start an archangel

Chapter 517 Investing in the Pirate Business

Chapter 517 Investing in the Pirate Business
The current Da Liang is a serious local tyrant.

The 1.5 million gold coins earned by the Nihonkai live broadcast have just been deposited in Yingshi Virtual Bank, but Joyce needs 2 million gold coins, which is a bit big.

Da Liang looked at the gold coins he was carrying, and Xu Man ordered a ship to buy the blueprint of a brigantine warship, and gave Da Liang 300 million gold coins back and forth.With the remaining dividends from the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce last time, the previous ship armament transactions with Boss Jin and the acquisition of mission rewards, Da Liang originally had 300 million gold coins in cash.

Add in the 500 gold coins that are about to be taken from hell, and that's 1100 million gold.

There are still many missing.

It is not yet time for Shuntong Chamber of Commerce to pay dividends next time, and the pearl business in the fishing ground is not yet profitable, and all the money in hand cannot be invested in Joyce's robbery.

Brother's army still needs to be maintained, the Black Fire Fleet needs to be overhauled, new warships need to be built, the Black Fire Territory needs to be developed, and newly acquired territories need to be built.

Money is everywhere.

If Da Liang didn't have millions of gold coins in his hand, he would feel a little flustered.

Find a way to get some money, but if it doesn't work, you can only borrow money from Yingshi Virtual Bank.

After doing some calculations again, Da Liang felt that he should have no problem raising 2 million gold coins, so he said to Joyce with a pained face, " lord has to raise funds for me in Shangjiang City. As long as you support your lord to sail smoothly. With 2 million gold coins, I am willing to give out every copper coin I own, borrow every friend, and do my best to share your worries."

Joyce's most troublesome period has been solved, and he can carry out ocean-going robbery with all his strength just waiting for the Shangjiang fleet to return.She picked up the wine glass and touched the big show, and then said: "I have seen your loyalty to this city, and I have also seen that you have abilities that ordinary people do not have. I guarantee that all your efforts will be rewarded."

"Thank you, Lord Marquis."

Walking out of the Admiral's Mansion again, being blown by the cold wind, Da Liang felt that he had played too much, and was completely gambling with 2 million gold coins.

If she wins, Joyce will build Shangjiang City into the top main city in the entire game world. She will complete the unification of the entire Shangjiang area, and her status will be unshakable.As Joyce's sponsor and supporter, brother will have unimaginable wealth, here is one person under one person and above ten thousand people.

If he loses, even if Joyce can survive, his reputation will be ruined, and his brother will be greatly affected.

But since Joyce has been promised, there is no need to look forward and backward, and the 2 million gold coins must be collected as soon as possible.


First find a suitable place to use the land requisition order to build a first-level human territory.The fallen angels are waiting to enter the city, and the 500 gold can be collected.

As for where the territory is built?It must be built by the sea, and there is a convenient port for materials to enter and exit. Naturally, the construction of the territory will be fast, and you can also build your own merchant fleet in the future.Expansion of the wharf, relying on the relationship with Jiading City, let the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce come in, and the shipping, maritime merchants, and goods are parked and circulated to make money.

Of course, the Linhai Territory is also afraid of shelling and bombing from enemies at sea, just like what Da Liang did to the King of Fighters Territory in the Sea of ​​Japan.

But Daliang has a title in Shangjiang, and he is not an ordinary country noble who can't talk to the system army, but a real figure in Shangjiang City.

Not to mention whether the enemy has the ability to defeat the Judgment Fleet and Da Liang's own Territory Fleet.

That’s why I opened the door and let you have a try.

Guaranteed to be fun...

The territory was built near Shangjiang City, and Da Liang was not worried about being attacked by players at all.The address was chosen at the Judgment Legion's garrison, which was the best location around Shangjiang that Xu Man had carefully selected.The Judgment Corps is stationed in an open and flat terrain, so there is no need to worry about land use for the future development of the territory; the hydrological conditions of the port are good, suitable for large ships to dock.

That's it.

It was just when Da Liang was about to return to the Judgment Legion's garrison and establish the territory, he thought about it.

Hehehe... There is no need to borrow, the money that is lacking has been settled.

On the national channel of the Chinese game area, it has always been a place for Chinese local tyrants to show off their wealth.

When several local tyrants were spamming each other on the national channel, Da Liang suddenly appeared on the channel.

"Be quiet, be quiet, occupy the channel, I have something to announce."

At this time, Da Liang was very red and purple in the Chinese game area, everyone knew him, and he led his fleet across the Sea of ​​Japan as if he was swimming in his own bathtub.Bombarded the Japanese game area, destroyed the arrogant Iori Temple twice in a row, and slapped Tokugawa Nobunaga, who launched the East Asian naval battle, to flatter and seek peace, greatly boosting the prestige of the Chinese game area.

Not much to say.

If someone else dared to say that on the national frequency, the happy local tyrants who were talking about it would definitely go over together, but Da Liang... this face must be given.

There was a sudden silence on the national frequency.

Only then did Da Liang say.

"Thank you friends for wanting to. Hello friends in the China Game Zone, I am Da Liang, and I am here to announce something.

Just now, I got a land requisition order from the mission. Tomorrow at noon, I will hold a territory establishment ceremony at the Judgment Legion garrison.My territory has been open to all players since its establishment. Merchants who intend to place wall advertisements in my territory can negotiate with me after the ceremony; at the same time, I plan to build a player maritime business in the open space near the territory I will put the planning map on the Judgment Corps website before the ceremony. Friends who want to invest can go to the website in advance to learn about my vision for this player maritime market.

Thank you again for your support. "

As soon as Da Liang announced the news that he had acquired the territory, all kinds of private chat channels and mailboxes were immediately flooded.

Especially on the national channel, the screen is full of questions about how to place wall advertisements in the territory and how to invest in the player's maritime market.There are also those who worship, congratulate, dedicate themselves, and ask for support, which makes people dazzled.

The effect is very good.

Of course, Xu Man was the one who responded the fastest. She was discussing the truce with the representatives of the Japanese and Korean game area, and immediately asked after seeing Daliang gaining a territory.

"Don't sell the name of the territory. We are not like the Dragon Star Territory who lacked funds at the beginning. We use the momentum of the Judgment Legion to make a name for it. If there is any difficulty in the development of the territory, feel free to mention it to the alliance. You transport a batch of resources over there. Develop at full speed and don't stop for a moment..."

Dual territories are of great significance to the university alliance, which is equivalent to having two hearts. The cohesion of members and influence on the outside world are definitely not comparable to one territory.

Moreover, Da Liang's territory can be freely set up. In this way, the two territories of the University Alliance are located in the Shangjiang area. An elf leader and a human leader are the backbone of the good camp. It is invincible.

We must fully support and develop with all our strength.

Da Liang announced that he had obtained a territory, and Xu Man on the negotiating table became more confident.

(End of this chapter)

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