Chapter 509
Joshua, Bartlett, Joyce, and Daliang had already made an agreement.As long as the three of them don't insist on rescuing Howard, he can successfully get the support of all the city lords and important ministers, and successfully inherit the throne.

Joshua looked at Da Liang, and Da Liang stared at Joyce.

Now it was up to Joyce and Bartlett to decide.

If Howard can be saved, the two of them will definitely do their best to save him at all costs.If Howard is in the hands of the fallen angels, even if the army of hell enters Shangjiang City in exchange for their release of Howard, they will agree.

However, Howard was kidnapped by Angela.

Joyce and Bartlett encountered a problem. What should they do if they support Joshua as king and Angela puts Howard back?
Joyce fell into an ideological struggle, and Bartlett, who led the angel guards to guard the surroundings, was also in a dilemma.

But at this time, Abigail, who was deliberately ignored by Joshua, said: "I am more worried about Howard's disappearance than any of you. But as the city owners said, according to the current situation in Shangjiang City, whether it is external or Internally, we all need a king to bring people together. I agree to elect a new king to lead us."

The elves have a natural resistance to the black elves. Just now Joshua had no idea of ​​asking for Abigail's opinion. Although Abigail supported the selection of a new king this time, Joshua was still dissatisfied and said: " Marquis Abigail, please pay attention to your words. Now the King of the East China Sea is still our Majesty, and calling him by his name will damage your noble status."

Who would have thought that Abigail stood up directly: "Joshua, I know that you have been coveting the throne of the East China Sea King for a long time. You don't think that you can inherit the throne if you encourage a few city lords to support you? If The royal family really has no direct heirs, and you do have a chance to become king with the support of most city lords. But if Howard has children, he is the real heir to the throne."

Joshua said: "All of His Majesty's relatives were killed by William, and none of them survived. Since then, His Majesty has been busy with political affairs and has not yet married. Therefore, there is no direct royal family member in Shangjiang who can inherit the throne. Marquis Abigail, You wouldn’t just bring a child and say it’s His Majesty’s heir, would you? Isn’t it... It’s not up to you, the angels who are loyal to the royal family can easily identify the authenticity of the royal blood.”

Abigail smiled and said: "Of course I know that the royal blood cannot be faked, and I am very glad that the angels of the royal family can distinguish the authenticity of the royal blood. My lords, Howard has an heir here. If we need a new king, Should there be someone with real inheritance rights to take the position?"

Joshua frowned and said, "That's impossible. Your Majesty told me that all his children are dead."

Abigail said: "That's because Howard has a child that he doesn't even know. I wanted to surprise him, but this happened."

If Joshua doesn't know what Abigail is talking about by now, he doesn't deserve to be a genie who almost wears the crown.Joshua stared at Abigail's belly, he could feel a life growing inside.

"You said the child in your womb belongs to His Majesty?"

Abigail stroked her belly: "Yes, the child belongs to Howard, the only descendant of the royal family. Therefore, you don't need to bother to choose a king, because except for my child, anyone who dares to be king is a conspiracy." Reverse usurper."

The entire conference room was silent for a moment.

Da Liang didn't expect that things would have such a dramatic change. He finally understood why Abigail gave him a "wink" before the meeting started.It turned out that she had Howard's child, and she was a rare commodity to live in, but Songjiang City couldn't do it alone. She wanted her brother to support her!

In other words, when did Howard get Abigail, this guy looked upright, unexpectedly he was also an old driver.

And what status does brother belong to now?
Howard is the king of the East China Sea. If Abigail succeeds in ascending the throne, the mother is more expensive than her son. How can this mistress listen to politics behind the curtain.

Monica is Abigail's daughter, this is the princess!

Brother...not good, go back and coax Monica into remarrying, then brother will be the son-in-law.

wow ha ha ha...

Yes, definitely Abigail.Joshua is full of wings. If he takes the position, he will definitely suppress the human race first, especially Joyce, the old servants of the human race who are loyal to Howard.My brother robbed Joshua's mine and broke Joshua's affairs. This old elf has a very deep city, and he is friendly with him on the surface.If he is in power, he may not be able to tell what kind of shoes to wear for brother.

There are many benefits to supporting Abigail.The black elves in her Songjiang City belong to a new force, whether it is racial conflicts or political conflicts, they are not in line with Joshua's forces.If you want to gain a foothold in Shangjiang City, you must rely on the support of the non-Joshua family. Isn't the non-Joshua family just brother, Stanley, Joyce and Bartlett?

Abigail is pregnant with Howard's child, and Bartlett's angel guard should support her.Marquis Stanley listened to his brother, and he could influence Joyce's decision.No wonder, Abigail was anxious to find relatives with her brother, sending soldiers and money.

Da Liang stood up and broke the silence in the meeting room: "If the child in Madam Abigail's womb belongs to His Majesty, it is a descendant of the royal family. If we cannot save His Majesty and need to install a new king, as the royal family Directly under the earl, I hope that the one who sits on the throne is the royal blood to which I am loyal."

Marquis Stanley then stood up and said, "Jiading City is willing to support the royal blood as the new king of Shangjiang City."

When Abigail said that the child in her womb was Howard, Bartlett focused on realizing his involvement with the royal blood, and then he said: "The guardian angels of Shangjiang City are willing to continue to be loyal to the royal blood."

Joyce also stood up under Da Liang's signal: "Since Lord Bartlett has confirmed that the child in Marquis Abigail's womb is His Majesty's heir, then he is the only legal heir of Shangjiang City."

The sudden change made the four city owners of Baoshan City, Fengxian City, Nanhui City, and Qingpu City look at Joshua.

Although they have five cities, their strength is no longer what it used to be.The Shuntong Chamber of Commerce jointly established by Jiading City and Shangjiang City has begun to quickly accumulate wealth for these two cities, and the convenient transportation allows merchant ships docked at Shangjiang City to enter and leave quickly.

However, the economy of Chongming City is in a sharp decline.

Joshua really didn't expect that it would be so difficult to become a king. His ass was already on the throne, but he was dragged down by an unborn child.

But Joshua had no choice but to be recognized by the upper half of the power represented by Bartlett, Joyce, Da Liang, and Marquis Stanley. Even an illegitimate child without a status could become the orthodoxy of the royal family.

If Joshua doesn't want to go to war, he can only hold his nose and admit his bad luck.

Joshua said: "I don't know which is more important, the fate of a city or the legitimacy of a throne, but since you insist on handing over the throne to an unborn child, you are sending this city on a path full of shadows. It could be prosperity, or it could be death.

I will support your decision and support the orthodoxy of the royal family.

But I will resign as Prime Minister. It is a serious dereliction of duty for me not to protect Your Majesty.

I'm not feeling well. Can you send someone to Chongming City to tell me what resolution you have?
farewell. "

Joshua stood up and walked out of the conference room.

Abigail sat on the throne: "Duke Joshua has resigned from the position of Prime Minister. Before our new king is born and becomes an adult, someone needs to preside over the government affairs of Shangjiang City. I suggest that I be in charge as the queen." Shangjiang's political affairs."

At this time, the city lords and officials have not yet reacted to such a major political change.

Da Liang said, "Mistress Abigail. Who is the queen is a private matter of the royal family. We can support a king, but we cannot support a queen. If you want to be a queen, you need your majesty to hold a wedding ceremony with you. Or wait You will be canonized when the new king becomes an adult.

I think who will be the former Prime Minister to manage Shangjiang's government affairs is what we need to discuss now. "

(End of this chapter)

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