start an archangel

Chapter 396 Attack on Gus Manor

Chapter 396 Attack on Gus Manor
Kuka controls the overall situation of the battlefield. As soon as the Lich on the wall of the Gus Manor turned around and attacked Mike and Victor, he immediately ordered the army of skeleton soldiers outside the wall to advance, as if he wanted to take the opportunity to attack.

In order to prevent the skeleton soldiers from rushing in, Gus had no choice but to point the Lich's defensive side outside the wall again.

The advancing skeleton soldiers retreated immediately.

This is what Da Liang saw when he came from the church to the sky above Gus Manor.

Da Liang changed from the Silver Pegasus to the Frost Dragon Astro, and Minya transformed into a huge bat and flew beside him.

"When are we going to attack?"

Da Liang took a general look at the battle in Gus Manor. The whole manor had been affected beyond recognition, with burning flames and big pits everywhere.

Kuka said to Da Liang: "Gus knew the news of Mike and Victor's attack, and set up an ambush here. I mobilized the skeleton army to attract some of the defenders of Gus Manor, and shared part of the pressure for Mike and Victor.

Now that both of them have suffered heavy losses, if your lord wants to save Mike, you can launch an attack now. "

The news of the attack on the church in the misty area and the killing of the bishop probably has alarmed the Wugou Holy See, and the troops of the Wugou Holy See should have already marched towards the misty area.

The battle at Gus Manor is not suitable to continue to procrastinate.

Da Liang nodded and said, "Let's attack!"

Then Da Liang took out the "Meteor Fire Rain" scroll, and a cloud of fire gathered in the sky above Gus Manor.

Minia also returned to her human form. She floated in the air using the flying technique, and then pointed to the sky as well, and a thundercloud gathering lightning power formed next to the fire cloud.

A dragon roar pierced the black night sky.

There was another loud bang, and the gate of Gus Manor collapsed, and a burly black figure stood on the gate.

The fighting in Gus Manor stopped instantly.

Before they could figure out what happened, fire rain, meteorites mixed with lightning fell from the sky.

The magic washed the ground, and then three giant frost dragons swooped down from the sky, and the dragon's breath sprayed out, and all the vampires contaminated by the dragon's breath fell from the sky.

The heroes on the ground resisted the magic attack, and the three frost dragons flew along the courtyard wall, the breath of the dragon was sprayed for a long time, and there was not a single undead standing in its path.

"Did you see it?" Gus wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and shouted loudly at Victor: "I just said that we are surrounded, and all this is a conspiracy. Eviscerate is luring us to kill each other!"

Victor, who fought with Guts, was also seriously injured. His chest was cut with a long sword, and his flesh was turned out.

Seeing the skeleton soldiers rushing in from the courtyard wall and the courtyard gate, he regretted not listening to Gus just now.

"what should we do?"

Victor saw that there were less than a hundred villains around him, and all of them were injured.

Gus also suffered heavy losses. While calling the remaining terrorist knights and mercenaries, he shouted to Victor and Mike: "We must unite to make it out alive."

Mike said: "You resist the attack, I will remove the space restriction here first, and then open the portal."

"Hurry up," Gus and Victor, who were still desperately just now, stood side by side. The terrifying knight walking towards them made them feel great pressure, and a group of ogres followed him, "Damn it, yes Kuka's people, they have already taken refuge in Eviscerate. Mike, what happened to your people, first Hans is now Kuka..."

Mike was also deeply hit by the ogre that appeared, and at the same time, the betrayal of the people around him made him realize that he was indeed the same as Gus said, but he was a little clever and had no leadership ability.

Escape is the most important thing now, Mike didn't think about anything else, he quickly lifted the space restriction magic he set up.

At this time, three frost dragons landed in the manor, and two of them carried people on their backs. One was Kuka, and the other was the owner of Destiny Manor Eviscerate.

With the cooperation of the Frost Dragon and Jonathan, the army of skeleton soldiers rushed into the Gus Manor very smoothly, and surrounded the villains in the foggy area.Da Liang rode on Astro's back and said loudly: "Because Gus and Victor offended me at the banquet in Fate Manor, I will only kill them two today, and the others can survive as long as they don't resist. Mike , my housekeeper, I am very satisfied with your ability to manage Destiny Manor. I have never regarded you as an enemy. After this evening, the entire fog area is mine. Are you going to die with these two people, or assist me? Manage the city?"

Gus shouted loudly to Mike: "Mike don't listen to Eviscerate's words, he just wants to divide us so that we can all be killed, open the portal quickly, as long as we can escape, we can regain the foggy area .”

Mike became hesitant, he didn't know who he should listen to at this time?

At this time, Kuka said: "Mike, please believe what the adults say. When we arranged the entire battle plan, the adults told me to try to save your life. We were very harmonious with the adults at the beginning, if it weren't for Gus and Victor Blackmailing the adults at the banquet will not happen to the current situation.

Gus and Victor will be punished by the application, but you... are just involved in a moment of greed, and the adults have no intention of blaming you. "

Gus said worriedly: "Mike, Kuka betrayed you, he is lying to you, he is a liar, quickly open the portal!"

But Mike said: "Gus, I remember you just said that among our group, only Kuka can see the truth of the matter... This time I choose to believe him. I did not offend Mr. Eviscerate, you guys will be punished as it should be.”

After all, Mike flew up.

Gus and Victor wanted to stop them, but they were locked on by Jonathan's murderous intent and dared not move.

Mike flew into the air and stopped, and Minia fell behind him to prevent him from playing any tricks.

Seeing that the situation was over, the other villains also threw away their weapons one after another, and slowly moved away from Gus and Victor with their hands raised.

"Hey! You bastards, I gave you money... Will you survive like this? Idiots, you will all die, and Eviscerate will kill you all!"

Gus yelled angrily there, all the mercenaries he hired left him, only those undead soldiers still guarded him.

Victor's men also dropped their weapons and chose to surrender. In a short time, only the two of them and some undead were left in the encirclement of the skeleton soldiers.

Jonathan looked at Da Liang.

Da Liang waved his hand: "Kill it!"

(End of this chapter)

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