome a new member.

Under the order of Bishop Frank, the remaining ten missionaries put on their priestly uniforms, stood together and sang hymns in praise of Death.

And Frank...

He didn't know the process of the baptism ceremony of the Wugou Vatican at all, but he thought that Eviscerate must also not know.

So for the sake of endless gold coins in the future, Frank simplified all the necessary procedures on the grounds of limited conditions.

Immediately after the missionaries finished singing the hymn, Eviscerate was declared to be an official missionary of the church in the misty area.

Then quickly promoted.

Third-level missionary, second-level missionary, first-level missionary, priest, foreign pope.

In this way, Da Liang became a pope of the church in the foggy area of ​​the City of Sighs for the Land of the Dead.

What an unexpected result.

After the ceremony, Da Liang said that he would return to his manor and try his best to mobilize more funds to invest in the construction of the church in the foggy area.

Frank didn't have any dissatisfaction with Da Liang, who was a member of the church but didn't live in the church. The main job of the Foreign Affairs Pope was to lead the missionaries of the church to promote the doctrine of innocence to the parishioners and persuade them to consecrate themselves to death.Frank, on the other hand, has no interest in spreading the doctrine of innocence. As long as he gives money, his foreign affairs pope can live wherever he wants.

Da Liang, wearing the pope's black robe, got into the carriage and returned to the Manor of Destiny.

After Frank sent Da Liang away, he immediately summoned his missionaries.

"I'm going to renovate the entire interior of this church. You can find laborers. The more the better, as long as it's built quickly, money...isn't a problem."

Unsullied Pope's Robe:

Intelligence +4
Knowledge +5
Earth magic effect increased by 10%
Intermediate Spiritualism (after battle, 20% of enemy soldiers are transformed into skeleton soldiers of your own)

Looking at the attributes of the Wugou Holy See Pope's robe that he got, Da Liang felt that he had really earned it.

Add intelligence and mana, increase the effect of earth magic by 10%, and make Da Liang's current strongest magic "Meteor Fire Rain" more powerful.

Spiritualism is an exclusive hero skill for undead heroes, and heroes of other races cannot learn it even if they have skill books.

The signature feast of the undead war is the sea of ​​skeletons, and spiritualism is an essential skill to form the sea of ​​skeletons. Countless skeleton soldiers are accumulated in the war after war. As long as they continue to win, the army of the undead can snowball. .

It can be said that spiritualism is the soul of the undead war.

As a human race, Da Liang is not qualified to learn spiritualism even though he owns the territory of the cemetery of the undead.But he didn't expect that he could get the soul skills of the undead clan from the equipment, which was an unexpected surprise.

If you cooperate with the spirit-gathering thaumaturgy that can resurrect your own undead soldiers...

It seems that brother is going to start a few large-scale wars.

Compared with mid-level spiritualism, Wugou Faith is a good skill that is icing on the cake. The increase of four dimensions is limited to the improvement of high-level undead soldiers, but it is greatly increased for low-level undead soldiers. Forming a massive scale, this increase will be magnified to a terrifying number.

What's even more gratifying is that the blood volume of soldiers cannot be increased by the hero commander. The 50 blood added by Wugou Faith is almost doubled for the skeleton soldier with only 60 blood.Under the influence of the Skeleton Lasher bonus, one of Da Liang's first-level skeleton soldiers already has the same strength as the third- and fourth-level soldiers in terms of basic combat effectiveness.

What a great harvest!

Moreover, after becoming the pope of foreign affairs of the church in the foggy area, Da Liang also obtained part of the authority to issue missions to the players in the church in the foggy area.

Among them, what Da Liang is most concerned about is the task of building his own territory.

He triggers the territory construction mission to himself, and a long mission description is displayed in front of Da Liang.

[The newly promoted cemetery lord, your territory has been upgraded to level five, and you are already qualified to fight for the dead monarch.In this world, life and death are irreconcilable contradictions. Although we have not yet had a large-scale armed impulse with the magical realm of elves, small-scale wars have continued.

We are invading them, and they are invading us.

According to our information, an army of elves has arrived near the City of Sighs through teleportation, and has occupied an abandoned cemetery. If you are ready to serve the Lord of Death and want to become a great Lord of Death, go to destroy them.

Note: The cemetery occupied by this elf army is a level [-] city. The buildings inside have been abandoned, but the city defense system is complete.To destroy them, you need a strong army and a good plan. 】

This trip to the kingdom of death has been full of twists and turns, and I finally saw the territory construction task.

This mission is to eliminate an army of elves that invaded the kingdom of death. The size of the army of elves is unknown, but as the initial mission of the territory construction mission ring, it should not encounter an unmatched army.

Of course, the specific enemy situation needs further investigation.

Accept the task.

Da Liang got a coordinate, which is the abandoned cemetery city occupied by the elf army.

(End of this chapter)

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