start an archangel

Chapter 389 Recruiting Kuka

Chapter 389 Recruiting Kuka
Kuka was led by a skeleton hero to the most spacious and beautiful room in the manor.

The best things in the hands of the residents of the misty area are concentrated here, velvet tapestries, exquisite sculptures, lacquerware, a three-meter-wide bed, even if you sleep on it with a bear in your arms, it will not feel crowded.

It must be very comfortable to live in such a room, and this room now belongs to the owner of Destiny Manor - Mr. Eviscerate.

A human who made the Fog Zone crazy.

At this time, the human rich man was sitting behind a table with a glass of red wine in front of him, and a vampire maid stood behind him holding a wine bottle.

According to human aesthetics, this vampire should be very beautiful, with red eyes and red lips, with a strange beauty.

Kuka didn't know this vampire. Too many undead came one after another last night. They were Mr. Eviscerate's private soldiers and were responsible for the defense of Destiny Manor.However, the large number of low-level skeleton soldiers and ordinary undead heroes did not cause Mike to worry too much. They were not opponents of the craftsmen at all.

It's just that this vampire maid gave Kuka a very strong feeling. He felt that once a fight broke out, he would definitely not be the vampire's opponent.

She should have the strength to rival Mike.

When he walked into this room and saw the vampire maid, Kuka suddenly felt that things were not as simple as he imagined.

"Kuka, come in quickly, my friend, come and have a taste of the red wine I brought, this is something that even the Bishop of the Misty Area praises."

Hearing the shout, Kuka had no choice but to walk forward, and then he heard the sound of the door closing.

Then he saw a terrifying knight hero blocking the door.

when was he standing there?I didn't even notice his existence at all, this is definitely a very powerful hero.

Such a strong man, one pours wine for Mr. Eviscerate, and the other guards the door for him.

What kind of person are we calculating!Can I get out alive?
Kuka became very nervous. He looked back at the terrifying knight at the door, and then sat on the other side of the table sweating profusely.

The vampire maid put down a glass in front of Kuka and poured red wine into it. The color of the wine was so bright that Kuka even had the illusion that it was blood.

Kuka didn't touch the wine glass but asked, "Why did you ask me to come, sir?"

Da Liang raised his glass and said to Kuka: "You are the first friend I met in the foggy area, and you provided me with some help. This glass of wine is a toast to our friendship."

After all, Da Liang drank it in one sip, but Kuka still didn't touch the wine glass in front of him.

Da Liang smiled and said: "Drink it, if I want to kill you, you don't need to poison the wine, your head will fall off the moment you enter the door."

Kuka's face tightened, and he looked at the terrifying knight standing at the door again. He had a body that was not inferior to that of an ogre, and his heavy armor did not bring him the slightest burden.Ordinary terror knights all possess extraordinary force, not to mention this obviously a very high-level terror knight hero.

And the vampire next to him.

Kuka didn't doubt Da Liang's words, if the other party wanted to kill him, there was no need to waste such a good red wine.

If my brothers were all here I could still fight them, but now...

After thinking clearly, Kuka picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp.

The mellow liquid enters the stomach along the throat, but the aroma lingers between the mouth and nose, which is really a rare good wine.

Kuka took a deep breath and asked, "I've already drank the wine. What else can Mr. Eviscerate order? If not, I'll go back to work first."

The terrifying knight didn't move, and Da Liang wouldn't let Kuka leave easily.

"Kuka, don't be nervous. I'm still your friend. I asked you to come here to save your life and the lives of your brothers. Mike, Gus and Victor all want a lot from me Money, there is nothing wrong with liking gold coins, but it is a big mistake to think of me as a fool. I know that a very big conflict is about to break out between you, and many people will die in this battle, including you and your brother them.

I won't be sad how many people in the fog area die, except you.

When I came to the misty area on the first day, you tried your best to help me. I think you are very different from the people here, and you are loyal and responsible.

I didn't want to watch you die, so I invited you over.

Now you see the power I possess, and this is only part of it, my army is as great as my wealth.My money isn't that easy to come by, and whoever wins this fight, Mike, Gus, or Victor, will find all the sacrifices worthless.

Kuka, I value you very much, and I will give you a chance.

Serve me and you and your brother will live.If you really don't want to participate in the war, I won't force you, you can get an easier job, such as helping me train the army or train my heroes. "

Da Liang’s words caused Kuka to contemplate. The two heroes in the room brought him a lot of pressure. If this is really part of the strength of this rich human race, the battle between Mike, Gus and Victor is really a farce .

Kuka asked: "If I don't agree, am I going to die?"

Da Liang motioned Minia to pour another glass of red wine for Kuka, and then said, "I don't want to lie to you. That's right, when you walk into this room, you don't have a third choice. Loyalty to me, help me finish a After this thing, you can continue to live the life you want, and I promise not to force you to do anything you don't want to do. If you refuse me, I can only kill you, no one will doubt me, Mike will only think that you have suffered Get a sneak attack from Gus or Viktor, and then encourage your brothers to fight them."

Kuka stared at Da Liang and said, "You are so despicable..."

"Kuka, don't describe me as mean. If you stood in my position, what would you do? Remember, I didn't provoke you from the beginning, but you all regarded me as a fool with a lot of money The fat sheep. After all, you have to pay back when you come out to hang out. If you don’t make money by doing normal transactions, you must go to a dead end. I can give you a choice, and you should be grateful to me.

Don't waste my goodwill for you anymore, I have shown the greatest sincerity, if you are still stubborn, I have no choice but to kill you to silence you. "

After Da Liang finished speaking, the atmosphere in the room suddenly turned cold. Feeling the two staring eyes, Kuka knew that as long as he refused, he would really die.If he died, his brothers would definitely kill Gus at Mike's instigation.

"Okay, I'm willing to accept your employment." Kuka drank the red wine in front of him in one gulp, and his originally restrained momentum broke out, "And the adults don't need to arrange idle time for us. Since we have joined the army of the adults, we will Will do all the duties of a fighter."

(End of this chapter)

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