start an archangel

Chapter 388 Prepare to Assassinate

Chapter 388 Prepare to Assassinate
The task of building the territory has already come, and Da Liang, who has an archangel, a frost dragon, and a large number of magic wizards, is confident that he can easily complete this task.But Da Liang was trapped by the shackles of war at this time. If he didn't kill Frank, he might not be able to let Minia undo the shackles of war.

And Frank the Lion opened his mouth wide, and it cost 100 million gold coins to open his mouth. It was definitely not as simple as rebuilding the church in the foggy area.

Frank is ambitious, he will definitely not be satisfied with the status of a bishop of the misty area, he must be planning something.

One million gold coins might not satisfy him.

Now that Da Liang can issue territory building tasks for himself, Frank is no longer valuable to him.

In addition, Da Liang is very interested in other parts of the Necromancer in Frank's hands.

In short, Frank had to die.

As long as Frank dies, Da Liang will undo the shackles of war and become closer to the Wizards Guild. Even if Minia and Jonathan find out that he has deceived them, it will be a white lie; It is the nominal highest officer in the fog zone. When Mike, Gus and Victor fight, Da Liang, who has the support of the wizards, will definitely make them spit out everything they eat.

At that time, brother was the real ruler of the misty area.

Now is the time to plan Frank's assassination.

Da Liang, who returned to Destiny Manor, immediately attracted Minia and Jonathan.

When the two undead saw Da Liang wearing the holy robe of the Holy See Pope, they almost directly attacked Da Liang.

Jonathan flashed his saber, and asked sharply, "Mr. Eviscerate, are you a member of the Wugou Holy See? Are you the real traitor?"

Da Liang smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, if I am a traitor, the army of the Wugou Holy See has already surrounded you. Relax, don't show your aura, you should know that most of the people in this manor are not friendly."

Miniya's expression quickly recovered: "Jonathan, we should trust Mr. Eviscerate. As he said, if he was a traitor, we would have been surrounded long ago."

Jonathan put away his saber, and said to Da Liang, "You'd better have a reasonable explanation."

Da Liang replied: "This is just what I got when I went to see Frank. Frank got my gold coins, and I got the post of pope of the church in the misty area."

Jonathan said: "But you are a wizard from our wizard guild, how could you believe in death again."

"Do you think that Frank betrayed the Wizarding Guild because he re-believed in the God of Death? He is still an exile who denies the God of Death, but he is also the bishop of the Unsullied Church. For him, the bishop is just an identity, and for me Same. As long as I uphold the beliefs of the Wizarding Guild, no matter what clothes I wear, my heart will always belong to the Wizarding Guild."

Faced with Da Liang's defense, Jonathan wanted to say more, but Minia said, "Now is not the time to discuss Mr. Eviscerate becoming the Pope of the Church of Wugou. How is Frank? When can we assassinate him?"

Da Liang said: "It's what I told you at the beginning, the assassination of Frank cannot let the Holy See of Wugou know that the Wizards Guild did it. As long as Frank's death does not arouse the vigilance of the Holy See of Wugou, my current status as the pope of the church in the foggy area It can provide great convenience for our Wizards Guild's actions in the City of Sighs.

Now that I have successfully triggered the internal conflicts among the villains in the fog zone, there will definitely be a violent conflict in the fog zone within ten days.

As long as we know the timing of their fight, we can rush into the church in the fog area and kill Frank at that time.

At that time, even if the Holy See of Wugou came to investigate, they would only think that Frank was accidentally killed by the villains in the misty area due to the battle.

It is a normal event for the residents of the misty area to kill the bishop of the misty area. The Holy See of Wugou will no longer pay attention to this place soon, and the wizard guild can quickly rebuild here, and then quickly restore the city of sighs to its previous scale. "

It was finally possible to kill Frank. Both Minia and Jonathan were very happy. Jonathan asked urgently: "When will there be conflicts between the villains in the foggy area? We should kill all the wizards outside the city." Come in, Frank is very strong, we need to concentrate all our strength to kill him."

"I don't know yet," Da Liang looked out through the window and said, "I think someone will tell us. But I need a little help from you."

Ogre Kuka is now a mason in Destiny Manor. His job is to put plaster on the rough houses in the manor to make the walls with leaking stones smooth.

He was quite content with his life, where he and his brothers had comfortable rooms, large pieces of fish at every meal, and a few glasses of ale when they rested at night.The salary is also good, 10 gold coins are issued in advance every week, plus the 2000 gold coins they got before, they have a lot of savings for a while.

It just seems that Mike is not satisfied with his current life, a life he couldn't imagine before.

When they realized that they were so close to that unimaginable wealth, everyone seemed a little crazy, and the original rules to maintain the stability of the fog area could no longer stop the outbreak of greed.

Hearing Mike's promise, Kuka felt that his heart was about to burn.

"It's a battle that has to be fought. If it wins, we'll be the richest people in the City of Sighs; if it fails, will Gus, who is a partner of Mr. Eviscerate, still let us work here? The scene when the gate of the plane controlled by Gus came to the kingdom of death. In his mouth, the fog area is a place of abundance, and we can live here comfortably. Then he took almost all the money from us and took us Throw it in this place where there is nothing.

If Gus succeeds, he'll have Mr. Eviscerate kick us out of the estate and let us go on with our old lives, and which of you wants to live a life where you can't even eat brown bread at any time? "

Kuka doesn't want to experience the previous life again.And he couldn't refuse Mike, he couldn't survive in the fog zone without joining a certain group.

It seems that there is only fighting, and I hope my brothers will survive, although I know it is absolutely impossible, most of us will die, or all of us will die.

While smearing the plaster on the wall, Kuka wondered whether he should spend money to find someone to enhance his mace with alchemy.

At this time, an undead stood beside Kuka: "Kuka, my master is looking for you, please go to his room now."

(End of this chapter)

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