start an archangel

Chapter 508 The Messenger of Hell

Chapter 508 The Messenger of Hell

However, Da Liang could still feel that Abigail's relationship with him was not to curry favor with him. Little smile.

Da Liang couldn't figure out why Abigail suddenly talked to him. He replied: "There are too many things recently. If I have time in the future, I will definitely take Monica to Songjiang City to visit the Lord Marquis."

And Abigail seemed dissatisfied with Da Liang's perfunctory wording, she continued: "When the Earl held the wedding with Monica, due to the new defeat of the tribe and the immediate attack on Songjiang, the wedding was too shabby. It is very inappropriate for the status of an adult and the favor to my tribe. In order to express my apology, I have prepared a new dowry for Monica, and there is also a personal guard composed of shadow priestesses and dark cavalry, which is guaranteed to be in line with one The identity of the city lord's daughter."

Abigail's words caught the attention of the adults present. If she had just gotten closer to Daliang just now, she was bought by Chi Guoguo now.

What exactly does this black elf mistress want to do?
Although the Shadow Priestess and the Dark Cavalry are both very powerful units, Da Liang knew that his attitude would affect many people, so he did not express his attitude hastily, and still kept his distance from Abigail and said: "Thank you very much, Lord Marquis for your gift." , I think Monica will be very happy."

Abigail smiled and said, "When Monica has a more expensive status, you will be more grateful to me."

Da Liang couldn't figure out what Abigail was thinking.

Because of Abigail, the conference room has added some mysterious atmosphere.

After some time, Duke Joshua came in from the door.

Behind him is Holy Bella, and...


This guy actually dared to come to Shangjiang City!
Da Liang suddenly felt a murderous look emanating from Joyce beside him, and he hurriedly said, "Macauley is obviously an emissary sent by hell, the Holy Bella and Lord Duke are here, let's see why hell sent Macaulay here What to do."

Joyce was appeased, Shangjiang City was really too weak for Yunzhongcheng and Hell, and killing Macaulay would only give Hell an excuse to interfere with Shangjiang.

At the same time, Joyce also understood why the Holy Bella called the situation in Shangjiang a boring game. For Yunzhongcheng and Hell, which stood at the top of the world, Shangjiang City was really too insignificant.

But this is the city that Joyce wants to protect, no matter long as she dares to threaten this city, she will fight to the end.

Howard is not here now, Joshua is sitting on the main seat as the highest official of Shangjiang City, and Holy Bella and Macaulay are sitting on both sides of him.

Seeing that all the people attending the meeting were present, Joshua said, "I think all of you must have heard about His Majesty's disappearance..."

Joyce said at this time: "Yes, His Majesty is missing. He was attacked on the way of sending the Oath of Support, and the person who attacked him was Macaulay. Macaulay, I know you represent hell now, I challenge you personally, and after the meeting, I will kill you in a duel."

Macaulay smiled and replied: "I'm really sorry Miss Joyce, I admit that I am not your opponent. I am now the envoy sent by Lord Lucifer to Shangjiang City, and my duty does not allow me to agree to your private fight. If you dare If I use force, I will regard you as provoking hell."

Joyce didn't expect Macaulay to directly reject his challenge in total disregard of face, and even pulled the banner of hell to ignore himself at all.

Da Liang looked at the arrogant Macaulay very disliked, he said: "Macauley, don't think that we can't do anything to you if you go to hell. This is the main city of the human race, and the sky above the city is the projection of Cloud City .If Hell dares to attack us, Yunzhong City will not sit back and watch Shangjiang be taken over by Hell. So, even if we kill you, Hell may not avenge you, don’t you think so, Lord Bella.”

Everyone looked at Holy Bella, as Michael's holy right wing, she was far more important than Macaulay.

"Yes," the Holy Bella looked at Da Liang who was staring at her, and said, "I once said that I don't care who owns this city, except that it cannot belong to hell. If hell dares to send troops to directly attack Shang Jiangcheng is a provocation against Yunzhongcheng. Macaulay, pay attention to your attitude and words, if not for this delicate period, I will be the first to kill you."

Holy Bella expressed his position, and Macaulay immediately restrained himself. He said: "I admit that after His Majesty the King of the East China Sea entered the portal, I made a move. But we just want to invite His Majesty to hell to discuss together." Let's talk about how to capture the Lord Lord of Hell as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the Demon King of Envy interfered with my spell, and she took His Majesty away. I am deeply sorry for this.

At the same time, everyone should also be aware that if Ergus and Angela are allowed to lurk in Shangjiang City, similar incidents will happen again.

But the Holy Lord Bella seems to have no good way to capture the Lord Lord of Hell, so we ask from Hell to send troops into Shangjiang City. We can send more high-level fallen angels, who have the ability to search every corner here, and underground……"

Joshua, who has not spoken all the time, said at this moment: "No, I will absolutely not allow the army of hell to enter Shangjiang City. Macaulay, I agree to a truce with Jeju City, and the Shangjiang Fleet will return immediately. Now it is Shangjiang to deal with ourselves government time.

All city lords and adults.

Now everyone knows that His Majesty was taken away by the jealous devil Angela, and the news will soon be known to the public.What should I do next?Should we try our best to rescue His Majesty, or establish a new king? "

"I think we should establish a new king," said the lord of Baoshan City. "Neither Hell nor Yunzhong City can catch Angela, let alone find her. It is impossible to talk about rescuing Your Majesty. Shangjiang, who has experienced many disasters There is an urgent need for stability now, and if there is no king in Shangjiang to stabilize the people's hearts, there will likely be chaos in Shangjiang. I think we should fully elect a new king to lead us to continue to glory."

Following the Baoshan City Academy School, the Beast Clan in Fengxian City, the Marsh Clan in Nanhui City, and the Demon Clan in Qingpu City all expressed that they should elect a new king as soon as possible.

Joshua showed a smile on his face, and he asked Marquis Stanley, the lord of Jiading City, "Master Marquis, what is your opinion?"

Marquis Stanley replied frankly: "I listen to my brother, Earl Daliang."

(End of this chapter)

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