start an archangel

Chapter 397 Ruler of the Fog Area

Chapter 397 Ruler of the Fog Area

Da Liang, who had an absolute advantage in military strength and force, quickly ended the battle in Gus Manor.

The heads of Gus and Victor were chopped off and thrown on the streets of the Fog, reminding everyone here what it would be like to offend Mr. Eviscerate.

Everyone thought of the night of the banquet, when the generous Mr. Eviscerate brought fine wine and meat, and presented a grand ceremony that was more like a festival than a festival to the residents of the misty area.

Everything started so well until the arrival of Gus and Victor.

They seriously offended Mr. Eviscerate, and then he had his head chopped off by Mr. Eviscerate in just a few days.

No one sympathizes with Gus and Victor, who are blinded by greed.At the same time, the residents of the misty area also developed a sense of awe towards Da Liang, and they killed two villain leaders while talking and laughing.

In addition, the residents of the misty area also respect the owner of the Destiny Manor very much.

Because he kept his promise, he didn't kill anyone else except Gus and Victor.

In the battle of Gus Manor, those villains who can survive to the end are relatively powerful heroes. In the foggy area to fight against the Wugou Holy See, Da Liang must use these people to confuse the public.At least when the Wugou Holy See appoints a bishop to the church in the misty area in the future, he can kill his immediate boss in time and protect his rights in the misty area.

In this way, Da Liang couldn't even believe what he had gained overnight.

Start with an innocent church and a manor.

With the support of the army, the wizards, and the residents of the foggy area, Da Liang became the invisible ruler of the foggy area of ​​the City of Sighs in the Death Country.

And when Da Liang wanted to check what he had gained, an army of the Wugou Holy See entered the foggy area.

The leader of this army is Will, the head of the Innocent Holy See Knights.

Frank's identity is very sensitive. He is a traitor of the Wizards Guild. In addition to helping the Monarch of Sorrows eradicate the Wizards Guild branch of the City of Sighs, he also provided a lot of information about the Wizards Guild.Now that the seven death lords are cleaning up the wizard guilds in their respective cities, what Frank knows still has a major effect on the death lords.

At the same time, the Necromancer's Gate in Frank's hand is also something that the Sorrowful Monarch wants to obtain. It is a top-level alchemy product that even the Dead Monarch envies. It can easily summon an army composed of high-level undead, flooding everything like a tide enemy.

The Lord of Sorrow believes that if the Necromancer Gate is in his hands, it will play a better role.

However, Frank died less than ten days after taking office in the church in the misty area, which really caught the sad monarch by surprise.

Who killed Frank?Where is the gate of death?
In order to investigate these, the Sorrowful Lord sent his most powerful officer, Will, the head of the Holy See Knights of the City of Sighs.

And Will, of course, must first summon the Pope Eviscerate, the only surviving church in the foggy area, to understand the situation.

Most of the church in the misty area was destroyed in the night's battle, and only three of the original ten missionaries remained.

Will stood in front of a pile of rubble, and his black helmet made it difficult to see what mood he was in right now.

A missionary hurried over: "My lord, our lord pope is here."

Da Liang walked and thought about the words he had prepared long ago. Beside him was a group of terrifying knights standing neatly, and dozens of ghost dragons soared in the sky.

Walking in front of Will, Da Liang gave him a priestly salute and said, "The Pope of the Church in the Misty Area has seen Mr. Will."

After a brief silence, Will said: "I'm really surprised that the pope in the misty area is a human being. And...his records in the church in the misty area are also very strange. You haven't studied the doctrine of innocence. , Bishop Frank directly baptized you, and then quickly appointed you as the foreign affairs pope of the church in the misty area. Do you have anything to explain to me?"

Da Liang said: "This is easy to explain. His Excellency Bishop Frank invited me to the church, and then said that he needed 100 million gold coins to rebuild the church. I said yes, but I can't take out the gold coins for nothing. I am the lord of a cemetery territory , I wanted to obtain some territory construction blueprints through His Excellency Bishop Frank. As a result, His Excellency Frank said that the task of territory construction was issued by the Pope of Foreign Affairs, and then His Excellency Frank invited me to join the Holy See of Wugou and serve as the foreign affairs teacher of the church in the misty area. Zong."

At this point Will just wants to find Frank's body and chop it up.Every priest of the Wugou Holy See is an apostle of the God of Death walking in the world, possessing supreme glory, even the lowest missionaries must be the most devout believers of the God of Death.

And Frank, even regarded this priceless belief as a commodity. For 100 million gold coins, a foreign affairs pope was sold by him!
What a blasphemy against the god of death, Frank, the exile, has no awe of the god of death at all.

But... there is nothing to doubt the identity of the pope, a rich man of the human race.

Now it is important to investigate the cause of Frank's death. Will calmed down his anger and asked Daliang, "How did Bishop Frank die? Who killed him?"

"It's my fault," Da Liang's words made Will hold the handle of his knife, and he kept the posture of drawing the knife at any time to listen to the next thing.

"I came to the kingdom of death to be too ostentatious. I spent 10 gold coins to build a manor in the misty area, and invited all the residents of the misty area to have a sumptuous dinner. I originally wanted to express my goodwill , to make a good impression on the people here. As a result, some villains blackmailed me. They stole a lot of money from me, and forced me to hand over more money, and then I accidentally slipped my mouth and let They know that my papacy was bought for a million gold coins.

Later, I managed to escape from these villains and wanted to ask Bishop Frank to protect me.In the end, I didn't expect that these damn villains would dare to attack the church!They fought with Bishop Frank outside the church while I hid inside.

I don't know what happened next. After the battle outside, I ran away quietly.

This morning I just learned that His Excellency Bishop Frank was missing, and the villains in the misty area suffered heavy casualties because of the uneven distribution of spoils. "

The wizards killed Frank, and the residents of the foggy area were blamed.

This was originally Da Liang's plan from the beginning.

Anyway, there was indeed a serious conflict between the villains in the foggy area last night. Until now, there are still a large number of high-level magic intensively cast in the sky above the foggy area, causing magic shocks.

All indications indicated that Frank's death was just a normal murder of a bishop by residents of the foggy area.

(End of this chapter)

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